
All About Fluoride-Free Toothpastes

All About Fluoride-Free Toothpastes
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. List of popular toothpastes
  3. Secrets of choice

Few of us are informed about what is useful and harmful to fluoride in the composition of toothpaste, what effect it has on the body and human health. In modern stores, a wide range of products with replacing components are offered. Cleaning with them is no less effective, and this approach does not harm the oral cavity and teeth. So which paste should you choose and should you eliminate fluoride?

Advantages and disadvantages

We know from school that the human body needs fluoride to form and strengthen bone tissue and tooth enamel. Without fluoride, important biochemical reactions do not occur, and as a component of toothpaste, a microelement prevents the development of periodontal disease and caries. It also restores the microflora in the oral cavity.

Without going into details, the elimination of fluoride looks completely illogical. But the point is that excess of this trace element (≥ 20 mg) minimizes its beneficial properties... It turns into a toxic substance, provoking tooth fragility and the development of fluorosis (stains on the enamel). People who have problems with the function of the genitourinary system, diabetics and those who have other disorders in the functioning of the thyroid gland are at particular risk. The main source of danger is tap water. The norm for the amount of fluoride in water is 1 mg per liter. When this figure is exceeded, it is important to install cleaning systems.

In this case, teeth (especially sensitive ones) should be cleaned with a fluoride-free paste containing calcium. You need to carefully study the composition on the product packaging. Manufacturers replace calcium with pantothenic acid, lactate, glycerophosphate.Also, instead of calcium, synthetic hydroxyapatite or calcium citrate can be indicated. Basically, it doesn't really matter which one to choose. Toothpaste and calcium gel contribute to reliable protection against carious lesions. They prevent the likelihood of developing inflammation and periodontal disease. Beneficial formulations of herbal extracts contain enzymes that help to effectively get rid of plaque. Besides, the composition can be enriched with oils, all kinds of fragrances, mineral salts, mint extract can be added, etc.

Fluoride-free products are produced focusing on children, adults and persons with an increased threshold of enamel sensitivity, prone to periodontal disease, etc. Problems of excessive saturation of tap water with fluorine exist in many regions of Siberia and the Central Federal District. This is influenced by the natural features of the local soil and industrial waste from regional enterprises.

Fluoride in high concentration causes the development of bone tissue pathologies... The toxic effect of the trace element interferes with the normal absorption of iodine. Gradually, it accumulates in the thyroid gland and adversely affects the work of the cardiovascular, as well as the nervous system. Confirmation of this is in the evidence of modern scientists. An excess of a trace element and the constant use of fluorinated pastes contribute to its deposition in the body. To avoid this, dentists advise using fluoridated paste once a week. For residents of some Russian regions, where the level of fluoride in the water is overestimated, an analogue with calcium is recommended.

Fluoride compounds used in dental pastes can have both beneficial and opposite effects. A fluoride product can be harmful if used on babies who are just erupting the rudiments of their teeth. The concentration of fluoride in a small tube is considered critical and deadly for a child's body.

Fluorides are toxic, which allows them to successfully fight bacteria and pathological microorganisms. The trace element prevents the development of caries, but at the same time is aggressive for the dental coating, as it gradually destroys beneficial bacteria.

List of popular toothpastes

The first part of the "anti-fluorinated" rating is devoted to the adult category of people. Today's market is rich in fluorine-free formulation options - all that remains is to familiarize yourself with them and choose the right product.



Pasta originally from Italy, specially formulated for those living in areas with excessively fluoridated water. The composition helps to strengthen the enamel, resists the attack of bacteria, and reduces the sensitivity of the teeth. Active prevention of caries occurs thanks to the compounds of calcium and potassium salt, as well as xylitol, papain and natural plant extracts. This fluoride-free product is recommended for regular use.

However, it should be borne in mind that the potassium salt to a certain extent deprives the teeth of sensitivity, which is why you can miss the symptoms of the development of periodontal disease and teeth. The cost of a 100 ml paste is approximately 250 rubles.

SPLAT- "Biocalcium"

Country of origin - Russian Federation. The main feature of this "antifluoride" paste is that it is enriched with calcium lactate and hydroxyapatite. Useful components penetrate into the deep layers of tooth enamel thanks to ultrafine particles. They delicately carry out the whitening effect, restore the tooth membrane. The cost for 100 ml is in the range of 140 rubles.

SPLAT- "Maximum"

The main substance, as in the "biocalcium" of the brand, is calcium hydroxyapatite. Reconstructing microelement, supported by the enzymes papain and polydol, removes plaque and delicately whitens the tooth surface. For active tissue regeneration and relieving inflammation on the mucous membrane in the mouth, licorice extract is added to the paste. In addition, the paste contains zinc citrate, thereby masking unpleasant odors and resisting their further occurrence.Price for 100 ml - within 150 rubles.

Sunshine Brite

The American product contains a lot of useful components: natural sorbitol, silicon dioxide, sodium and calcium compounds, phytoextracts. Minerals are represented by plant components, including aloe, Icelandic moss, green tea, black elderberry, etc. The remedy is useful for both tooth enamel and gums. The peculiarity lies in natural ingredients that whiten, have a regenerating effect and gentle care. The cost of pasta, excluding shares, is in the range of 600–650 rubles.

ROCS for adults

In the active components of this domestic paste, calcium glycerophosphate is indicated for the strength of the enamel and xylitol, which protects it from caries damage. Rapid removal of plaque is carried out by the enzyme bromelain. Available in different flavors: mint, fruit and herbs. The cost is about 220 rubles.

Neobio with BioGamamelis and BioRosemary

Proven German quality. It is NaTrue certified to ensure safety for human use and for the environment. Well-made packaging and similar contents: free of parabens, fluoride, titanium dioxide, paraffin, petroleum products, silicones, artificial colors, gluten and animal products. A worthy member of the top list of the best, healthy toothpastes. For a package of 75 ml, you will have to pay in the range of 250-270 rubles.

"ASEPTA" Sensitive

A product of a domestic manufacturer with hydroxyapatite, papain, potassium citrate and other useful components for easy elimination of microbes, plaque and pigmentation from enamel.

But you need to use such a paste with caution - potassium citrate sometimes masks the symptoms of incipient caries and other problems in the periodontal area.

The cost of this product is quite affordable - around 120 rubles.

"Periodontol. Triple Action "

TM "Svoboda" offers a paste with a triple effect: it comprehensively protects against caries and tartar, inflammation of the mucous membrane, whitens and stabilizes the PH of the oral mucosa at the same time. It is especially recommended to use "Parodontol" in regions where the level of fluoride in running water is exceeded. The price for "Parodontol" is considered acceptable at 120–130 rubles. for 124 g.


Children's teeth require special care and delicate protection, therefore cleaning compositions are selected with utmost care. The enamel of milk teeth after eruption is poorly saturated with calcium, in other words, low-mineralized. The porous surface of the teeth is unstable against cariogenic bacteria, therefore, caries develops especially quickly on children's teeth. Fluoridated pastes can be a good protection of teeth from caries, but if you need a paste without fluoride, then it must contain calcium.

The right to be called the best calcium compounds in children's formulations belongs to calcium lactate, pantothenate and glycerophosphate (including synthetic hydroxyapatite). The second most important component of children's dental formulations is xylitol (xylitol), which neutralizes acid and is a derivative of cariogenic bacteria. Therefore, it has a powerful anti-carious effect.


Italian paste, ideal for babies from the first teeth to the age of three to four years. A distinctive feature of the pasta - refreshing raspberry flavor. The product strengthens the enamel and is a preventive measure against caries. In addition, the acid balance in the mouth is normalized. The paste itself is completely harmless if it gets into the mouth and stomach. Its advantage is considered to be a useful composition, and its disadvantage is its high price: only 30 ml will cost about 110 rubles.

Weleda Calendula Gel

A herbal remedy: based on calendula extract, with the addition of mint, algae, natural oils and refreshing additives. With the help of the gel, you can quickly and delicately remove plaque, soothe sore gums. The disadvantage of the gel is that it does not prevent tooth decay. And at a price of almost 300 rubles. for 50 ml, this can be considered an obvious disadvantage of this product.

The use of the gel is indicated alternately with a paste fortified with calcium. The advantages of the gel can be considered as anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action.

Disney Baby OJSC "Svoboda"

The pasta is produced in Russia in two flavors: with strawberry and banana flavor. Allowed from the first tooth, since it is non-allergenic and does not harm the body if swallowed inadvertently. Contains silicon dioxide, calcium gluconate, active xylitol, natural extracts of chamomile flowers and extracts from sage. Ensures an effective procedure for cleaning teeth and periodontium. Soothes gums as teeth grow. The bright packaging design with the favorite characters of the Disney studio is also successful. The cost starts from 90 rubles. for 62 ml.

SPLAT Juicy Set

The product is produced in Russia, focusing on children. This is a set of pastes that includes three products with different flavors: kiwi / strawberry, chocolate, peach. Calcium is added to the composition in an easily digestible formula, due to which the damaged coating of the teeth is actively restored. The components of the paste prevent stomatitis, caries, and various inflammations. Cost - from 240 rubles. for 3 tubes of 35 ml.

SPLAT Junior

Pasta for children aged 5+, has an unobtrusive pleasant taste. Safe if ingested. Active enzymes and vitamins are added to the cleaning formula to easily remove impurities and provide bacterial protection from early teeth. Calcium compounds form strong enamel. Important benefits of the remedy are protection against the development of stomatitis and a soothing anti-inflammatory effect. This moment is especially important for parents of babies who are just teething.

For the convenience of adults, each tube of paste comes with a finger cot with a brush for gentle cleaning of the first teeth. Cost - 150 rubles. for 50 ml.


Means for cleaning milk teeth. Almost all natural ingredients are included in the children's pasta. Low abrasiveness helps to gently clean the enamel without irritating the mucous membrane, making brushing your teeth a pleasant procedure. Calcium glycerophosphate is responsible for mineralization, and xylitol is the guardian of bacteria, stabilizing the microflora in the mouth. Pasta is sold for 200 rubles. (45 ml tube), which is comparable to buying Italian pasta.

ROCS baby "Scented chamomile"

The main part of this paste is chamomile extract, which actively protects the enamel. And thanks to seaweed, there is a calming effect on the gums. The abrasiveness index of this product is RDA 19. This means that the paste removes plaque delicately and accurately, eliminating acids and working against the appearance of caries. The product is designed for babies under the age of 3... Then the paste should be changed to the one designed for children 3+. The disadvantage lies in the absence of calcium in the composition, which means that the product only cleanses, and does not strengthen. Among the advantages, one can note a delicate taste and absolute harmlessness. For 45 ml of paste, you will have to pay about 170 rubles.

ROCS kids "Barberry"

The product was created in Russia specifically for the preschool age group (3+). The components are selected taking into account the structure of milk teeth and the vulnerability of their shell. Calcium glycerophosphate is a component that forms and strengthens enamel. Xylitol provides the desired PH level. The ingredients carry out gentle cleansing and act against caries, refresh the oral cavity, leaving behind an original barberry flavor. For this, children like the paste, although its cost is quite high: 45 ml costs about 200 rubles.

Secrets of choice

In order to choose the right toothpaste, it is better to see a dentist, especially when it comes to growing children's teeth. But if there is no possibility of consulting a specialist, you will have to look at the composition of the hygiene product.

The less artificial additives there are, the more beneficial it is for the mucous membrane and teeth. If you are allergic to any foods, it is better to opt for children's hypoallergenic paste.

Dentists advise different formulations for oral hygiene, which are selected based on the following factors:

  • the age category of the patient, the condition of the periodontium and teeth;
  • the level of fluoride in water that is drunk and used in everyday life;
  • a range of commercially available dental pastes;
  • specific problems to be solved by using the paste.
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