
Brushing your teeth with salt

Brushing your teeth with salt
  1. Benefit and harm
  2. How often can you brush your teeth?
  3. Cleaning methods

Almost every modern person is concerned about the health of their own teeth, because for those around them, a beautiful and healthy smile is an important factor in success. For a healthy appearance and condition of teeth, first of all, you need to properly and constantly look after them. What then is the best way to brush your teeth?

It is well known to ordinary people that the usual cleaning is carried out with ordinary toothpaste or special powder. But after all, you can always use an alternative method that will qualitatively strengthen not entirely healthy enamel, gums, soft tissues - this is a neat brushing of your teeth with such a popular tool as salt.

Benefit and harm

Salt is a very valuable food, but it should be used in moderation in any application. It is very rich in all kinds of minerals that regulate the water balance in our body. Salt extracted from the sea, by the way, has a strong laxative effect, that is, on the one hand, it will improve digestion, and on the other, it can give you many unpleasant minutes. Salt can easily penetrate deep into the gum tissue, effectively removes existing inflammation, kills all harmful microorganisms, and has a positive effect on the teeth.

If used correctly, it will not cause any harm even to the child's body, it has no contraindications or side effects. This natural remedy will effectively fight fairly serious dental problems such as periodontal disease and tooth decay. The usual salt costs a penny and is considered a product carefully donated to us by nature.

Even in ancient times, people began to actively use salt not only in food, but also for teeth - first, in order to quickly get rid of toothache.In the Middle Ages, it was known that this product effectively removes even a serious plaque, completely removes bad breath. Old plaque on teeth will almost disappear due to the cleaning abrasive particles.

Full dental care will be carried out with various useful elements, and this composition is very rich in them. The abrasive characteristics of the salt will also help whiten darkened teeth for a more beautiful smile. And it is also necessary to note the complete absence of allergies to the use of this composition, because it is natural. Salt becomes harmful and dangerous when the consumer does not know and therefore cannot properly observe the technology for cleaning teeth. For example, applying strong pressure to the brush while brushing will irritate the gum tissue and cause sores.

It is strictly forbidden to use salt for cleaning your teeth every day for a long period of time. If you brush your teeth with force, the tooth enamel will very quickly become thinner under the influence of large salt particles. But for the most part, salt is healthy.

How often can you brush your teeth?

Any dentist will not be enthusiastic about the idea of ​​using only salt to clean both problem and healthy teeth. Ideally, it is best to alternate with your usual toothpaste. You can use such a schedule - for example, brushing with salt for a day, and using a paste for the next 2 days. With this approach, indeed, you can forget about diseases in the oral cavity for a long time. No one will be able to give an exact answer to the question of whether, in general, there will be any benefit from everyday cleaning with salt. Everything will depend on the individual characteristics, the hardness of the tooth enamel and the condition of the gum tissue.

Cleaning methods

For the first time, brushing with salt should be done with your tongue and fingers. First, you should wash your hands well, then a small spoonful of the product is taken into your mouth, placed under the tongue, the waiting time is only 5-10 seconds. Feeling how the grains of salt gradually dissolve in saliva, you can start rubbing your teeth with your tongue from 2 sides, and at the end of the whole procedure, rub your teeth with your fingertips and gently massage your gums with them. In no case should you put pressure on the teeth and make excessive efforts in this procedure. For a proper massage, 2-3 minutes will be enough. Then the mouth is rinsed with warm water.

After only 3-4 cleanings, you will get used to the taste of salt, and it will cease to annoy you. After 2-3 weeks, you can start using the brush. A thick, pasty saline solution is made. A brush is dipped into it - and you can slowly brush your teeth. You can mix the salt solution with regular paste. We clean with gentle vertical movements so that the enamel is not injured. First, the inside is cleaned for 10 seconds, after - 10 seconds for the outside. The last thing to do is to clean your gums. Salted water for rinsing the mouth will be effective in the fight against plaque and calculus. It is necessary to completely dissolve a spoonful of salt in water, and rinse the mouth with the resulting solution for 1-2 minutes.

If this procedure is carried out a couple of times a week, the enamel will begin to whiten. It is worth using cooking and seafood as time-tested preventive products. Even children are allowed to rinse their mouths with lightly salted water. But if you have significant dental or gum problems, visit your dentist before rinsing. Few ordinary people are aware that if you add a little bit of colored clay to the usual table salt, then you can refuse the services of a dentist for a long time.

In addition, natural clay is very useful with valuable elements that, when brushing, will have a positive effect on teeth and gums.

For permanent cleaning, you can choose white, bluish or even pink clay. In combination with salt, this natural ingredient shows incredible results.Clay + salt = massage of teeth and gums, and it is also an inexpensive prophylactic agent against tooth decay and other unpleasant diseases.

In addition to multi-colored clay, you can safely add other components to salt for better cleaning.

  • Salt and soda are mixed in equal parts. To this mixture is added a drop of any essential oil - preferably a clove or orange. This oil qualitatively disinfects the oral cavity and effectively strengthens problem teeth.
  • Sea salt mixed with banana peel powder, pine extract and olive oil will perfectly clean your teeth, disinfect them, remove stones from your teeth, and strengthen the roots.
  • From green eucalyptus leaves, a mixture of soda and salt, essential oils, you can independently make a paste that protects against plaque and tartar.
  • A mixture of salt and eggplant pulp will strengthen weak gums.
  • A mixture of food grade clay, salt and red pepper pod will improve blood circulation in the mouth. It will be a good prevention of dental diseases.

The use of various additives will significantly improve the appearance and health of your teeth and enhance the whitening effect. Many ordinary people choose not ordinary, namely sea salt, since it is much more useful. Sea salt with many additives will enhance the antibacterial effect and have an overall strengthening effect on the entire oral cavity. In this case, sea salt is used in much the same way as traditional. By the way, it is much more often added to water for rinsing the mouth - the effect is more visual and faster.

As a result, we can conclude that the beneficial characteristics of ordinary salt help to strengthen the teeth, clean them, and whiten them with high quality. Natural supplements will enhance its beneficial properties and have a beneficial effect on teeth.

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