
All about Colgate children's toothpaste

All about Colgate children's toothpaste
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Range
  3. Selection criteria

You can only tell everything about Colgate children's toothpaste in a large scientific study. Colgate-Palmolive products have enjoyed well-deserved recognition and consumer demand for more than two centuries, and the systematic expansion of the range and scientific development have led to its distribution in more than 200 countries around the world. From more than 20 types of Colgate pastes, there are several series that are in particular demand. The children's line is one of the most demanded.


Marketers noted a pattern in the constant demand for trade lines from a well-known manufacturer, despite the rather rare presence of products in various ratings. This is due to the peculiarities of the composition, democratic cost and variability of proposals for any age, condition of teeth and gums.

Pastes, which are positioned as medicinal, can be used for preventive action.

The line of products for early and school children is developed taking into account the structural features of tooth enamel in these age categories, its subtlety and susceptibility to caries... An invariably pleasant aftertaste, a charming fresh aftertaste after brushing, the absence of abundant foam, a mild effect - these are the key features that distinguish Colgate children's toothpaste. There are other, equally useful features of Colgate-Palmolive products for children.

  1. Daily use thanks to additives, which at the same time prevent the development of painful processes on the thin enamel of milk teeth and strengthen the gums.

  2. Presence active substances makes it sufficient to use it twice (in the morning and in the evening) to eliminate pathogenic bacteria not only on the teeth, but also in the entire oral cavity.This action allows for fresh breath in both babies and adults.

  3. Children's pastes from the manufacturer have variable compositionbut differ gentle, soft effect on milk tooth enamel... However, the paste for the older categories ensures plaque-free and hygiene of the gums and tongue.

  4. Age restrictions are explained not only by the active ingredients, but also by the variety of pleasant tastes. The fragrances were used according to the recommendations of sociologists, who revealed the most common taste preferences at different ages.

  5. Parental feedback indicates the best result, a favorable attitude of the child to the agent used and an excellent ratio of high quality and reasonable, adequate cost. The latter quality is rarely found in the winners of numerous ratings from internet marketers.

Children's toothpastes have their own pleasant features that help to make tooth brushing hassle-free for the smallest. Some of them - colored stars, pleasant tastes, calendars - were developed with the help of child psychologists and are invariably effective in achieving this goal.

It is especially gratifying that all types of useful products for children are allowed for regular use.


An extensive list of developments for children from a well-known company opens series "Doctor hare", which, thanks to the design of the packaging, is associated with the characters of the popular cartoon among kids. This category comes in 2 types, although it is sometimes referred to as a gum-flavored paste. In fact, the pink version of the gel paste with a distinct strawberry flavor, while the blue one is really associated with strawberries in babies. The main complaints about this series are that it is produced with fluoride.

This substance in the contents of the tube is only 2%. According to dentists, such an amount cannot contribute to abundant foaming during cleaning, and it can only have harmful effects on the child's body if the child swallows the water formed during cleaning or eats the gel from the tube because of its pleasant taste.

Here you should remember the immutable rule on the mandatory presence of an adult when brushing teeth by a child under 6 years of age. Contraindications to the use of a popular remedy are found only in children with metabolic pathologies, the result of which is an excess of fluoride in the body.

The composition of even the most expensive and advertised children's toothpaste can be dangerous for a child prone to developing allergic reactions or individual insensitivity to one of the ingredients. But monitoring individual contraindications is already the responsibility of the parents.

Elmex is another popular line for children developed by Colgate-Palmolive... A funny mouse is drawn on the box, and the plastic bottle can be placed on a large lid to avoid problems with squeezing out the snow-white contents. Aminofluoride is used to prevent demineralization of the protective thin layer and to prevent tooth decay, which is so common in childhood.

The product is designed for two age categories: up to 6 years old - Colgate Elmex Kids, from 6 years old and up to 12 years old - Colgate Elmex Junior. In the positive properties, a distinct mint flavor, a pleasant smell, intensive restoration of enamel and productive cleansing of the oral cavity are noted. It is used for treatment and prevention, plaque removal and a prolonged fresh effect after use. Parents like not only a reasonable combination of excellent quality and perfectly adequate cost, but also economical use thanks to packaging.

The studies conducted did not reveal any obvious side effects or general contraindications.

Colgate Barbie and Spider-Man, designed for girls and boys over 6, are infused with antibacterial moisturizers. The contents of the tube contain stars of different colors to make the procedure attractive to the baby. Pleasant fruity taste.

More recently, the following appeared on supermarket shelves:

  • Colgate 0-2 Delicate Fruit, no added fluoride;

  • Colgate 3-5 Children's Strawberry, with fluoride;

  • Colgate 6-9 Strawberry Mint Fluoride;

  • Colgate 3-5 Gentle Mint, no added fluoride.

Additional bonuses from the manufacturer - a brochure with a calendar and some materials for the baby, no preservatives and dyes, gluten and sugar, abrasives with aggressive action. For children who have overstepped the specified age, there are other suggestions - for example, "Altai herbs" and other products recommended from 12 to 14 years old.

Selection criteria

The main requirements of parents for choosing the right product for a child are age criteria. This is what marketers and manufacturers take care of. Each sample of excellent products is sure to indicate the age range. Because they determine the condition of the teeth, their germination, the coming change and the germination of molars. Particular attention should be paid to the presence or absence of fluoride in the presence of individual, often negative, features of the baby's health.

The manufacturer has different proposals, and if in one case the additive helps to strengthen the enamel, then in the other it may turn out to be undesirable due to contraindications or immunity to the components.

Colgate-Palmolive Products always safe, beautifully designed, designed for heightened children's attention - with drawings of animals and cartoon characters. Periodically there are promotions with discounts, additional items, useful accessories are added. All this speaks of the desire to acquire new customers, to win their recognition. Particular attention should be paid to the child's taste preferences - a pleasant taste will facilitate accustoming to the necessary procedure, deliver positive emotions and consolidate stable associations.

In the future, this will serve to create a stable stereotype, and therefore potential dental health.

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