
Features of Apadent toothpastes

Features of Apadent toothpastes
  1. Description
  2. Variety of assortment
  3. Instructions for use
  4. Review overview

Correctly selected toothpaste is the key to healthy and beautiful teeth. Quality products are produced by the well-known Apadent brand, which delights customers with a huge range of useful and effective products. In this article we will tell you all about the features of Apadent pastes.


The assortment of branded toothpastes on store shelves is constantly updated with new positions. Thus, the well-known Japanese manufacturer Apadent produces high-quality products with which taking care of the health of the oral cavity is noticeably simplified and brings visible results.

Today, hydroxyapatite is a very popular component that is present in high-quality pastes. This element is most effective in combating tooth hypersensitivity. Because of this, many large manufacturers began to introduce it into the composition of both home and professional pastes in a special nano-form (nano-HAP). The products of the Japanese brand are no exception.

Such remedies begin their active action almost instantly - at the first contact with the teeth.

Nano-HAP by its structural features is very similar to the components that are part of the enamel crystal lattice. That is why during the cleaning process the necessary elements are practically built into it. Thus, the effect of a kind of filling is created.

A high-quality toothpaste from a Japanese manufacturer can literally penetrate microscopic cracks, damage to enamel that are present in teeth. In this way, the listed zones are filled with substances in the composition of the paste, and the crystallization process is stimulated.According to the brand representatives, nano-HAP does not undergo washing out, but remains directly in the tooth structure. Through this, the latter becomes more durable, resistant to external influences.

Variety of assortment

The well-known Japanese manufacturer Apadent produces a wide range of high-quality toothpastes. The brand provides customers with a choice of not only adults, but also children's products with different effects.

Let's take a closer look at some of the most popular Apadent toothpastes.

Total Care

This product belongs to the medical and prophylactic category. This paste contains a special medical nanohydroxyapatite, which makes teeth stronger and prevents the development of carious foci. Thanks to the Total Care brand product, the beauty and strength of the enamel is provided.

In the first stages, aimed at combating caries, the process is very effective and at high speed. This is due to the restoration of demineralized enamel. In addition, the considered option contains other effective components:

  • triterpenic acid is an antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory effects, promotes wound healing;

  • beta-glycyrrhizic acid - also serves as an anti-inflammatory substance, contributes to the narrowing of capillaries, eliminates the resulting puffiness, protects against periodontal disease;

  • cetylpyridinium chloride - significantly reduces the formation of plaque on the teeth.

There are no bleaches or abrasive ingredients in this paste. There are no fluorides here either.

Sangi Apadent Perio

This is a high quality toothpaste. It is ideal for those users who suffer from bleeding gums or sensitive teeth. This product does not contain fluoride. Wherein the paste can have a very beneficial antibacterial effect, which is important for maintaining oral health.

Sangi Apadent Perio is a remineralizing variety. Promotes rapid restoration of damaged enamel. Sold in pink and white packaging.

Apadent Kids

Excellent baby paste from a Japanese brand. It has a pleasant taste that is popular with young users. The newest development, nano-HAP, is used in the production of the Apadent Kids product.

Designed specifically for children, these quality products create the strongest and smoothest enamel possible. The product can serve as the most reliable protection against caries. In the early stages, the paste can eliminate it altogether.

The Apadent Kids product is very effective in removing plaque, as well as bacteria that accumulate in it.

With this paste, microscopic cracks and defects in children's enamel can be closed. Apadent Kids comes in a cute blue packaging.


A popular dentifrice from a Japanese manufacturer. Has a very pleasant citrus flavor. The product is ideal for gum care. It can be used for bleeding problems. Sensitive can also cope with increased sensitivity of teeth.

The paste has an antibacterial effect and can act as a remineralizer. Effectively strengthens tooth enamel. Approved for use during pregnancy and wearing orthodontic structures.

Instructions for use

The assortment of the Japanese manufacturer includes both homemade and professional pastes. So, products with the Pro prefix in their names are produced for further professional use. It's about the dentist's office. The use of such products is combined with oral hygiene (in combination); both procedures take about 30-60 minutes.

The process is carried out as follows:

  • surface anesthesia of the teeth is used (if necessary);

  • plaque and stone are removed by means of the Air Flow ultrasonic device;

  • the enamel is polished with a brush and paste without abrasives;

  • Apadent Pro is applied to the enamel, and then each of the teeth is brushed for about 15-20 seconds, so that the active substances better penetrate the tooth structure;

  • the paste is held on the teeth for 2-3 minutes, and then washed off.

The Japanese manufacturer also produces pastes for home use. They should be used in the same way as with the usual options.

It is recommended to brush your teeth with such pastes for at least 3-5 minutes.while making a careful sweeping motion that should be soft and not harsh.

Review overview

High-quality Japanese pastes from Apadent have a unique effect. They heal, protect and strengthen teeth. People who decided to test the effect of such modern products on their own experience leave various reviews about them.

Let's find out what attracted users the most about Apadent toothpastes:

  • the majority of users noted the high performance of Apadent branded products;

  • brand pastes are neatly and attractively packaged, which was noted by many users;

  • consumers are pleased with the rich assortment of branded pastes, in which you can choose not only a home, but also a professional position with a broader and more serious action;

  • according to buyers, the products of the Japanese manufacturer very well and efficiently remove plaque from the teeth;

  • pastes foam well - this is another plus, which is noted with great frequency;

  • people liked the fact that Apadent products are very easy to use, accompanied by instructions for use on the packaging;

  • many people have noticed that the toothpaste of a Japanese manufacturer perfectly whitens teeth, and also quickly copes with their high sensitivity;

  • there were a lot of responses in which users noted the excellent taste and aroma of Apadent products;

  • parents say their children really enjoy brushing their teeth with Apadent toothpastes;

  • The brand's product formulations are popular with most users.

In many reviews, users claim that Apadent brand products do not have a single drawback. However, this opinion is not universally accepted. There were enough negative responses about the different parameters of Japanese pastes. Let's consider them:

  • in one of the angry reviews, a person claims that Apadent paste does not have any advantages, does not remove caries, does not remove stones and does not demonstrate the declared effect, but it is very expensive;

  • some people, after using branded hygiene products, have a strong feeling of dry mouth, which causes noticeable discomfort;

  • there were also users who noticed that after using Apadent pastes, enamel sensitivity is impaired;

  • original products of the Japanese manufacturer are not sold in all retail outlets and are often counterfeited;

  • high cost is one of the most frequently mentioned drawbacks, which unpleasantly surprises many buyers;

  • the presence of lauryl sulfate in the composition did not suit some people.

Customers who are angry about the effects of Apadent pastes do not mention the condition of their teeth at the very beginning of using the branded products.

The fact is that the considered toothpastes are unlikely to be able to correct severely neglected situations. In this case, a visit to the dentist is indicated, since the use of restoring paste alone will not be enough here.

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