
Features of Klatz toothpastes

Features of Klatz toothpastes
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Actual rulers and tools
  3. Reviews

Today the choice of toothpastes is wider than ever. The assortment of these products is constantly growing and is being replenished with new positions. To take care of the health of the oral cavity, you can use high-quality Klatz paste. Let's talk about the features of these products in today's article.


Oral health requires a lot of attention. If you use high-quality brushes and pastes, you can save yourself from many unpleasant diseases. The well-known company Klatz produces very good products. The assortment of this manufacturer includes many excellent toothpastes that effectively and carefully take care of your teeth.

Modern Klatz toothpastes differ in their different actions and effects from the application. Quality products of a well-known company are characterized by natural, absolutely safe formulations. With the help of Klatz pastes, you can effectively prevent many diseases of the oral cavity. With such means, you can fully remove plaque accumulated on the teeth. In addition, the brand's pastes give users a very pleasant fresh breath.

Since the composition of modern pastes of the brand in question contains exclusively natural ingredients, together with the use of modern technologies and unique recipes, the products turn out to be highly effective. Correctly selected Klatz paste can guarantee perfect hygiene and daily gentle care.

If you use Klatz products on a regular basis, your tooth enamel will surely become perfectly smooth and well-groomed. This will minimize the risk of plaque buildup. The brand's paste will prevent the appearance of tooth decay and diseases affecting the gums.

The Klatz brand has become famous for the release of not only healthy, but also unusual pastes. An example is a product that tastes like elite alcohol. The presentation of such a non-standard brand toothpaste was held in the Moscow restaurant Embers. The men's line of original products was demonstrated by pastes with the names: "Rebellious rum", "Tart cognac", "Slaughter whiskey". However, experiments with non-standard flavors did not end there. The brand also released a paste with the aroma of strawberry smoothie, milk shake, supermets.

It should be noted the laconic and modern design of the packaging in which the branded Klatz toothpaste is sold. The brand's products are getting a lot of attention because they look different from all the other average pastes on the shelves of most stores.

Actual rulers and tools

The well-known brand Klatz produces a lot of different options for tooth cleaning pastes. In the assortment of this manufacturer, you can find high-quality formulations that are designed for both adults and children. Let's take a look at the characteristics of the most popular and demanded Klatz product lines.


The line called Lifestyle is one of the most demanded. It contains high-quality pastes from a well-known brand, which are designed to have a different effect on the oral cavity. Here are some of the products in this series.

  • "Gentle whitening". This name is the brand's universal toothpaste. It is suitable for daily use. Includes a safe whitening complex with the plant enzyme Papain, which is able to break down the protein base of the colored plaque formed, easily removing it. The presence of fluoride ions in the paste increases the resistance of the enamel to the effects of various acids.
  • "Fresh breath". Unscented paste. Unique because it contains a safe cleaning kit of components, coupled with zinc ions. The product allows you to effectively clean the enamel, gives a very pleasant freshness in the mouth. By means of urea, the optimal acidity of the oral cavity is maintained.


Another popular line that features very useful and effective brand pastes. Let's take a closer look at some of the Klatz Health products.

  • "Sensitive". A quality paste that is suitable for daily and regular care. Contributes to the complete elimination of the symptoms of hyperesthesia of hard tissues in case of contact with cold, hot, too sweet or sour foods. In addition, the paste effectively removes plaque, gives a fresh breath for the whole day.
  • "Remineralization of enamel". Complex action paste. There is no fluoride in the composition. Contains components that effectively strengthen tooth enamel, slow down the process of its demineralization.
  • "Gum health". A quality paste with a very light and pleasant aroma of fruits and cinnamon. The composition contains plant extracts, zinc ions. The paste not only prevents the formation of plaque, but also acts as a protection for the oral mucosa.
  • "Healing herbs". The popular brand's toothpaste, which includes a whole range of different components of medicinal herbs. Such a tool helps to optimize metabolic processes, can prevent the problem of bleeding gums and inflammatory diseases in the oral cavity.

Brutal only

Klatz produces amazing pastes specially designed for men. Such interesting products can be found in the Brutal Only line. Let's get acquainted with some of the positions.

  • "Super Fats". Real black male paste. Has a very bright mint flavor. The product is able to restore the natural whiteness of tooth enamel. Effectively removes stained plaque, which is often formed due to smoking, frequent consumption of coffee, red wine.
  • "Wild juniper". A very original active tooth brushing paste. Has a black charcoal color. It can successfully restore the natural whiteness of the enamel, effectively removes the formed plaque. This paste contains a safe whitening complex of elements with plant enzymes. This product perfectly polishes enamel and prevents the formation of tartar.


This non-standard line has already been mentioned above. The well-known manufacturer decided to experiment, for which he released original products with the aroma of luxury alcoholic beverages. It turned out to be very interesting.

  • "Astringent cognac". This name was given to a truly unique toothpaste. It has a tart aroma of cognac. The product has been specially designed for men. "Astringent cognac" has a good whitening effect, can successfully and quickly restore the natural whiteness of tooth enamel. It can be polished without damaging it at all.
  • "Rebellious rum". Another of the exclusive products in the original BrutalAlco line. This is the first toothpaste in the world that has a unique taste of real rum. "Rebel Rum" is a product specially developed for men with a rebellious character.
  • "Slaughter Whiskey". An exclusive toothpaste with an interesting and multifaceted whiskey taste. This dentifrice can set the mood for the whole day. Demonstrates a gorgeous whitening effect, restores and polishes enamel. Prevents the formation of tartar.

Glamor only

The brand in question also produces other unusual oral care products. Interesting examples are presented in the sought-after series called Glamor Only. Here customers can pick up fragrant "dessert" products with which brushing their teeth will become much more pleasant.

Let's take a look at some of the items from the Glamor Only series.

  • Strawberry smoothie. An excellent product designed especially for the fair sex. Perfectly cleans teeth, strengthens and heals the enamel, keeps fresh breath for a long time. The paste comes in bright and beautiful packaging.
  • Milk Shake. A very pleasant and fragrant development for real ladies. Gives the taste of a milky neck. This product contains a natural and safe complex of useful elements. The product significantly enhances the remineralizing effect of saliva. Like the strawberry smoothie, this paste comes in attractive packaging, but not in bright colors, but in pastel colors.

Baby / Kids

Klatz produces high quality pasta not only for adults but also for children. There are several quality products for young users and their parents to choose from. Let's get acquainted with their characteristics.

  • Morning Caramel. High quality children's pasta, which contains xylitol, minofluoride and sodium fluoride. If you regularly brush your teeth with "Morning Caramel" from the Baby / Kids line, you can protect your tooth enamel and prevent the formation of caries.

In addition, the composition contains chamomile extract and licorice extract, which have an anti-inflammatory effect on the oral mucosa.

  • "Tutti Frutti". This baby product contains no fluoride. But there are calcium ions and active salts. These components actively contribute to the remineralization of tooth enamel. It also contains extracts of chamomile and licorice.
  • "Big Pear". Cool product with a mild and very pleasant aroma. Very carefully protects the enamel of vulnerable milk teeth. Enamel is actively strengthened with the use of the Big Pear. The oral cavity is perfectly protected from pathogenic bacteria thanks to the xylitol in the composition.


Consumers leave different reviews for hygiene products from Klatz. Among them there are enthusiastic, disappointed, and neutral. First, let's find out what users liked about branded teeth cleaning products:

  • natural composition with safe, harmless ingredients;
  • beautiful design of branded boxes and tubes;
  • high-quality teeth cleaning;
  • high efficiency of the declared action, due to which it is not necessary to visit dentists so often;
  • interesting and very pleasant taste of most specimens;
  • noticeable strengthening of tooth enamel;
  • providing gentle care for teeth and oral mucosa;
  • long-term preservation of the feeling of cleanliness.

Many people did not notice a single flaw in the company's pastes.

As for the noticed disadvantages, here the following is most often found in reviews:

  • poor availability of pasta, which is not sold in all stores;
  • not always an acceptable price;
  • some tastes were not liked by users due to their subjective feelings;
  • to some customers, the feeling of freshness did not seem so long;
  • small volume of tubes.
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