
Biorepair children's toothpaste

Biorepair children's toothpaste
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Varieties
  3. Review overview

Caries is present in 98% of the population. It begins to develop due to poor oral hygiene. The World Health Organization recommends brushing your teeth 2 times a day for 2 minutes. But, unfortunately, not all people adhere to this rule. Many neglect the cleaning of milk teeth, but the health of permanent teeth depends on the condition of the milk teeth. You need to start brushing your teeth as soon as the very first one erupts, and before that it is necessary to cleanse the oral cavity from soft plaque, normalizing the microflora.

The market for modern toothpastes is represented by a huge selection for children and adults of all ages. The funds differ among themselves in the degree of active substances. In this case, the Biorepair children's toothpaste will be considered.

Advantages and disadvantages

The manufacturer of Biorepair toothpaste is an Italian company that has developed an innovative anti-caries formula in collaboration with dentists. Active particles gently affect dentin and enamel, preserving whiteness. The main direction of toothpaste is thorough teeth whitening.

Biorepair contains an active complex containing substances synthesized by innovative technologies. The advantage is the crystalline composition, which is similar in composition to the hard tissues of human teeth. Enamel is strengthened by replacing ions in the tooth tissues with more active microRepair particles.

With proper hygienic oral care, the effect will not keep you waiting long. The work of microRepair particles is associated with the formation of an ionic layer, from which ions enter the depth of the enamel through microcracks.

A process of remineralization takes place, as a result of which children's teeth become stronger.

The positive qualities of Biorepair children's toothpaste include:

  • decreased sensitivity of tooth enamel;
  • the formation of a protective anti-carious film;
  • high-quality composition, which does not contain abrasive substances, antiseptics, chemical substitutes for taste, aggressive foaming components, parabens.

Not without drawbacks:

  • sales are not carried out in every supermarket;
  • the products are not suitable for regions with a high fluoride content in water.


Biorepair children's toothpastes are aimed at improving oral hygiene and protecting against caries, from the moment the first tooth erupts until the formation of a permanent bite. The manufacturer presents the children's line Kids "Cheerful little mouse" (from milk to permanent teeth), which is presented in three different flavors. When changing the milk bite, dentists recommend using the Junior line of toothpastes (due to additional ions).

For children aged 0 to 6 years, Biorepair Kids peach-flavored toothpaste is recommended. Perfectly cleans tooth enamel from soft plaque and has a remineralizing effect. There is a minimum amount of fluoride in the composition, so the paste is safe if swallowed. Ingredients are selected according to age.

Natural peach extract contains vitamins C, E, group B and vital elements - magnesium, phosphorus, calcium. Together, these elements contribute to active protection against caries, prevention of diseases of the oral mucosa. The pleasant taste makes children want to brush their teeth several times a day.

The volume of the tube is 50 ml, it is enough to use it for several months, counting on one child.

The second flavor of the line is grapes. The composition differs only in flavoring components. Grape seed oil is a storehouse of nutrients. The components contribute to the normalization of the acid-base balance in the oral cavity, normalize the microflora of the oral cavity, have an anti-carious effect, anti-inflammatory, antifungal effect. Thanks to the absorbent substances, the pleasant smell of the oral cavity is retained for a long time. Biorepair Kids grape-flavored toothpaste is available in 50 ml tubes.

The third option is strawberry flavor. The most widespread and favorite taste among children from 0 to 6 years old. The paste helps to protect and strengthen the enamel, protect the gums, and has an analgesic effect. Suitable for children with a high risk of developing caries, since the composition contains substances that accelerate the penetration of calcium ions into the enamel. On store shelves, toothpaste is sold in a volume of 50 ml.

For children in the period of bite change, pediatric dentists recommend using Biorepair Junior toothpaste. Suitable for children from 7 to 14 years old. The components of the paste perfectly remove soft plaque from milk and permanent teeth. The formula is aimed at fighting microbes that cause tooth decay and diseases of the oral mucosa. Natural whitening is achieved thanks to mild abrasive substances that do not destroy the enamel structure.

Mint-flavored toothpaste is popular with children and adolescents. Due to its popularity among orthodontists, it is prescribed for orthodontic treatment, since active particles penetrate into inaccessible parts. Provides a long-term effect of maintaining a fresh oral odor. The paste is sold in online stores and pharmacies; the volume of a tube of 75 ml with constant use is designed for several months.

Review overview

Among the customer reviews, positive ones prevail. Having tried Biorepair Kids toothpaste, children are delighted with the taste - now brushing their teeth is a great pleasure. With prolonged use, adults note a decrease in carious lesions, which has reduced the number of visits to the pediatric dentist. This is the main child's motivation.

When the baby's milk bite changed, the parents bought Biorepair Junior. Consumers point to a decrease in inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa during adolescence.The pleasant mint taste contributes to the long-term preservation of fresh breath - this was noticed by all buyers of the pasta. In the presence of orthodontic structures, toothpaste does an excellent job of cleansing in hard-to-reach places. Users have noticed that the sensitivity of the teeth disappears after the first applications and lasts for a long time.

Also, a plus for children is gentle whitening due to small abrasive particles that do not injure the enamel.

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