
Choosing a safe toothpaste

Choosing a safe toothpaste
  1. The safest composition
  2. Popular brands rating
  3. Nuances of choice

It is quite difficult to choose a toothpaste, because the health of the teeth and the entire oral cavity largely depends on it. Many people look only at the price, choosing what is cheaper. This approach is wrong, it is because of this attitude to choice that in most cases teeth, gums, and the entire human body as a whole, can suffer. We will talk about how to choose a toothpaste, the safest composition and other nuances of choice in our article.

The safest composition

Teeth, or rather their upper layer, are especially attacked by microbes. Under the influence of certain chemical compounds, it can easily begin to break down. In addition, damage to the gums can occur due to inadequate amounts of nutrients. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to the composition of the paste. Some of its ingredients can cause great harm to both teeth and the soft tissues around them.

First of all, pay attention to the presence of a substance such as sodium lauryl sulfate in the paste. In most cases, this component is used in the manufacture of detergents, as it contributes to the formation of foam. This toothpaste should be used with caution, because lauryl sulfate forms oxides and nitrates due to various chemical reactions and transformations. They, having settled deep in the body, are capable of causing various unpleasant sensations, such as itching and burning.

Pay attention to such a component in the composition of the paste as propylene glycol. It is often used in industrial plants as an antifreeze. This substance is capable of settling, gradually accumulating in the area of ​​the liver and kidneys, subsequently causing allergies.

Don't overlook a substance like triclosan.It is an antibiotic and destroys harmful microbes.

It is allowed to use a paste with this component in the composition only on the recommendation of a doctor and under his further supervision on an outpatient basis, since triclosan does not in the best way affect the performance of digestion, lungs and kidneys, it can also disrupt the functioning of the brain.

Next on the list of harmful substances is paraben. It is the preservative most often used to prolong the life of foods by increasing their shelf life. Paraben is capable of causing the appearance and further development of malignant tumors.

It is also worth mentioning about polyphosphates. This component is often used in the manufacture of washing powder, as it helps soften water. However, if it enters the oral cavity, it can cause inflammation of the mucous membrane, as well as dramatically increase cholesterol levels.

Oddly enough, fluorine also belongs to the list of harmful substances. Of course, this is a component necessary for the health of tooth enamel, however, it is recommended to use toothpastes that contain it only on the recommendation of a competent dentist. This substance can bring not only benefits to your teeth, but also great harm. So, it can contribute to the darkening of the chewing organs, and also cause the development of a disease such as fluorosis.

At times, all of the above substances in toothpastes are essential for complete dental treatment. But, as mentioned above, you do not need to use such pastes every day and only on the recommendation of a competent specialist.

As for choosing a good paste that will not harm either your teeth or your body, it is much easier than it might seem.

So, the main basis of absolutely any toothpaste is such components as water, abrasive, moisturizer and various additives.

Water, of course, is an important component, let's deal with the abrasive. Sometimes completely unnecessary elements act in its role. Usually it is small grains that are added for mechanical cleaning of the tooth surface, however, the hardness of these grains is sometimes not taken into account in relation to the enamel of the teeth. Most often, a substance such as calcium carbonate acts as an abrasive in toothpaste.

However, aluminum oxide sometimes acts as an abrasive. It is worth knowing that with frequent use of toothpaste, this component can have a negative effect on human health, cause inflammation of the oral cavity, and also contribute to the formation of various ulcers and tumors. In some countries, the alumina compound is prohibited for use for the above reasons.

The most favorable option in the composition of the paste will be a compound of silicon oxide.

This substance is able to remove plaque most gently, gently and at the same time without any negative consequences for a person and his body.

As for the moisturizer in the composition of the paste, it is he who contributes to its easy application to the toothbrush... Because of it, it has a creamy texture. You hardly need to worry about it. If earlier manufacturers used rather harmful propylene glycol in their production, now they have switched to glycerin and sorbitol, which is safe for the body.

The last component is also important in toothpaste - various extracts or additives. Preference should be given only to natural ones, since they are the safest for a person and his body.

Popular brands rating

Consider which companies make safe toothpastes.


This Italian brand is deservedly the first in our rating. The toothpaste from this manufacturer is safe for teeth, in addition, it has an almost completely natural composition. She is able to clean the teeth as delicately as possible, while not causing irritation of the mucous membrane at all.


The manufacturer of this toothpaste is Great Britain.It is quite in demand among experts, it is among the best tools both in terms of efficiency and speed of action. This paste helps to prevent gum inflammation and also helps to provide quality oral prophylaxis. Brushing your teeth with it will be effective, you can use it from the age of 12. The downside is the presence of synthetic components in its composition, as well as a large number of fakes.


Another fairly common manufacturer of natural cosmetics and medicines, including toothpastes. Their composition is completely safe and completely natural. In general, this is a high-quality product, the only disadvantage of which can be a rather high price.


Another popular brand of toothpaste. Moreover, his popularity is well deserved. The composition of these pastes is generally safe for dental health. Besides, the advantages include the fact that the paste has a large tube, is able to clean the teeth well, while there is absolutely no discomfort during cleaning. Another advantage of this product for the consumer is its price.


This manufacturer is famous for the natural composition of its cosmetics, which includes toothpaste. The advantage of the paste of this brand, in addition to the composition, is a rather large tube. The product does not contain hazardous fluoride, it is completely safe for teeth and, moreover, helps to maintain fresh breath for a fairly long time. Only the price of this product for teeth can alienate a potential buyer.

R. O. C. S.

This is a Russian manufacturer of toothpaste. Its composition is also not bad. It includes calcium glycerophosphate, which affects the strength of the enamel, xylitol, which protects the oral cavity from caries, and bromelain, an enzyme that helps to quickly eliminate plaque. Besides, the composition of the product includes various flavors: mint, fruit, herbal, and various others - it remains to choose according to your taste.

President unique

This is a renowned Italian manufacturer, whose products are also recommended by experts. Among the properties of this paste are enamel strengthening, protection from the negative effects of harmful bacteria, as well as reducing high sensitivity.

The President toothpaste contains a calcium compound, potassium salt, papain, as well as various plant elements.

This product is allowed to be used on a daily basis. However, the pasta has one drawback that you should definitely keep in mind. Due to the presence of potassium salt in the composition, which helps to block sensitivity, you may not notice symptoms that indicate certain dental diseases.

Oral-B Original

Another toothpaste that you can see on the shelves of our stores very often. It contains such components that help to strengthen the upper layer of the teeth, which is called dentin. The sensitivity of the teeth and gums usually decreases after constant brushing with such a paste.


No less popular paste, which often appears in advertisements. It contains components such as sodium fluoride and potassium nitrate. Most dentists recommend this product. In general, it really has a lot of advantages for a potential buyer, one of which is the price.

Nuances of choice

As already mentioned, the choice of toothpaste is a responsible and rather difficult matter, because the health of your body as a whole largely depends on it.

When choosing a toothpaste, first of all, you must pay attention to its composition and the presence of harmful components in it. It is worth mentioning that it is best to buy toothpaste at a pharmacy.

Let's also note that you shouldn't get too hung up on the price. Saving and buying low-quality toothpaste can lead to even more waste and problems with teeth, gums and more.

Given the cost of today's dentists, saving on toothpaste can be quite costly later on.Therefore, we still have quality in the first place.

Also, be sure to pay attention to the classification of toothpastes. To do this, you need to know exactly at least the state of the tooth enamel.

So, they allocate a hygienic paste, which is suitable for daily use for those who have absolutely no problems with the health of the teeth and oral cavity in general.

Anti-carious pastes are suitable for those who have suffered from caries for a long time. This toothpaste will help block further enamel degradation.

Whitening toothpaste is recommended for those people who need to remove old plaque. However, it should be noted that this paste is definitely not suitable for owners of teeth with increased sensitivity.

Pastes are also distinguished for bleeding gums. High-quality toothpaste can promote wound healing, as well as have an anti-inflammatory effect. With the right choice, you will be happy with the result and a completely healthy oral cavity.

It should also be said about children's toothpastes. They have a gentle effect, and they should preferably contain silicon, as well as dicalcium phosphate.

It is worth remembering that children under 3 years old should not use toothpastes that contain fluoride.

In general, we have covered the main aspects of choosing a safe toothpaste. And if you nevertheless decide to use a product that contains this or that harmful component, then be sure to consult with a specialist, otherwise the consequences of this for you and your body may be far from happy.

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