
Toothpastes for restoration of tooth enamel

Toothpastes for restoration of tooth enamel
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Description of species
  3. Best products
  4. Nuances of choice
  5. Application rules

Damage to the enamel on the teeth of both an adult and a child can lead to an increase in their sensitivity - a very unpleasant phenomenon. Enamel damage can occur due to a number of chronic diseases, bad habits and many other reasons. Teeth with damaged enamel quickly begin to react with unpleasant pains to eating rather cold or very hot food. In addition, problems in terms of aesthetics may appear - whitish spots are visible on the teeth, and the enamel quickly loses its natural shine. With this problem, if it has not become chronic, high-quality medicinal toothpastes will help to cope.


Means for the effective restoration of enamel should be classified as medicinal products. They differ from conventional pastes in an increased amount of more active and essential elements for dental health. These pastes can be purchased not only for the prevention of various dental diseases, but also for the elimination of enamel demineralization. Many of these products have restorative properties, they will saturate the enamel with the necessary microelements and qualitatively clean the cracks that have appeared on the teeth not so long ago.

With these remedies cannot be used on a permanent basis. It is better to follow the advice of your doctor and use these pastes for exactly the period of time recommended by the specialist.

After the end of the treatment, you should switch to the usual tooth brushing paste.

Description of species

Before choosing the best toothpaste according to the advice of more experienced consumers, It's a good idea to visit a doctor initially and get competent recommendations from a real specialist. Nowadays, 3 subspecies of medicinal pastes are produced to strengthen the enamel of affected teeth.

Calcium formulations

Calcium compounds are involved here as the main influencing component. This option is the most gentle, for the same reason, it is not effective in all possible cases. He will definitely not be able to cope with microscopic cracks and visible erosion.

In the composition of such toothpastes, the company also includes additional components - extracts of medicinal herbs and various useful plants, which are distinguished by anti-inflammatory or antibacterial action.

Fluorinated formulations

These products have a much more serious effect on the affected area. However, it is not recommended to use them for too long, since fluoride compounds sometimes cause the opposite effect to the expected one, and the teeth become much more fragile.

Fluorine is an element that must be handled with care. If you look from the positive side, the compounds of this substance help to quickly and efficiently cope with pulsating pain and eliminate scratches on fragile enamel. On the negative side, unfortunately, fluoride accumulates in various organs, thereby forming the fragility of not only damaged teeth, but also healthy bones.

It is for this reason that doctors do not advise offering fluoride pastes to babies and ordinary people in those areas where there is a significant excess of this element in drinking water.

Combined formulations

These are tooth-cleaning pastes containing 2 of the above microelements at once.

Nowadays, combined products are becoming especially popular, since they include both fluorine compounds and calcium compounds in their composition. At the same time, many experts believe that, being in one composition, the ions of these elements give a reaction, during which salts are formed - thus the therapeutic effect is reduced to zero. Dentists agree in one opinion - these formulations need to be changed periodically, alternating with conventional pastes. And only then, if you follow all the rules of hygiene, your teeth will become really strong and your smile healthy.

In order to strengthen problematic enamel, remineralizing paste is just perfect. - after 5-7 days, the sensitivity of damaged enamel to too hot and very cold foods will significantly decrease.

After a month and a half of constant use, you yourself will notice the complete absence of cracks on the surface of your enamel. These scratches will simply fill up with calcium-containing particles. In addition, the surface of the enamel will also undergo a gentle polishing and acquire a radiant, healthy look. After 6 months, the whiteness of the enamel will also be restored.

The very speed of recovery of the damaged enamel will strongly depend on the effectiveness of a particular agent and the frequency of its operation.

Best products

The list of the most popular medicinal toothpastes for real restoration of tooth enamel is filled with both imported products and domestically produced products.


  • PresiDENT Classic. This Italian paste contains a component called sodium fluoride, which helps to create a high-quality protective film on the enamel surface. Herbal extracts and xylitol will give you an antiseptic effect during treatment.

Advantages: quickly eliminate discomfort, prevent gum bleeding. There are no downsides, according to user reviews.

  • Herbal Complete. The German company Silca has released this product based on sodium fluoride using vitamins and plant extracts.

Advantages: effectively cares for the oral cavity, helps to protect and strengthen the enamel, reduces teeth sensitivity too high, has a very pleasant fruit taste, perfect for children. However, this tool cannot be used for a long time.

  • SPLAT "Arktikum". This is a Russian-made development based on such a component as aminofluoride.In addition to it, the composition includes papain, as well as ratania root extract.

Advantages: it will perfectly build up tooth enamel, instantly cope with painful symptoms, reduce the risk of caries, have a positive effect on the health of teeth and gums, and give a fresh scent. But this composition cannot be used constantly.


  • SPLAT "Biocalcium"... The composition of the domestic product includes 3 main substances: hydroxyapatite - it will restore and strengthen the enamel, calcium - fill small cracks and give them stunning whiteness, papain - prevents the appearance of harmful microorganisms.

Advantages: a significant result already after a week of use, the teeth stop responding to temperature changes, the whitening effect is obvious, reduces the risk of unpleasant tartar. However, users note the effectiveness of its use only at the first stage of treatment, then it is useless.

  • PresiDENT Unique. Italian pasta, in addition to active substances, includes various vitamins and medicinal aloe extract, as well as spherulites from acacia juice, which are popular today - all of them help to gently clean and whiten the enamel.

Advantages: it will quickly restore enamel, prevent the formation of plaque or calculus, will have an excellent effect on the gums, relieve inflammation and improve blood circulation, can be used for prevention purposes, as well as for the treatment of advanced periodontal disease. Differs in high cost.

  • R. O. C. S. "Active Calcium". Russian paste is created on the basis of hydroxyapatite - a substance with a regenerating effect. Trace elements and xylitol will normalize the microflora in the oral cavity, and will qualitatively strengthen the gums.

First of all, it is suitable for people with high sensitivity of teeth - it will quickly eliminate this problem, reduce the risk of tartar. To obtain a high-quality result, the paste can be used for a long time, but it is not suitable for the treatment of cracks and erosion of the enamel.


  • ApaCare Remineralising. One of the best remineralizing toothpastes is the professional ApaCare Remineralising - with minerals and the dual action of its constituent microelements.

ApaCare mineralized products are a complex of in-demand products for the care of an unhealthy oral cavity. The liquid consistency will successfully penetrate all the irregularities of the tooth enamel. It seals existing cracks, preventing tooth decay.

The product contains hydroxyapatite with its well-known filling properties. Active substances will effectively affect not only the tooth surface, but also penetrate quite deep into the structure of the enamel, strengthening it. You will be able to feel the result after 5-7 days of constant use.

  • Sklaer Protect. The effect of the firming paste will be aimed at restoring the natural mineral balance in the mouth in the shortest possible time and strengthening the existing tissues in it. Useful minerals that are present in this product will fill small cracks on the enamel surface, which will significantly slow down or completely stop the spread of caries.
  • GC Tooth Mousse. Remineralization gel - as a weighty addition to the healing paste. Used after the main cleaning procedure. As part of a calcium particle - they help maintain the desired balance of trace elements.
  • LACALUT alpin. This product for enamel mineralization has anti-carious properties. She will perfectly cope with the removal of plaque from the surface of the teeth without damaging them. Abrasive elements are perfectly combined with an active set of minerals. Over time, teeth lose their hypersensitivity, and their problematic surface becomes strong and healthy.

Nuances of choice

The choice of an effective oral care product should be based on the following:

  • the drug must be effective;

  • it should have a well-defined prophylactic and strengthening effect.

You can safely focus on drugs designed to quickly and effectively restore the structure of enamel, reduce too high sensitivity of teeth, stop the development of caries in the early stages, and help remove plaque.

Application rules

Before starting the procedure for cleaning problem teeth, you should wash your hands well so that an infection cannot get into your mouth. After that, the mouth is rinsed with warm water, the brush is thoroughly rinsed, and a little paste is squeezed onto it.


  1. brush your teeth by opening your mouth;

  2. first you need to brush your teeth well from above, keeping your brush exactly at an angle of 45 degrees to the cleaning surface;

  3. cleaning should start from the back surface of the teeth, then go to the front surface and complete the cleaning with the chewing surface of the molars;

  4. teeth and lower jaw are cleaned in the same order;

  5. complete the general cleaning with a light massage of the gums - you should close your teeth and with a brush perform movements in a circle, capturing both the teeth and the gums.

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