
Toothpastes "Asepta"

Asepta toothpastes
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Product range
  3. How to choose?
  4. Instructions for use
  5. Review overview

The health of your teeth and gums is directly dependent on regular and competent oral care. The most important aspect in the care system is the correct choice of toothpaste with good therapeutic and prophylactic properties. One of the largest domestic manufacturers, the Vertex company offers everyone who cares about the health of their teeth, a unique series of Asepta pastes. What are the features of this product? What pastes are in the assortment? How to choose the right paste of this brand?


Asepta is a well-known brand that produces highly effective products recommended for daily oral care. The range of products of this brand includes a number of adult and children's pastes, which include unique components that ensure gentle cleaning of teeth and a high level of prevention of dental diseases.

The composition of the pastes of the brand in question includes fine abrasives, which make teeth cleaning as effective as possible. Due to their microscopic size, abrasive particles do not damage the enamel surface. An important feature of Asepta toothpastes is that they do not contain any aggressive components, allergens and chemicals that negatively affect the microflora of the oral cavity.

Also, these products do not contain antiseptics, parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, which allows them to be used on an ongoing basis.

Asepta pastes contain unique ingredients of natural origin:

  • thermal mud;
  • propolis;
  • papain - an enzyme derived from the fruit of the papaya;
  • allantoin;
  • extracts of medicinal plants;
  • natural essential oils (lemon, fennel).

The pastes of the brand in question contain calcium lactate - an overactive component that helps to strengthen the crystal lattice of tooth enamel. Regular use of pastes containing this substance can significantly increase the strength of teeth and enhance their resistance to mechanical damage, acids and other aggressive substances. Another component used in the composition of Asepta brand pastes is xylitol... It is a natural sugar substitute that gives the paste a pleasant sweet taste and reduces the activity of bacteria that cause tooth decay.

Users note not only the high efficiency of Asept pastes, but also their following features:

  • viscous consistency;
  • economical consumption;
  • convenient packaging;
  • attractive design.

All Asept products are certified in accordance with established standards and requirements, and their effectiveness has been confirmed by the results of numerous scientific studies.

Product range

Asepta brand produces a wide range of products for daily oral care for children and adults. All products are presented in three series:

  • Parodontal;
  • Plus;
  • "Childhood".

The toothpastes presented in these series have unique composition and properties. For this reason, before buying, you should carefully read the ingredients that make up the product and the recommendations for its use.

"Coffee and tobacco"

Highly effective fluoride paste from the Plus series for fast and gentle removal of stubborn plaque. The product contains polishing particles that give enamel shine, as well as papain, aloe and calamus extracts, which strengthen the gums and neutralize unpleasant odor in the oral cavity. Lemon essential oil, which is part of the "Coffee and Tobacco" paste, promotes gentle teeth whitening.


Remineralizing toothpaste from the Plus series, gently whitens tooth enamel and restores its strength. Hydroxyapatite, which is an active component of the product, provides a strengthening effect, helps to eliminate damage to tooth enamel and restore its crystal lattice.

Auxiliary components of the paste are extracts of calendula and Eleutherococcus, papain and thermal mud.


Dental balm-paste with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action. The tool is recommended for the treatment and prevention of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. The active components of the product are metronidazole and chlorhexidine, which neutralize the activity of pathogenic bacteria, yeasts and dermatophytes.

"For gums with propolis"

Healing gel paste with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic effect. Propolis, which is part of the product, helps to eliminate inflammation, relieve pain and accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues of the gums and oral mucosa.


Fine abrasive treatment-and-prophylactic paste recommended for regular care of sensitive teeth and gums. The main active ingredients of the product are hydroxyapatite, which strengthens tooth enamel, papain, thermal mud and plant extracts. Clinical studies have shown that regular use of Sensitiv paste within a month can reduce the sensitivity of teeth and gums by 48%.

"Gentle whitening"

Fine-abrasive professional toothpaste recommended for delicate and effective teeth whitening. The main active component of the product is a unique enzymatic-mineral complex, which provides comprehensive cleaning of teeth and gums and prevents the formation of tartar.


An effective gel paste for the delicate care of the gums and baby teeth of children aged 0 to 3 years. The product does not contain fluoride, has a pleasant fruity taste and aroma, and is safe if accidentally swallowed. Fennel oil, which is part of the product, prevents gum inflammation, and chamomile and aloe extracts protect the oral mucosa from pathogenic microbes.

"Parodontol asset"

Fine abrasive paste recommended for regular oral care with bleeding gums. The basis of the product is a complex of plant extracts that reduce inflammation and suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. The other active ingredients of this product (pyrophosphates, xylitol and papain) prevent the formation of tartar, protect against caries and restore the natural whiteness of the enamel.


"Biocomplex Healthy gums" - highly effective paste, recommended for daily use in oral care. The basis of the product is a unique complex consisting of 7 active ingredients that strengthen and protect teeth and gums... One of the active components is allantoin, an antioxidant that improves blood microcirculation and metabolic processes in the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

KIDS 4-8 - fine abrasive paste intended for children aged 4 to 8 years. The product has a pleasant fruity taste and provides delicate and effective plaque removal. Calcium lactate, which is one of the components of the paste, helps to strengthen the enamel of milk and permanent children's teeth.

How to choose?

When choosing Asepta paste for daily use, it is required to take into account the condition of the teeth, gums and oral mucosa as a whole. In the absence of symptoms of dental diseases, it is worth giving preference to the strengthening paste "Biocomplex Healthy Gums". This tool will reliably protect teeth from caries, strengthen the gums and make them more resistant to microdamage.

With increased sensitivity of the teeth, dentists advise using the following pastes of the presented brand:

  • "Sensitive";
  • "Remineralization";
  • Biocomplex Healthy Gums.

To get rid of dark plaque caused by excessive consumption of coffee and / or smoking, as well as to prevent its reappearance, you should use a paste. "Coffee and tobacco"... No less effective will be the use of the Gentle Whitening paste, which will gently and delicately restore the original light color of the enamel.

With bleeding gums and inflammation of the oral mucosa, dentists advise using a fine abrasive paste "Asepta Active"... The extracts of calendula, chamomile and sage, which are part of this product, will help eliminate pain and inflammation, strengthen the fragile blood vessels of the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

When choosing Asepta baby paste, the age of the child should be taken into account. The brand's product range includes pastes for toddlers and adolescents.

In case of damage to the soft tissues of the oral cavity (for example, after surgery), it is recommended to use balm-paste "Adhesive". The active components that make up the basis of the product will help to reduce inflammation, reduce bleeding gums, and actively regenerate damaged tissues.

Instructions for use

Asepta pastes for adults and children are used as follows:

  • a small amount of the product is applied to a damp brush;
  • brush your teeth for 3 minutes with gentle circular motions, moving from the gum to the cutting edge of the tooth.

After the procedure, rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm water. Brushing your teeth must be done at least 2 times a day. In a slightly different way, gels and balm pastes are used to treat and prevent inflammatory diseases of the gums and oral cavity. After brushing your teeth, they should be applied to the gums and mucous membrane of the mouth with a dry cotton swab 2-3 times a day.After application, it is not allowed to take food and drinks for 30-90 minutes.

Asepta toothpastes are most effective when used in combination with other brand products. It includes:

  • rinses;
  • probiotic complex "Asepta Parodontal";
  • vitamin and mineral complex.

To achieve sustainable results, it is recommended to use Asept products on a regular basis.

Review overview

The high efficiency, reliability and safety of the products of the Asepta brand of the Vertex company are confirmed not only by numerous clinical studies, but also by positive feedback from both consumers themselves and dentists. Experts refer to the objective advantages of the pastes of the brand in question as an excellent result when they are regularly used for the treatment and prevention of dental diseases.... Users themselves note a general improvement in the condition of teeth and gums after a month of regular use of Asept products.

At the same time, a significant part of users notes the high effectiveness of the products in the treatment of bleeding gums and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (gingivitis, stomatitis).

According to children's dentists, Asept products for babies and adolescents are optimal for the daily care of milk and permanent teeth.... Children's pastes "Asepta", according to experts, provide reliable protection against caries, prevent inflammation in the oral cavity, strengthen fragile enamel, quickly and delicately remove plaque. Another important advantage of the pastes of the brand under consideration, both dentists and consumers consider an affordable price with an efficiency that is not inferior to expensive imported counterparts. Taken together, all of the above advantages determine the high positive ratings that characterize the products of the Asepta brand.

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