
All about Elmex toothpastes

All about Elmex toothpastes
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Assortment overview
  3. Nuances of choice
  4. Review overview

Good quality toothpaste helps prevent tooth decay and helps maintain an attractive smile. It is better to choose a remedy, depending on the needs - someone needs enamel protection, while others need to take care of the gums that are prone to inflammation. The Elmex brand has lines that solve the main problems of the oral cavity, as well as a separate series for children.


The products of this brand are designed for people who take a responsible approach to their health. The manufacturer of Elmex toothpaste is the GABA company. It has existed since 1967 and has earned the trust of buyers. Despite the fact that the birthplace of the company is Switzerland, on the shelves of pharmacies you can find products from Finland, Germany and France, since the factories are located in different countries.

The quality of the products is carefully monitored. All funds are subject to mandatory certification, and development is carried out with the participation of experienced specialized specialists. These are not only dentists, but also chemists, hygienists, technologists. This approach allows the company to improve and keep pace with the times.

On packages with paste, you can see the familiar Colgate logo, which raises questions from buyers. Don't worry - this is not a mistake or a fake. The fact is that since 2004 GABA has been owned by the Colgate-Palmolive concern, so the logo is present on the packaging for good reason.

The pasta boxes have a discreet design. Different lines differ in color, which reduces the likelihood of making mistakes and accidentally taking the wrong product.

The paste itself is packed in tubes with a protective plastic gear that prevents air from entering.

Assortment overview

The products are divided into three lines for adults, aimed at combating specific oral problems, as well as a children's series. You can buy Finnish, German or French pasta in shops. The place of production may be different, since GABA factories are located in different countries. This does not affect the composition, since the release of products is regulated by a single standard for the company. The recipe depends on the characteristics of a particular line.

Caries protection

This series can be recognized by its white and orange colors. The products include:

  • Toothpaste - regular, bleaching, available in volumes of 75 ml, 100 ml, 125 ml, also in this series there is a paste without menthol - for those who do not like the mint taste;
  • medium hard brushes, with U-shaped and X-shaped bristles;
  • threads for cleaning the interdental space, contain amine fluoride for added protection;
  • rinse aid for the oral cavity, helps maintain hygiene throughout the day;
  • toothpicks, made of soft wood, do not injure the gums.

The paste promotes the mineralization of enamel and strengthens it, which reduces the likelihood of caries formation... The main active ingredients are calcium with fluoride. In addition to the usual paste, there is a bleaching paste in the series, but it is not recommended to use it every day, as it contains more abrasive particles. You can use a rinse aid for additional cleaning. It penetrates into hard-to-reach places, washing away food debris. You can use this product after brushing your teeth and after eating to freshen your breath.


The ruler is designed for sensitive teeth. Packaging - green and white. The series includes:

  • toothpaste, provides gentle cleaning;
  • mouthwash solution, it is recommended to use it several times a day;
  • brushes are softer than usual so as not to damage the fine enamel.

Tooth sensitivity can be uncomfortable when eating or in contact with hot or cold foods. As part of this series, there is a special Pro-Argin complex, which helps to get rid of unpleasant sensations. Also, the paste cleans teeth well from plaque and freshens breath. It can also be used in the presence of open dental necks due to its more gentle action.

Enamel protection

Products in this category are available in white and purple packaging. Their task is to prevent erosion and softening of the enamel. The main active complex is ChitoActive, which includes chitosan (a natural active polymer), stannous chloride and amine fluoride. The components of the composition contribute to the creation of a protective layer. This helps prevent tooth decay and tooth decay. This line includes a paste and mouthwash.

Children's series

Already with the appearance of the first teeth, it is necessary to begin to accustom the child to hygienic procedures. Products for adults are not suitable because they may contain large amounts of fluoride, which has a negative effect on the growing body. Pastes for children are distinguished by a reduced presence of this component in the composition - they contain 500 units of aminofluoride. Adult products can contain about 1400 units.

The Elmex children's series includes:

  • pasta for the little ones - it can be used from the appearance of the first tooth and up to 6 years;
  • remedy for older children, designed for children 6-12 years old.

Also in the line are mouthwash solution and toothbrushes of various sizes in three versions. The hygiene supplies are made so that it is comfortable for the child to hold, the thick handle is convenient for babies whose fine motor skills are still in the developmental stage.

Nuances of choice

You can find many different toothpastes on the shelves. Because of this, people often find it difficult to make a choice. However, there are certain nuances that can help you find a more suitable dentifrice.

The presence of fluorine

Research confirms that this substance does provide protection against tooth decay.However, excess fluoride is harmful to the body. To avoid problems, you need to know the composition of the water in your area. If it contains a lot of fluorine, then it is better to choose a paste without this component or with a minimum content.

Calcium for strengthening

This substance promotes remineralization - helps to restore tooth enamel, which is constantly exposed to aggressive influences. Even if you do not have problems with excessive sensitivity, the paste should still contain calcium. It, like fluoride, provides caries prevention.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

This does not include pasta with chamomile or herbs. But if the composition contains chlorhexidine, stannous fluoride, triclosan, then the paste can really fight inflammation. However, do not rush to buy.

Such drugs are not suitable for prophylaxis in healthy people, since their use can disrupt the natural microflora. And if the gums are bleeding, and the presence of inflammation is already obvious, you first need to visit a doctor so that he can determine the exact cause and prescribe medications.

Paste is only an adjuvant that can reduce symptoms, so you shouldn't rely on it alone.


Many people want to sparkle with a dazzling smile. To achieve this, people opt for a whitening paste. It can indeed provide the appropriate effect, but there are certain rules that must be followed in order not to harm the teeth. This paste contains a large amount of abrasive particles. In their composition, they are designated as phosphates, carbonates, compounds with aluminum or silicon. In order to prevent the destruction of the enamel, the paste does not need to be used every day.

The allowable number is 1-3 times a week, depending on the degree of abrasiveness.

Products for sensitive teeth

For some people, the enamel is quite thin, which leads to discomfort when coming in contact with hot, sour, or cold food. There are toothpastes that can solve this problem. In the composition of such agents strontium, arginine, potassium compounds. They form a protective membrane and reduce the level of pain. It is important to remember that whitening pastes are contraindicated for people with sensitive teeth. Abrasive particles can damage thin enamel even more.

Review overview

Many buyers note that Elmex products do their job well. - helps to get rid of plaque and preserve the whiteness of the teeth. Even people who consume large amounts of coffee and tea, as well as constantly smoke, said that the paste eliminates unwanted yellowness and does not harm the enamel. However, the remedy will not help those who, by nature, have a tooth shade far from snow-white - in this case, it is better to make an appointment with a dentist for professional whitening.

The cost of the toothpaste varies between 200-800 rubles, depending on the series, as well as the margin in the store. Most buyers feel that the price is justified and the quality of Elmex is better than the cheaper products. Products for children are also receiving positive reviews, but some parents report that their child does not like the minty taste.

Users note that the paste does not foam very well, since it does not contain components that cause active foaming.

On the one hand, this is a plus, since the composition of the product is more natural. On the other hand, you may need to squeeze out a little more paste than usual for comfortable cleaning, and then the consumption will increase. Elmex products are suitable for those who suffer from excessive tooth sensitivity, since you can find suitable products in the corresponding series.... Also, the paste provides the prevention of caries.

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