
All about PresiDENT toothpastes

All about PresiDENT toothpastes
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Composition
  3. Current collections and products
  4. Selection recommendations
  5. Reviews

One of the most important hygiene procedures is brushing your teeth. This event is held in the morning and before bedtime. And to get the maximum effect, it is important to use not only a high-quality toothbrush, but also toothpaste. And if in the recent past consumers opted for the Blend-a-med and Colgate brands, today the PresiDENT brand is very popular.


Before getting acquainted with the features of the PresiDENT toothpastes, you should know a little about the history of the brand. The brand, known all over the world today, originated in Milan, the main city of the northern part of Italy. It happened in 1971. The founders of the brand, Giuseppe Chicco and Ettore Thalia, opened their own laboratory, the main goal of which was the development of medicines, cosmetics and care products.

The main feature of the created laboratory complex was the use of only modern technologies at that time. The company's specialists constantly carried out various studies, studied new methods of work, on the basis of which they developed unique products. Soon the laboratory was replenished with a pharmaceutical plant. The products passing through its conveyors have had and have a confirmation of their Milanese origin in the form of a numerical value at the beginning of the barcode. And now the counters of shops and pharmacies began to be replenished with products of the PresiDENT brand. Buyers immediately noticed the new name of the care products. However, they were more attracted by the cost of the goods. For a small amount, one could purchase a self-care complex. In principle, nothing has changed since then.

The assortment range of the PresiDENT brand was regularly replenished with new products. The first toothpastes were presented to the fans of the brand.No one even doubted that they would be of high quality. And now the result exceeded all expectations. In a few moments, the PresiDENT brand toothpaste began to spread outside Italy.

The number of consumers grew exponentially every day. The production resource of the plant has increased several times.

According to the research carried out, the great demand for PresiDENT toothpaste comes from young people. The effectiveness of the cleaning composition and affordable price are the main criteria for choosing the young generation. In addition, with regular use of the presented brand's toothpastes, you can avoid the occurrence of various diseases of the teeth and gums. Interestingly, for each individual paste, the manufacturer has released an individual rinse aid. The main task of the auxiliary hygiene liquid is to consolidate the effect after brushing your teeth.

There are several interesting facts on the basis of which it is possible to understand what features PresiDENT toothpastes have.

  • The brand's products have been highly appreciated by Italian dentists. Russia, however, before launching a new product on the domestic market, conducted its own research in several laboratories. The tests carried out have shown that the presented masses for cleaning teeth are effective, and most importantly, safe for human health.
  • An important characteristic of PresiDENT pastes is their composition. Some products contain Syloblanc gentle abrasive.
  • Compared to other toothpastes, PresiDENT cleaning products have a shelf life of 5 years.
  • Toothpaste PresiDENT is the best solution for curative prophylaxis.

It is worth noting that all the developed products of the PresiDENT brand are divided into series, which, in addition to toothpastes, include other oral care products.

  • Classic. Products in this series have been developed for people without oral health problems.
  • Unique. The composition of the toothpastes belonging to this series does not contain fluoride. And the components present in them, on the contrary, only strengthen the enamel and structure of the teeth.
  • Eco-bio. A distinctive feature of the products belonging to this series is the absence of dyes, preservatives and various allergens in the composition.
  • Sensitive. This series has been specially developed for people with high sensitivity of teeth and gums.
  • White. The products of this series are aimed at the most effective whitening of the tooth surface.
  • Anti-ag. This series was developed for older people. It helps fight age-related aging of tissues in the oral cavity.
  • Defense. The products in this series are designed to help you get rid of unpleasant odors.
  • Active. These toothpastes help to eliminate the problem of bleeding gums.
  • Exclusive. An exclusive line of products designed for people with frequent dental diseases.
  • Antibacterial. From the name it becomes clear that this series was created to fight microbes and bacteria.
  • Garant. Treatment series for removable dentures.
  • Series for children. The products are designed for effective care of baby's milk teeth.


Surely everyone understands that toothpastes from different manufacturers differ in composition. Some are dominated by biologically active components, others are filled with chemical additives. However, the common between them should be the abrasiveness index indicated on the packaging of the tubes by the letter RDA index. Almost all formulations of PresiDENT brand toothpastes have a degree of abrasiveness of 75 units, which is ideal for people with dental and gum health problems.

In addition to abrasives, other components are also present in PresiDENT pastes.

  • Syloblanc - an abrasive polishing element that helps remove plaque and gives the tooth surface a mirror-like smoothness.
  • Xylitol - sweet alcohol of natural origin, which plays the role of a flavoring agent. Combined with fluoride, it fights gum inflammation.
  • Alpha eucalyptol - The active ingredient in olive oil, which is responsible for the health of gum tissue.
  • Allantoin - a natural ingredient often used in the manufacture of cosmetics. Allantoin has an antibacterial effect, promotes healing of small wounds and ulcers in the oral cavity.
  • Anise oil - a component with antiseptic properties to strengthen the gum tissue and tooth enamel.
  • Chamomile, sage, lemon balm, mint oils - natural ingredients responsible for disinfection of the tissues of the oral cavity, reduction of signs of inflammation and fresh breath.
  • Sodium fluoride - this component complements the protective layers of the teeth with mineral compounds.
  • Bioavailable calcium - a building component that gives teeth maximum health.
  • Hexetidine - an antimicrobial substance that has an antiseptic effect on the entire oral cavity.
  • Triclosan - a synthetic compound with antibacterial and antifungal effects.
  • Vitamins - help to improve tissue mineralization and restore metabolism.
  • Biological calcium phosphate - a component responsible for strengthening the enamel and replacing damaged areas of the oral tissue.
  • Potassium salt and calcium carbonate - whitening ingredients that do not cause painful sensations in people with sensitive enamel.
  • Papaya extract - a substitute for fluorinated products.
  • Fluorine - a substance that can protect teeth from caries.

There is no identical composition in PresiDENT brand toothpastes. Each individual product has a certain concentration of components, which, together with excipients, provide the expected effect.

Current collections and products

Today the company for the production of hygiene products PresiDENT occupies a leading position in the world market. Thousands of highly qualified specialists from different cities and countries are working on the creation of the brand's collections. The range of the brand is so diverse that each person is able to choose the most suitable effective remedy for himself. For example, for smokers who do not have any dental diseases, the Black collection is ideal.

The active components of the whitening paste formulations belonging to this collection remove nicotine accumulations from the teeth and get rid of unpleasant odors. The Blue collection is designed for the care of sensitive teeth. And for children, PresiDENT has created a separate collection, the toothpastes of which have an antibacterial effect.


One of the favorite collections of young people, aimed at restoring and maintaining the whiteness of teeth. Thanks to the components present in the compositions of pastes belonging to this group, it is possible not only to restore the natural beauty of a smile, but also to preserve it for a long time. What is noteworthy, the whitening toothpastes of the Black collection can be used both every day and directly during the course of treatment.

The Black collection contains several types of pastes, namely White, Renome, Smokers.

  • Whitening effect of Renome toothpaste created by controlling the size, shape and concentration of abrasive substances. In the process of cleaning, soft plaque is destroyed on the surface of the teeth, after which the active components of the composition are taken for polishing the dental plates. Dentists, in turn, recommend using Renome toothpaste only after professional cleaning. It must be used 2 times a day, in the morning, after meals and just before bedtime. It is recommended to brush your teeth for no more than 2 minutes.
  • White plus paste is more suitable for people who want to get maximum whitening. The treatment course allows you to get rid of soft plaque and create an obstacle for the formation of tartar, which is especially susceptible to people who consume coffee, tea and other drinks with dyes, as well as people suffering from nicotine addiction. Use White plus paste after visiting the dentist.If the doctor sees that this hygiene product cannot be dispensed with, he will tell you what will be the course of treatment and the method of application.
  • Smokers - the perfect development of the PresiDENT brand, not only eliminating nicotine plaque, but also providing fresh breath. The paste must be used 2 times a day.

However, the manufacturer claims that it is possible more often. It will not harm the oral cavity.


This collection was designed to fight gum disease. Dentists, knowing the effectiveness of the Activ toothpaste from the Red collection, prescribe it to their patients in the treatment of periodontal disease and periodontitis. This is not surprising, because the composition of the remedy contains components such as hawthorn, sanguinaria, triclosan and mint. Hawthorn strengthens the capillary walls, sanguinaria increases immunity, triclosan has an antimicrobial effect, and mint acts as a disinfectant and maintains fresh breath.

Another important component present in the Activ toothpaste is fluoride. But don't worry that it will harm your dental health. Its amount meets the requirements of the World Health Organization. The course of treatment involves the daily application of the paste in the morning and evening for 3 weeks. Then there is a 2-week break, and after that the course is repeated again.


This collection is designed to combat hyperesthesia. More precisely, for the care of sensitive teeth. The paste included in the presented collection is called Sensitive. It is recommended to use it 2 times a day. If necessary, after each meal.

Often dentists prescribe this toothpaste to people who have a tendency to develop caries after a clinical whitening procedure. The active components of the composition included chamomile, which relieves inflammation, mint, which gives fresh breath, and hydroxyapatite, which is responsible for tissue remineralization.


The classic collection of the PresiDENT brand is designed for everyday use. These include Unique, Eco-bio and Classic toothpastes.

  • The hallmark of Unique toothpaste consists in the absence of fluorine in the composition. It is recommended to use it for people living in cities and towns where drinking water has a high fluoride content.
  • The composition of the Eco-bio toothpaste is 95% made from natural ingredients. This is evidenced by the certificates of conformity of Italian origin. This toothpaste is free of menthol, parabens, allergens, preservatives, and even more so dyes.
  • Classic toothpaste developed as a prophylactic agent for the recurrence of caries and for the preservation of established fillings.


The products of the presented collection have several unique properties. First of all, it is a patented formula and, of course, a high vitamin content of the formulations. This collection contains several toothpastes that have been approved by most of the world's dentists - Anti-Age and Exclusive.

The composition of the Anti-Age toothpaste is a huge vitamin complex, which is ideal for people suffering from vitamin deficiency and mineral deficiencies. And Exclusive toothpaste is a godsend for people suffering from frequent occurrence of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.


The toothpastes belonging to this collection are designed for the most effective and high-quality oral care. These products can be used for prophylactic purposes and for the treatment of various diseases. Quite often, dentists recommend that patients wearing braces and other healing structures use pastes from this particular collection. And this is not surprising. They contain modified chlorhexidine, which is capable of identifying and eliminating soft dental deposits, due to which the procedure for hygiene of the oral cavity and mucous membranes rises to a higher level.

The list of pastes belonging to the Profi or Professional collection includes Antibacterial, Sensitive plus gel, Extra active.

  • Toothpaste called Antibacterial kills pathogenic and opportunistic microflora, which is comfortable for the formation and development of viruses and bacteria. Regular use of this cleaning agent keeps the gums in good shape and strengthens the enamel of the teeth. The first course of treatment consists of 3 weeks with morning and evening teeth brushing. At the end of the preventive course, you should take a break for 2 weeks.

It’s just impossible to decide for yourself how many courses of treatment should be taken. To do this, you need to visit a dentist.

  • Sensitive plus, although it is a gel, still belongs to the same niche as toothpastes. Regular use of this product will reduce the sensitivity of teeth that occurs after medical bleaching and hyperesthesia. It is recommended to put the gel in a mouthguard and put it on the teeth. If there is none, you can spread the gel mass on the surface of the teeth and gums. So you need to wait about 20 minutes, after which the gel is washed off.
  • Extra active gel is prescribed by dentists for patients who have persistent bleeding of the gums. By combining the components of the composition, namely oak bark extract, aluminum lactate and chlorhexidine solution, bleeding ends 15-20 minutes after application. The course of treatment with this hygiene product is designed for only a week. It is recommended to apply a medical mask 2 times a day, more precisely, in the morning and in the evening. It is best to use your finger to distribute the gel product evenly.

Dentists who prescribe products from the Professional collection to their patients are confident that with regular use, the painful condition that forms in the oral cavity recedes very quickly. After several procedures of dental applications, bleeding of the gums is significantly reduced, inflammation decreases and discomfort disappears.

Kid's choice

The PresiDENT brand could not forget about its smallest clients. The Kid's Choice collection has been developed especially for toddlers and older children.which included delicious toothpastes. Their compositions contain only useful natural ingredients that are not capable of harming milk and molars.

Yes, There is a small amount of fluoride in PresiDENT children's toothpastes. But their level does not exceed the permissible norm. This issue is under the control not only of the manufacturer, but also of the World Health Organization. The composition also contains no parabens, sugars and allergens, which indicates that the brand is overly concerned. With PresiDENT baby pastes, kids will love the oral hygiene procedure.


A unique collection that includes the first development of toothpastes containing abrasive components of natural origin, such as tea tree, passion fruit, cranberry and organ. The products of the presented group are the ideal solution for preventive use.

Selection recommendations

Everyone knows that PresiDENT products are of high quality. This is confirmed by most of the world's dentists. However, it is impossible to be sure of getting instant results. First, no remedy helps the first time. Secondly, without consulting a specialist, there is a high probability of purchasing the wrong toothpaste. It's no secret that most people are afraid of dentists, which is why they even refuse an ordinary examination. But without consulting a specialist, it is impossible to understand what dental problems should be paid attention to in the first place.

If it was not possible to get to the dentist, it is necessary to determine the primary problem of the oral cavity. By the way, there may be several of them. For example, bleeding gums and darkening of dental plates. First of all, you need to get rid of periodontal disease and only then start bleaching.For preventive purposes, it is recommended to purchase a complex consisting of toothpaste and related products.

It is desirable that hygiene products belong to the same collection.


Most people, when purchasing one or another medical product, are guided by the advice and reviews of strangers. On the one hand, this is good, but not in the case of purchasing toothpaste for medicinal purposes. You need to be careful in finding comments about the agent of interest. Doubtful internet portals may work with brand competitors. That is why it is worth reading consumer ratings only on specialized sites. There, people post detailed information regarding the use of the product.

A lot of positive comments are posted by people using whitening toothpaste. According to them, the tone of the teeth changes before the eyes. People with sensitive teeth and gums talk about the PresiDENT brand with special love and awe. Thanks to the presented product, they can safely eat food of any temperature, hardness and specificity.

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