
Features of Dabur toothpastes

Features of Dabur toothpastes
  1. Description
  2. Indications and contraindications
  3. Assortment overview
  4. Terms of use
  5. Review overview

Dabur toothpastes belong to the series of Ayurvedic hygiene products... They allow you to restore the natural whiteness of your teeth, prevent pathologies of the oral cavity and provide fresh breath for a long time. Dentists claim that the use of pastes based on natural ingredients is beneficial for dental health. We will talk in more detail about the features of the compositions.


Dabur is an Indian international corporation that has gained fame as a manufacturer of cosmetics and hygiene products based on natural ingredients. All products are made using the recognized healing method - Ayurveda. All pastes are created on the basis of essential oils and pomace of medicinal plants grown in safe, ecologically clean areas.

Regular use of Dabur products allows you to get rid of unaesthetic yellow plaque, reduces bleeding gums and strengthens the enamel of the teeth. The composition has a wound healing effect, tightens ulcers and wounds in the mouth, inhibits the growth of pathogenic microflora and freshens breath.

The product can be used even by young children, since it does not contain fluoride, hazardous chemical elements and aggressive abrasives.

The main active ingredients of the paste can be anise, miswak, Salvador persian extract and other Indian plants. Manufacturers borrowed the idea of ​​their use from the traditions of the Ancient East, when people cleaned the mouth with twigs. The main components have antibacterial and antimicrobial effects.

To achieve the maximum effect, the composition is additionally introduced:

  • calcium carbonate - a naturally occurring thickener that effectively cleans tooth enamel;
  • silicon is a delicate abrasive with a cleansing effect;
  • carrageenan - relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane and gums;
  • sodium benzoate - has antimicrobial and antiseptic effect;
  • sorbitol - acts as a preservative, thickener and colorant;
  • eugenol - block toothache;
  • glycerin - creates additional protection for the oral cavity;
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate is the only constituent of synthetic origin required for enhanced foaming.

The composition of the ingredients is balanced in such a way that all the components complement each other and together give the maximum therapeutic effect.

Indications and contraindications

Dabur's toothpaste has pronounced beneficial properties:

  • plaque is eliminated;
  • reduces tartar;
  • reduces the severity of inflammation and pain;
  • heals small wounds in the oral cavity;
  • prevents the development of caries and other dental pathologies;
  • restores the whiteness of the teeth;
  • strengthens the gums and enamel;
  • has a pronounced antimicrobial effect;
  • provides long-lasting freshness of breath.

The main contraindication to the use of Dabur pastes is individual intolerance to the components of the drug. It is better to refuse the use of Ayurvedic remedies in case of allergies, asthma and chronic pathologies of the respiratory system. Some types of extracts and essential oils cause an atypical reaction in the body, so women should use it with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

Assortment overview

The Dabur line includes several main varieties of toothpastes.

Red dabur

This is the most popular product from the Daburov line. The creators call it a panacea for all oral problems. The composition of the cleaning agent is unique - it includes ginger, mint, laurel, cloves, as well as black and long peppers. Red clay is used as a base - it gives the paste a pronounced reddish tint.

With regular use, the composition provides an astringent and antimicrobial effect. The paste prevents toothache and freshens breath for a long time. It is especially effective in the fight against periodontal disease - the agent tightens the gums and completely neutralizes their bleeding, and also prevents tooth loss. The active ingredients of the composition fight against halitosis - a pungent odor in the oral cavity. This toothpaste belongs to the category of "family", it can be used by both adults and kids.

Herb'l Dabur Anti Aging

Herb'l Dabur (Anti Aging) toothpaste has a unique formula without the presence of fluoride and other chemicals. The composition is optimal for users over the age of 30. With systematic use, age-related changes such as gum inflammation, yellow bacterial plaque and tartar are eliminated.

The active ingredient is Roman chamomile root, acacia acacia and Spanish cherry. These components have pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, astringent and wound healing properties.

Miswak dabur

This Indian paste effectively cleans teeth and massages the gums. Due to the presence of astringent and antibacterial components, the dental tissue and gums are strengthened, the tongue is cleansed. This ensures fresh breath throughout the day.

Miswak extracts with a pronounced anise flavor are introduced into the composition as an active ingredient. This improves the organoleptic characteristics, the paste creates a pleasant smell and a feeling of freshness in the oral cavity. The color is white, the product does not contain thickeners, flavors or sweeteners. There is no fluoride in the composition.

Dabur Herb'l Mint & Lemon

If you have problems with strong breath, you should pay attention to the Dabur Herb'l Mint & Lemon paste. The presence of lemon and mint provides a pronounced refreshing effect.Combined with other ingredients, they remove plaque, prevent tartar formation and brighten tooth enamel. The complex action removes odors from the mouth and provides long-lasting natural freshness of breath.

Dabur Herb'l Salt & Lemon

Dabur Herb'l Salt & Lemon Toothpaste is based on the cleansing properties of lemon and salt. Combined with other herbal ingredients, the balanced composition of the paste can deal with dark spots, yellow plaque and tartar. With regular use, the enamel is quickly brightened and whitened.

Terms of use

Dabur toothpaste must be used at least twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. However, the manufacturer states that to achieve the most beneficial effect, you need to clean your mouth after every meal. To do this, a small amount of paste is applied to a toothbrush and the teeth are massaged for 2-3 minutes, after which the mouth is rinsed.

Dabur pastes have a high concentration of plant components, so they are not recommended to be used for a long time. It is advisable to alternate Ayurvedic formulations with more gentle ones. Otherwise, it can worsen the condition of the enamel.

Review overview

Reviews for Dabur toothpaste are mixed. Some buyers are very happy with the chosen formulation. They claim that the paste perfectly freshens breath, cleans teeth well and whitens in moderation. It is noted that after 2 weeks of application, the enamel brightens by half a tone.

The paste has a good effect on periodontal disease, reduces gum bleeding and tooth sensitivity. The product does not leave behind a feeling of dryness in the mouth, while it foams well and is economically consumed.

The grain for polishing in the composition of Indian paste is small, its concentration is low - much lower than in most of the advertised products... This paste is suitable for an electric toothbrush.

Of the minuses of Ayurvedic pasta from India, the herbal taste and smell of the product are noted, which not everyone likes. Contrary to expectations, the product does not eliminate the need to visit the dentist for calculus removal. In addition, the composition has not received wide distribution in our country, with the exception of the Promis line of products. Most often, you have to order pasta through Internet resources and wait several weeks.

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