
Toothpastes for sensitive teeth

Toothpastes for sensitive teeth
  1. Peculiarities
  3. Compositions
  4. How to choose?
  5. Rating of the best

Exposure to temperatures and tastes on thinned and damaged tooth enamel will certainly cause aching or sharp pain. Painful sensations in the mouth can also occur with an insufficient amount of minerals in the body. The article will focus on those remedies that help to strengthen the gums and enamel, suppress painful sensations and make the teeth less sensitive to the effects of hot, cold, sour and other factors on them.

We will also talk about how you can reduce the intensity of the reaction of the teeth due to the correctly selected toothpaste.


The main feature of all toothpastes for sensitive teeth is the reduction of pain symptoms. Some have this effect after the first brushing, some after a longer period of use, but all toothpastes from this category block the passage to the nerve endings, thereby relieving pain.

These funds "work" to restore and strengthen the tooth enamel, and therefore they are completely safe for the enamel layer, such compositions practically do not contain abrasive particles that destroy enamel. Most toothpastes for sensitive teeth contain herbal extracts, which makes them antibacterial.


Medicines for reducing the sensitivity of the gums, restoring the dental necks and enamel should be with a minimum percentage of abrasiveness (less than 75). In such cases, experts recommend using a paste with a special designation on the RDA packaging.

There are three types of toothpastes in this category. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

  • Covering with a protective sheath. These dentifrices come with arginine, strontium and NovaMin, another desensitizing ingredient.These components in the composition of such pastes quickly form a surface layer, thereby creating protection against mechanical damage, as well as instantly relieving pain.
  • Acting on nerve endings. In this case, we are talking about products containing potassium nitrate or potassium citrate. This paste immediately acts on the endings of the nerves, and the pain is immediately dulled. Compositions for sensitive teeth and weak gums with potassium have a direct effect (act directly on the nerve endings).
  • Combined. Such products are the best option in the fight against sensitivity. Combined formulations are able not only to minimize the reaction of the teeth to temperature changes, taste preferences - in a word, to react normally to any irritant, but are also able to deal with injuries that provoke pain.

Modern manufacturers of dental products strive to produce such products so that they solve problems in the oral cavity to the maximum.


For hypersensitivity and for quick pain relief, choose formulations that are high in potassium. This component will quickly get through the open tubules to the dental nerve and anesthetize it. But to strengthen the enamel layer, you will need a paste with fluoride.

For those who are not suitable for fluoride, choose the alternative with calcium - this is also a strengthening element that provides teeth with hardness and reduces pain in case of high tooth sensitivity.

To reduce sensitivity, experts also recommend a paste with hydroxyapatite.

This white powder is found in dental products as a remineralizing agent. It compensates for the deficiency of the main mineral for enamel, and also "works" against caries. Some formulations for sensitive teeth are made on a natural basis.

How to choose?

The choice of toothpaste for sensitive teeth depends on the degree of neglect of the enamel and gums. For very strong pain sensations, you will need funds with an "instant effect". If you want more of a paste for prevention purposes, then look for formulations that gradually form protection.

Pay attention to products that, in addition to treating damaged tooth enamel, can solve additional problems in the oral cavity. And, as you know, one attack necessarily pulls another. Therefore, depending on the individual characteristics, choose a remedy that will also prevent the development of caries and tartar deposits.

There are pastes that will provide gentle cleansing of the gums, so choose the appropriate formulations for such problems. Those who fear excess fluoride and the manifestation of fluorosis should also look for products without fluoride or with minimal fluoride content.

And remember the main rule: do not go after toothpaste for sensitive teeth to whitening products. All of them come with high abrasiveness, which leads to thinning and destruction of the enamel, and you will quickly feel pain and discomfort again.

It is better to choose a remedy with a whitening effect from the healing-restoring pastes, and then you will not need to think about an additional whitening procedure. Some manufacturers of medicated toothpastes produce products that can maintain the natural whiteness of teeth.

Rating of the best

Let's start with inexpensive yet effective toothpastes that can provide protection against sensitization and relieve pain and irritation. By the way, many associate a low price with low quality or inefficiency. But among the cheap dubious specimens, dentists in this case recommend paying attention to several means.

  • Sensodyne - with fluoride for sensitive teeth. Protects teeth and weakened gums from damage from temperature and taste changes and reduces pain and sensitivity throughout the day.Sensodyne toothpaste is also appreciated by users because it protects against tooth decay and keeps teeth whitened and shiny. Dentists recommend this inexpensive remedy as an analogue to expensive dental formulations. The only thing that residents of areas where water is fluoridated should pay attention to: the paste contains fluoride, which means that in such places it should be used with caution. Excess fluoride also damages your teeth.

  • "Forest balsam" - for sensitive teeth and gums. The paste, created on the basis of natural ingredients (bisabolol, ginger, magnolia), provides gentle cleaning of teeth with weakened enamel, reduces susceptibility to sharp tastes and cold-hot changes (due to potassium salts). The effect of enamel restoration is almost instantaneous, from the first days of using the composition, this is due to the content of hydroxyapatite - the basic mineral for hard dental tissues (the percentage of hydroxyapatite in the enamel is 97%). In addition, Forest Balsam paste is an antibacterial complex that helps fight bacteria in the mouth and plaque on the teeth.
  • "Biocalcium" from SPLAT Professional - composition for complex care of the entire oral cavity. Strengthens the enamel of the teeth, normalizes the condition of the gums (contains sodium bicarbonate, which has a positive effect on the tissue), eliminates microcracks. The main feature of the product is the eggshell (biocalcium) in the composition, which allows, with regular use, to restore tooth enamel. Using this paste, you will not have tartar and plaque. According to consumer reviews, the paste also has a whitening effect, and the sensitivity to temperature disappears after the third day of use.

  • "Periodontol Sensitive". A paste for people whose enamel is destroyed and thinned, and their teeth react sharply to the effects of temperature and taste. Provides delicate cleansing, healing effect and serves as a prophylaxis against gingivitis. If you regularly brush your teeth with this paste, you will get rid of periodontitis, your gum tissue will be restored. There is no fluoride in the composition of the product, which allows it to be used by people living in areas at risk with an excess of this substance. But the paste contains extracts useful for all herbs and has a pleasant taste. But in consumer reviews there are opinions that it is not suitable for everyone, and this is the only drawback of "Parodontol Sensitive".
  • "New Pearl" (calcium) - universal paste for all family members. Children from 3 years old can brush their teeth with it, this is the most popular toothpaste in large families. The fluoride content has a positive effect on the structure of healthy teeth, the product saturates the enamel with the necessary minerals, which noticeably strengthens it. The composition is used both for treatment and for prophylactic purposes. The paste is effective in case of teeth reactions to hot and cold. Moreover, as experts say, she copes with the elimination of unpleasant reactions no worse than expensive means. However, it will not have an instant effect on acute pain, therefore, with very strong sensitivity, you will have to choose something else.

Next, we will tell you about toothpastes for sensitive teeth from the middle price category. Many consumers choose products from this particular segment, believing that such a product corresponds to the optimal price-quality ratio.

Here are the top 5 toothpastes in this series, selected by experts based on consumer reviews and professional recommendations.

  • Ratania by Weleda - a product created on the basis of the ratania shrub growing in Ecuador and neighboring countries. The plant is famous for tannins, and manufacturers based on this valuable and useful property have created such a toothpaste that strengthens the gums. The antibacterial composition saves from a double ailment: when the gums bleed, as well as with increased sensitivity of the teeth. Brushing teeth with the "Ratania" paste provides a fresh aroma in the mouth due to the essential oils of a natural unique plant.Ratania is a completely natural product without artificial additives: it does not contain any traces of any preservative or flavoring agent.

  • R. O. C. S. Sensitive with instant effect. The paste of this manufacturer is considered the best development of the WDS laboratory, which is aimed specifically at combating the vulnerability of teeth, as well as maintaining their whiteness. Due to the low percentage of abrasiveness, the composition does not injure the enamel membrane, and the presence of hydroxyapatite makes it possible to treat dentinal tubules and eliminate microcracks. All this has a positive effect on the restoration of teeth: the susceptibility to temperature extremes and the response to sour / sweet foods is significantly reduced, and eventually disappears completely. The paste is intended for all family members, thanks to the low abrasiveness and naturalness of the components, it can be used for brushing teeth and children. This is an absolutely safe paste, its constant use will not lead to negative consequences.

  • Lacalut sensitive - refers to therapeutic and prophylactic agents, which was approved by the Dental Association of the Russian Federation. It has a positive effect on dental sensitivity the first time, and immediately removes vulnerability. The paste contains chlorhexidine, and this quickly relieves inflammatory processes, and due to the sodium components, it creates a protective film and accelerates the process of natural restoration of damaged teeth. Lacalut sensitive gently affects the gums when brushing teeth - the aluminum lactate contained in the paste has a strengthening effect on them. According to consumer reviews, this remedy is not suitable for everyone: someone experiences an instant effect from its use, while someone's sensitivity remains even after prolonged use. Experts recommend using Lacalut sensitive for 1-2 months, alternating with other products of this brand.
  • ISME Rasyan - herbal clove. Thai pasta with an original herbal flavor is packed not in tubes, but in compact boxes - all this only enhances the exoticism and attractiveness of the oriental remedy for consumers. It certainly worked and the paste became popular, but the label “for sensitive teeth” should be treated with caution. In this case, we are not talking about the therapeutic functions of ISME Rasyan, but rather about the gentle mode of teeth whitening. Therefore, those who experience pain due to increased sensitivity of the teeth should combine the Thai novelty with other special products. Dentists do not recommend giving up the Thai product completely, since it has many advantages: it whitens well, fights against the appearance of calculus on the teeth, and adds new notes to the aftertaste. But it is imperative to alternate the paste - with its long-term use, you can earn stomatitis and aft due to the content of sodium lauryl sulfate.
  • Sensitive PRO-Relief - Desensitization from Colgate. The paste from the famous brand seals the dentinal tubules and removes the vulnerability of the teeth. She acts like a repairman in the mouth, for which many Russian consumers fell in love. Most people choose Sensitive PRO-Relief because of its respect for the gums: while other agents provoke irritation and bleeding, this paste relieves pain and discomfort, prevents tissues from further deteriorating. After clinical trials, the professional organization Dental Association of Russia approved the use of Sensitive PRO-Relief in the Russian Federation.

Finally, let's talk about premium dental sensitivities. The high cost of these products is due to the fact that such pastes are distinguished by new therapeutic formulas, the fact that they contain components that are not found in conventional pastes. As a rule, the promotion of such a product to the market is accompanied by registration of patents and expensive research. Let's present 3 luxury products based on the opinions of consumers and professionals.

  • Biorepair plus - a product with comprehensive protection for daily care.The composition not only significantly reduces tooth sensitivity, it also stops the bleeding of the gums, in fact, producing a healing effect on them. Biorepair Plus is an indispensable helper for those who have braces in their mouths. The product will definitely be appreciated by lovers of "healthy" hygiene products, since they do not contain SLS, parabens and fluoride. After the research, the experts concluded that this toothpaste is antiallergenic, it significantly improves the condition of the gum tissue and dentition, providing comprehensive care.

  • RemarsGel is two-component. This complex consists of active compounds that normalize the sensitivity of the teeth and strengthen the enamel layer. There is one inconvenience: you need to alternately use two tubes, but the positive effect of such use is so high that consumers turn a blind eye to it. One of the gels contains calcium nitrate, the other contains ammonium hydrogen phosphate. This alternation ultimately leads to the formation of a film in the dentition - a kind of protection, reminiscent of hydroxyapatite (a component of the base mineral that forms the upper layer of the tooth). The therapeutic and restorative functions of the product will put teeth in order in a short time, it is recommended for use by those who wear braces, as well as those who have just removed them.

  • APADENT. The paste was developed by Japanese scientists from the Sangi company, based on a special technology that helps to restore the enamel layer naturally due to nanohydroxyapatite. This component closes the exposed canals of the teeth, fills microcracks, and, as a result, bacterial plaque no longer irritates the enamel surface. The composition has a whitening effect, therefore it is relevant for smokers and coffee lovers. In addition, the APADENT paste has a beneficial effect on the gums, therefore, this remedy is also recommended for those who suffer from the "looseness" of these tissues. Pregnant women also need to use such a paste, since it is considered remineralizing, that is, it is capable of saturating the enamel with the necessary mineral components.

You can choose other toothpastes if your teeth are sensitive - there are an abundance of such products on the market. When choosing, pay attention to the fact that the formula of the composition works to heal the enamel layer. These products include, for example, Promedent paste, Sensodyne F, Colgate with the effect of enamel restoration, etc.

How to choose a paste for sensitive teeth, see the video.

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