
How to make toothpaste slime?

How to make toothpaste slime?
  1. How to make with shampoo?
  2. Other options for making from toothpaste
  3. Recommendations

Slimes are original and very popular toys that can effectively calm the nervous system. Such gizmos are sold in stores, but it is quite possible to make them with your own hands. For this, there are enough materials at hand, including toothpaste. In this article, we will learn how to make a slime from this component.

How to make with shampoo?

A cool slime can be made if you make it with paste and shampoo. The homemade product will be very pleasant to the touch, almost fluffy. To make such a toy, you don't have to resort to complicated manipulations or buy expensive ingredients.

To prepare a tactilely pleasant slime, you will need the following components:

  • 2 tbsp. l. toothpaste;
  • 1 tbsp. l. water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. shampoo;
  • 3 tbsp. l. PVA glue;
  • 0.5-1 tsp sodium tetraborate diluted with water.

If all the components are ready for use, then you can start making your own "fluffy" slime. Let's figure out what manipulations are required for this.

  • Prepare a cup of sufficient depth. The main component of the future slime, as well as water, should be placed in it.
  • After that, the required amount of shampoo will need to be poured into the cup with the first components.
  • All the ingredients added to the dishes will need to be whipped for a few minutes. Try to do it carefully.
  • Next, you need to pour PVA glue solution to the resulting composition. Stir the mixture well again.
  • The next step is to add sodium tetraborate to the overall consistency. This component will need to be added dropwise.
  • Now all the components will need to be thoroughly mixed again until the composition becomes quite thick.You can use a regular spoon for mixing.

The result is a ready-made homemade slime. This is one of the simplest and most popular recipes for making such a product.

Other options for making from toothpaste

Of course, slime can be made not only from one combination of paste and shampoo. The dentifrice product can be combined with other available ingredients for a cool homemade product. For these purposes, they use salt, add starch, flour, sugar, soda and many other components to the workpiece. Below we will find out different ways of making a slime from the simplest components.

With salt

It is very simple and quick to make a slime from toothpaste and salt.

You can turn to such a recipe if you don't have a lot of ingredients at home, as well as free time to create slime.

To make such a slime, you will need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • toothpaste - 20 g;
  • shampoo - 60 ml;
  • a pinch of salt.

As in the recipe described above, you will need to use shampoo here. Let's consider how to make a slime from the listed components.

  • As in the first case, you first need to prepare a free container or cup in which all the necessary ingredients will be kneaded.
  • The first step is to send all the ingredients to the container: salt, shampoo, and paste. After that, they will need to be mixed very thoroughly.
  • The composition should continue to stir until you notice that it has acquired an ideal uniform consistency.
  • Gradually bring the composition to full readiness. If necessary, you can add a little more toothpaste and salt.

A similar recipe for making slime does not take much time. The main thing is to mix all the ingredients very thoroughly and monitor the consistency of the resulting mixture.

With glue

There are a huge number of recipes for making slime with the addition of adhesives. Most often we are talking about ordinary PVA glue.

It is a versatile product that is great for this kind of activity.

Let's consider one of the methods of making slime using glue. To implement it, you will need the following components:

  • any toothpaste;
  • 1 bottle of PVA glue;
  • baking soda;
  • 200 ml of pure water.

Let's figure out how to make a cool slime from the listed ingredients.

  • First, you will need to ideally mix the glue and paste in one container. It is necessary to achieve complete hemogenicity.
  • Take one more dish. It will separately need to combine baking soda and water.
  • After that, the second liquid will need to be poured into a bowl in which the first composition of paste and glue was mixed. All components will need to be mixed as thoroughly as possible in order to achieve ideal density indicators.
  • The prepared mixture will need to be left to stand for 15–20 minutes.
  • The next step is to transfer the resulting mass into a strong plastic bag and knead it thoroughly.

With liquid soap

A very good slime will turn out if you make it from a paste combined with liquid soap. This combination allows you to achieve a more delicate homemade structure. Without a thickener, such a slime cannot be made. In the role of this ingredient, you can use ordinary flour, which will allow the product to gain the necessary viscosity and density.

In order for the slime to have a certain shade, it is allowed to add some kind of dye to it.

  • First, you will need to prepare the basis for the future homemade product, for which you should mix an equal amount of liquid soap and tooth-brushing paste. For the perfect consistency, it is best to add these ingredients in small portions.
  • When a kind of liquid mucus is formed, a dye, also presented in liquid form, can be added to it.
  • Next, you will need to start thickening the future homemade slime, gradually pouring flour into the blank. Stir the mixture as thoroughly as possible.It is imperative to ensure that no lumps remain in the resulting mass.
  • If the slime turned out to be too tight, it stretches very badly, then this will indicate that there is too much flour in its composition. It will be possible to correct the current situation with a teaspoon of pure water.

It is recommended to store ready-made homemade products only in a sealed container. Otherwise, slime made from paste with liquid soap may dry out and then crack.

With shower gel

You can make a cool slime with your own hands using toothpaste and shower gel. The latter is an excellent replacement for your regular shampoo.

Shower gel works very well in combination with toothbrush pastes.

In addition, these components have different shades, so it is quite possible to do without the addition of coloring components.

To create a relaxing toy, you will need the following components:

  • thick gel - a quarter of a glass;
  • toothpaste - 1 package is enough;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • water - 1 glass.

This slime is prepared in 2 stages.

  • First, the paste and gel composition will need to be placed in one bowl of sufficient volume. These components will need to be thoroughly mixed with a stick or spoon. It is necessary to knead until the paste is completely dissolved in the mixture.
  • After that, the container with the resulting composition will need to be refrigerated for 30 minutes. During this time, the mixture will have to harden.

Now you need to properly prepare the activating solution.

  • You will need to pour salt into a glass of water. The liquid will require thorough mixing so that all salt crystals can completely dissolve in it.
  • The mixture that was sent to the freezer shelf and managed to freeze must be immersed in the prepared liquid.
  • Now the workpiece should be covered with foil and put on the refrigerator shelf for 2-3 hours.

After that, the anti-stress toy will be ready! It will be very easy to get it out of the solution, and then knead it well in your hands.

With shaving foam

A very fluffy and pleasant slime can be made with toothpaste and regular shaving foam. This recipe for cooking antistress toys is one of the most popular. Many users turn to him who want to make such an interesting little thing with their own hands.

To make an air slime, you need the following components:

  • polyvinyl acetate glue;
  • foam;
  • cleaning paste.

The proportions of the ingredients can be adjusted by eye. It all depends on what degree of density the toy is needed. Let's take a step by step how to make a slime from the above components.

  • As in all other cases, you first need to prepare free and clean dishes. PVA glue is sent to it first.
  • Next, toothpaste is added to the glue. All ingredients should be mixed. This should be done until the paste is completely dissolved in the overall consistency.
  • Now you will need to squeeze out the shaving foam to the components listed above. The size of the future slime will depend on its quantity.
  • When the consistency of the homemade composition becomes such that it can be taken, you will need to start kneading the slime. It will be necessary to carry out such manipulations for a long time, since the slime will not immediately pick up the appropriate level of ductility and elasticity. If you have enough patience and take your time, then everything will definitely work out!

With glue stick

You can make a slime not only from glue of a liquid consistency, but also from a sample made in the form of a pencil. A similar homemade product is also made extremely simple. Let's look at the step-by-step instructions.

  • We need to take a glue stick. First of all, he will need to be freed from the plastic case in which he is dressed. The glue stick removed from the package will need to be finely chopped and sent to a free, clean container. The latter must be suitable for the microwave.
  • Now the cut glue will need to be melted through the microwave. It must be brought to a liquid state. After that, the adhesive composition will need to be thoroughly mixed so that clots do not form in it. Now the sticky liquid will need to be cooled a little for further manipulations.
  • Next, you need to prepare another free container. You need to squeeze half a tube of toothpaste into it.
  • You will need to gradually add glue stick melted in the microwave oven to the paste. This must be done until the resulting mass becomes quite thick, does not begin to move away from the walls of the dishes.
  • The next step is to completely cool the resulting slime by placing it on the refrigerator shelf. After that, the finished homemade product will need to be kneaded properly until it starts to stretch well.

With "Fairy"

Faery dishwashing detergents are known to many. They can also be used to make slime. In combination with toothpaste, these products form compositions of the desired consistency.

To prepare such an antistress toy, you will need to perform a number of steps.

  • We need to prepare free and clean dishes. 2-3 tbsp are poured into it. l. detergent.
  • Now add a few pinches of baking soda to the same container. It is she who will serve as a thickener "Fairy". For this reason, the soda should be added gradually, little by little, so that you can stop in time.
  • Next, you will need to squeeze out about a teaspoon of tooth brushing paste into the resulting mixture. After that, everything will have to be very thoroughly prevented. The consistency should be smooth, viscous, like mucus. If you are not satisfied with the result, it will mean that the slime should “ripen” a little in low temperature conditions. To do this, the workpiece will need to be placed on the refrigerator shelf and left there for at least a couple of hours.

With sugar

A good anti-stress toy can be made with a combination of toothpaste and sugar. This method of making homemade products allows you to use almost any means for cleaning your teeth. The main thing is that they have a creamy consistency. Gel formulations are unnecessarily watery.

To prepare the slime, you will need the following components:

  • 3 tbsp. l. toothpaste;
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar.

The recipe for making an anti-stress toy will include 4 steps.

  • The paste must be squeezed into a container.
  • It will need to be sprinkled with sugar evenly. The components should be mixed.
  • Next, the dishes with all the contents are sent to the microwave for 30 seconds. Then everything is mixed again. Then both steps will need to be repeated 3 more times.
  • As soon as the mixture "comes out of the microwave" for the fourth time, it will be necessary to cool it to a comfortable temperature, and then collect it into a single lump and knead it well with your fingers.


If you are planning to make an anti-stress slime with your own hands, then you should heed some useful recommendations.

  • We must not forget that almost any toothpaste dries up in a short time, therefore the container or container in which the slime will be stored must be tightly closed.
  • If you are testing a new recipe, it is not recommended to use too many ingredients. At first, it makes sense to try to make slime from small portions in order to appreciate the result.
  • One component of the recipe can be replaced with a similar one. For example, it is permissible to use a dishwashing detergent instead of a similar one for hair.
  • It should be borne in mind that slimes made from toothpaste are very sticky. To fix this, it is allowed to add a small amount of starch to the antistress composition.
  • Almost all toothpaste will dissolve in shampoo for a long time. The same applies to dissolution in liquid soap. In the first stages, lumps will form, but during mixing they will disappear.
  • If you need to craft a slime of a specific color, then it is advisable to use ingredients that are white or colorless to prepare the base.
  • When you add a coloring element to the mass, which initially has a certain shade, it is necessary that the colors are combined with each other. Otherwise, the homemade product may turn out to be not very beautiful, dirty.
  • Sparkling varieties made with oneself look very beautiful and interesting. To get this vibrant effect, use a gel-like paste that contains shiny particles. You can also add small glitters to the composition.
  • The slime preparation should be mixed in a pre-prepared clean dish so that there are no unnecessary traces or inclusions on the workpiece.

How to make slime from toothpaste with sugar, see the video.

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