
Children's toothpaste R.O.C.S.

Children's toothpaste R.O.C.S.
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Range
  3. Selection criteria

Parents begin to think about the health of their babies' teeth from their very birth. Children's toothpaste R. O. C. S. is an ultramodern remedy aimed at actively combating diseases of the teeth and gums. The company manufactures products for different age categories. Babies can start using R. O. C. S. toothpaste almost from the first months after birth and ending with adulthood.


Toothpastes of the R. O. C. S. company for adults and children are aimed at actively combating gum inflammation and caries. The presence of our own laboratory and industrial sites allows us to create products based on unique developments. Regular treatment provides comprehensive oral care. Using the paste will whiten your teeth without harming the enamel and make your breath fresh.

The R. O. C. S. paste contains a patented ingredient called MINERALIN, consisting of xylitol, bromelain, calcium glycerophosphate and magnesium chloride.

The presence of xylitol in the product promotes better absorption of calcium. Bromelain prevents the appearance of dental plaque, removes it, and also has anti-inflammatory properties. Other elements that make up the composition help to strengthen the enamel of the teeth.

The MINERALIN action is as follows:

  • at the first stage, thanks to bromelain, plaque is removed from the teeth, as a result they look perfect;

  • at the second stage, active components penetrate into the enamel in the form of magnesium, calcium and phosphorus - this leads to an increase in the tooth's resistance to bacterial growth and negative environmental influences from the outside.

Use of funds R. O. C. S.allows you to saturate the enamel with useful components similar in structure to the composition of the teeth, and even stop caries at its early stage.


R. O. C. S. products are becoming more and more popular. Cleaning pastes of this brand are a series for children and adolescents from 0 to 18 years old. Each component in the composition of one or another product undergoes special studies, which are controlled at all stages of production. Choose products based on the age of the child.

In assortment:

  • products for babies from zero to 3 years old;

  • children's toothpastes designed to care for the oral cavity for babies from 3 to 7 years old;

  • options for the younger generation (from 8 to 18 years old).

Manufacturers took care of the design of their products. The tubes themselves are comfortable, they can easily be held in the hands of the baby. Thanks to the flexible plastic, the packaging will not break, and the tube will not cut itself. The protective cap on the tubes is also convenient.

0 to 3 years old

Teething is a rather frustrating process for most babies. The use of R. O. C. S. baby pastes will help to reduce inflammation and pain sensations. Many children quickly get used to the pleasant taste of the cleaning agent, to its delicate consistency. The daily routine begins to bring them pleasure.

Pediatric dentists recommend teaching your baby to brush his teeth regularly and take care of the oral cavity as early as possible. For the age category from 0 to 3 years, the company has released products from the Rocs BABY series. In the composition of these products there are no harmful components, dyes, fluoride, so even swallowing a small amount will not be harmful.

Using them will allow babies to reliably protect delicate gums from bacteria and microbes.

Several toothpastes have been produced specifically for this age category.

  • "The scent of linden." To relieve pain in babies when teething.

  • "Fragrant chamomile". Using the product will help reduce inflammation.
  • The choice of pasta "Quince" will help prevent tooth decay.
  • Antibacterial natural Pro Baby paste. It contains completely natural ingredients, no fluoride, no fragrances and dyes, no parabens, no sodium lauryl sulfate.

Each of these options has a soft base that does not injure fragile enamel, which helps to clean the teeth efficiently. The combination of modern technologies with natural ingredients allows you to get a decent product suitable for this age category.

From 3 to 7 years old

It is imperative for children between the ages of 3 and 7 to have regular oral care. This period is most important for the formation of both deciduous and permanent teeth.

Children from 3 years of age should brush their teeth on their own. They do this procedure under the supervision of adults. At this time, the skills of correct and high-quality cleaning are laid.

This period of study can last up to 7 years, until the child can independently do a similar procedure.

When choosing a paste for a child 3-7 years old, you should pay attention to the products of R. O. C. S., because it has a lot of advantages:

  • a wide range of products with a variety of tastes;

  • naturalness and absolute safety of products;

  • it is possible to choose an option with or without fluorine;

  • the use of paste will solve a lot of problems in the form of inflammation, caries;

  • contributes to the saturation of the teeth with the necessary materials;

  • suitable for use by children with allergic diseases;

  • the presence of xylitol improves the resistance to acids.

In addition, an interesting game or coloring books, inserts with puzzles will become a pleasant bonus when buying a product.

The choice of pasta plays a significant role. Manufacturers have tried to make the aroma of their products as interesting as possible:

  • Toothpaste with fluoride "Berry Fantasy" has a delicious aroma of strawberries and raspberries;

  • fans of lemon, orange or vanilla will like Citrus Rainbow;

  • Bubble Gum paste will give you the aroma of chewing gum.

All these options fall into the category of products for children 4-7 years old. The presence of a fluoride complex in the composition allows you to create a protective layer during cleaning, which will lead to a decrease in inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

For babies who are not suitable for fluoride pastes, dentists recommend paying attention to formulations with the Mineralin Kids remineralizing complex. These include toothpastes "Barberry", "Fruit cone" with ice cream flavor and "Sweet Princess". Products are suitable for children from 3 to 7 years old.

Pro Kids paste called "Wild Berries" contains components that can protect against caries, plaque and inflammation. The presence of calcium in the form of a suspension will help create a special layer for protection, deliver the necessary minerals.

Many people may be interested in the new PRO Kids Electro toothpaste. Manufacturers recommend using it with electric brushes.

With this cleaning, plaque is softened and removed.

6 to 12 years old

To avoid further problems in the form of tooth decay, children need to be able to brush their teeth properly.

Considering that at the age of 6-8 years, children begin to actively change their teeth, inflammation of the mucous membrane can occur, so it is better for them to purchase special products for adolescents. They are not yet recommended to use products for adults.

Effective toothpastes for this age category include the following options:

  • JUNIOR "Berry Mix";

  • JUNIOR "Chocolate and Caramel";

  • JUNIOR Fruit Rainbow.

These products are designed for children of primary school age, taking into account their physiological characteristics, because it is during this period that milk teeth change to permanent ones. The composition is free of fluorides and parabens, as well as SLS.

At this time, it is recommended that children be taught to use floss - dental floss, which helps to clean out food debris from the gaps between the teeth.

12 to 18 years old

Although at this age adolescents are already quite independent and do not need parental control, it is during this period that they are most susceptible to diseases of the oral cavity. Irregular or improper dental care leads to the development of caries, and inflammation begins. Teenagers should no longer use baby pastes, it's time to replace them with other options.

These include:

  • R. O. C. S. Teens - the taste of an active day with a cola and lemon flavor;

  • "The aroma of a sultry summer with a taste of strawberries";

  • "Chocolate mousse".

The use of the proposed options contributes to:

  • increasing the resistance of immature enamel to the action of acids by almost 2 times;

  • a decrease in the yield of minerals and their saturation, which leads to an acceleration of the maturation process of durable enamel;

  • protection against bacteria that can destroy the tooth;

  • protecting the gums from inflammation;

  • normalization of the microflora composition in the oral cavity.

When choosing a paste for sensitive teeth, you should pay attention to products with hydroxyapatite. So, Paste from the Sensitive series "Instant Effect" was specially developed for people with high sensitivity. Its abrasiveness index is low, which is very important in case of problems with enamel, its thinning or after bleaching. It can be used not only by adults but also by teenagers.

The peculiarity of the paste is that it is not recommended to rinse it, because the suspension contains up to 50% of the minerals necessary for mineralization.

Selection criteria

Dentists conventionally divide toothpaste for children into two groups. The first includes fluorine-free products. Such a remedy is able to saturate the child's enamel with calcium, but it will not be enough to protect the teeth themselves from caries. As for the second group - with the content of fluorine, they, on the contrary, have a good anti-carious effect. But they are not recommended for children from 0 to 7 years old in areas where the fluoride content in drinking water is high. Scientists have found that an excess of fluoride can damage the enamel, the appearance of cracks and stains on it.

According to doctors, it is better for babies under 6-7 years old to use a product without fluoride; older children can buy products with fluoride.

The choice of cleaning agents for the teeth of young children should be based on certain rules.

  • It is imperative to study the composition indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. It is desirable that the composition of the suspension be natural and simple, with a minimum of components.

  • When choosing a color, it is better to give preference to white products.

  • Find out the production date and the deadline for implementation. Usually it is 12 months. Do not allow a child to use pasta with an expired date.

When choosing products, you should also take into account the labeling indicating the age of the child, as well as determine the ratio of the price of the product to the volume of the tube.

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