
Features of Korean toothpastes and their review

Features of Korean toothpastes and their review
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Popular brands
  3. Review overview

Korean toothpaste is said to be the ideal choice not only for maintaining oral hygiene, but also for fighting plaque and tartar. A significant advantage of this product is also its reasonable price.

Advantages and disadvantages

Korean toothpaste, like Korean cosmetics, is gradually conquering the market for corresponding products and today it can be found not only in specific online stores, but also in perfume supermarkets, and even in hardware stores. There are even varieties for women only and men only. The benefits of Korean toothpaste are numerous. It can be attributed to the budget, but at the same time to effectively operating products. For the most part, the natural composition is hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly and absolutely safe for the health of even young children.

Products originally from Korea are made from a range of Asian herbs. In addition, vitamins C and E are included in the composition. The first one improves regeneration and has an anti-inflammatory effect, while the second strengthens the gums and reduces their bleeding. Judging by the reviews, even a couple of days of using Korean toothpaste leads to an improvement in the condition of the oral cavity. A big advantage is also the fact that there are whitening, strengthening and other types of product.

Whitening substances perfectly cope with the task without destroying enamel at all, while strengthening substances really have a beneficial effect on teeth and gums.

The advantage of this product is the attractive appearance of both the paste itself and the packaging. The translucent and thick substance is very convenient to use. As for the taste of the pasta, opinions differ regarding it.For some people, this parameter is the main drawback: not everyone likes the sweet-salty or even exotic taste, and a slight pinching of the tongue is also observed. However, after a couple of days of use, you get used to it and start enjoying the feeling of freshness that arises after. The paste smells strong, but quite nice.

Popular brands

Getting acquainted with Korean cosmetics, it is better to turn to trusted brands and be sure to first read reviews of both dentists and ordinary consumers.

Perioe 46 cm

The paste, whose full name sounds like Perioe 46 cm White Now 93%, is regularly ranked among the best dental products. The creation of the brand, owned by LG, has a refreshing herb flavor and is designed to cleanse enamel with quality. It should be mentioned that the mysterious "46 centimeters" present in the name is the distance at which people around can catch the fresh breath of a person who brushed their teeth with this paste. The paste is abrasive, and soft granules are responsible for removing plaque from the surface. Mentioned in the title "93%" reveal the effectiveness of the whitening properties of the product.

The company representatives claim that a slightly mint transparent substance with silvery abrasive blotches is 3-4 times better at cleaning enamel than other pastes.

However, using the product on a regular basis, you can expect an increase in the sensitivity of the enamel, so it is better to use the paste a couple of times a week, and the rest of the time to give preference to softer products.

Another worthy variation of this paste is Perioe 46 cm PumPing. The substance contained in an economical package with a dispenser is not aggressive, and therefore is suitable for everyday use. The line includes mint, fruit and herbal flavors. By the way, you can whiten your teeth well with Perioe PumPing Citruscontaining in its composition not only safe abrasives, but also sodium fluoride, which prevents the development of caries and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the enamel. Silicon dioxide is responsible for cleaning plaque, it also fights tartar. The gel substance with a pleasant mint-lemon flavor is minimally consumed.


Median Dental IQ 93% by Amore Pacific - the creation of specialists from South Korea. The line contains four products under a common name, but with different properties. "93%" is an indicator that regular use of a product with 93% effectiveness prevents the build-up of bacteria and copes with the pathogenic environment. The first variety of this paste is sold in green packaging. It is intended for the prevention of gum disease due to the content of mint and green tea in the extract.

The soft granules do not compromise the integrity of the enamel, but they provide protection for the gums and strengthen the surface with minerals. Plaque bacteria are significantly reduced and inflammation is reduced by up to 71%. Pasta in blue packaging is a classic variety suitable for everyday use. The sweet mint-flavored substance contains micro-fragments of silica, which effectively cope with the existing plaque and prevent its further formation.

The highly abrasive red paste not only cleans the surface, but also whitens it. However, the enamel remains intact. Whitening paste in a white box with a mint-lemon flavor is intended directly for whitening teeth. Its abrasiveness is also high. It should be mentioned that all representatives of the Median Dental IQ line contain 93% zeolite. This volcanic mineral enhances all the characteristics of the product - the ability to cleanse, absorb toxins and fight microbes. This is a soft polishing substance, the mass fraction of hazardous fluorides does not exceed 0.15%, does not violate the integrity of the enamel.

Median Dental White, formerly known as Its White, also receives good reviews from the Median brand. The clear gel in a narrow-nosed package also tastes like a mixture of lemon and mint. The product copes well with whitening without harming the enamel.


Evas brand toothpastes have become a discovery of 2019 for the Russian consumer. The brand's assortment is presented in several varieties with unique properties. So, Evas Jeanne Calment Herb Toothpaste Peace & Calming is designed for sensitive gums and enamel. The chamomile and grapefruit extracts present in the extract destroy bacteria and strengthen the tissues. Propolis, eucalyptus oils and mastics contained in the paste have antibacterial properties and promote wound healing. This paste is safe for everyday use.

Evas Jeanne Calment Herb Toothpaste Original is suitable for basic maintenance of a clean oral cavity and also prevents the development of caries. The product contains such plant components as extract of rosemary and sage, as well as mastic and eucalyptus oil. Evas Jeanne Calment Herb Toothpaste Pure & Shine is called a scrubbing paste, since the substance contains special particles that effectively deal with plaque and enamel brightening. Propolis, eucalyptus and mastic present in the composition guarantee fast healing of wounds and the elimination of bacteria. In addition, the naturalness of the product is ensured by extracts of green tea and aloe.

It should be clarified that the average abrasiveness of the product allows it to be used no more than three times a week.


  • Oats White Paste Toothpaste famous for its ability to gently brighten the enamel. The gel-like substance with fine cleaning particles gently envelops the enamel, preventing its destruction. Light menthol taste does not cause unpleasant sensations. The product contains sorbitol, sodium, menthol, cellulose and glycerin.
  • Mukunghwa Tea Catechin Health Clinic with sweet mint flavor designed for smokers. The paste has a powerful whitening effect, but it also works to prevent tooth decay and protect the gums from bleeding. Its regular use allows you to freshen your breath and, most importantly, get rid of the smell of tobacco. The most useful component of a fairly extensive composition is green tea extract.
  • The name of the budgetary paste Dental Clinic 2080 "Shining Whiteness" speaks for itself. The gradual lightening of the enamel is accompanied by the removal of small impurities and freshening the breath. Silicon dioxide is responsible for removing food debris, stone and plaque. According to the manufacturer, teeth are whitened with a 3D effect, that is, they are cleaned from all sides. The presence of vitamin E improves the condition of the gums, the circulation of which is stimulated and the development of diseases is prevented. This paste is allowed to be used on an ongoing basis from the age of six.
  • La Miso Pastacontaining charcoal, propolis and xylitol, gently polishes the tooth surface and quickly eliminates inflammation. The formula maintains a healthy microflora in the mouth and gradually changes the color of the enamel. By the way, if you clean your mouth with massage movements, you can also strengthen the dental tissue. This variety is ideal for everyday use.
  • CJ Lion Dr. Sedoc Original enriched with tea tree oil - one of the best bacteria killers. In addition, the composition contains mint, which, in combination with the first ingredient, successfully prevents the development of periodontitis. Mineral components accelerate the absorption of nutrients.

This paste is considered quite aggressive, and therefore not suitable for owners of sensitive enamel.

Review overview

Dentists' reviews of Korean pastes are usually positive. Among the obvious advantages, experts highlight the natural composition of the product and the absence of negative consequences from use in relation to enamel. Ordinary users also note a rather extensive range of flavors, appealing even to children, affordable cost and the visible effect of cleaning enamel from plaque and even tartar. The main disadvantage of the product is called its non-proliferation - in order to find a product of interest in local stores, you have to spend enough time.

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