
RDA toothpastes

RDA toothpastes
  1. Abrasiveness index
  2. How to determine?
  3. The best abrasive toothpastes

Not everyone buys toothpaste by looking only at the price tag and manufacturer's name. There are picky buyers who are not lazy to study the composition. And this approach is correct. If you take several packages and compare the composition, you may be surprised at the differences between products that are designed for a simple matter - brushing your teeth. But the condition of the mouth, gums and teeth is different for everyone, so an individual approach makes sense. For example, someone will be shown abrasive toothpastes.

Abrasiveness index

Each paste contains an abrasive, which helps to reliably and efficiently clean the enamel from plaque. This abrasive softens the tartar, helping to remove it. And the degree of how effectively the paste does it depends precisely on the coefficient or index of abrasiveness. In most popular pastes, this figure is about 100 units or slightly less. That is, it is still impossible to compare it with professional cleaning, but to lighten the teeth by a tone, or even two, a paste with such an indicator will help.

What is all this for: small powdery particles in the paste mechanically act on the enamel layer. The abrasive helps to polish the crown of the tooth, which cleans it well from plaque and breaks down those elements from which the stone is formed.

The RDA in the paste can vary.

  • Up to 50 units. Such a product is suitable for daily care. Practically non-abrasive paste. Those who have a thinned layer of enamel are recommended to use it.
  • Up to 80 units. These data also indicate that the paste is low abrasion. The composition is gentle. The product can be used by adults and children for a long time.
  • 80 to 100 units. Such a tool can be used periodically, course or at intervals. But not on a permanent basis.
  • Above 100 units. The increase is aggressive, but it correlates with the effectiveness of the cleaning product. A similar paste can be used for a week, 10 days, and then take a break for 2-3 months.

By the way, if the teeth have become more sensitive, react more sharply to cold / hot, perhaps the person is fond of highly abrasive pastes. But this usually happens if, in addition to such a paste, he constantly uses an electric brush: such is a dangerous tandem.

The particle size of the abrasive, which is necessarily present in the paste, must be controlled. Therefore, it is imperative to look at the RDA index, it shows how much the risk of tooth injury increases. Yes, the highly abrasive compound is excellent at fighting plaque, but if overused, it destroys the enamel. It is one thing to use such an effective paste in courses, it is quite another to use it all the time. Then efficiency develops into aggressiveness.

How to determine?

There are two types of components in a paste that is supposed to brighten teeth by actively cleaning them from plaque. These are directly abrasives, as well as bleaching ingredients. If you need to get rid of yellowness on the teeth, pronounced pigmentation, help:

  • papain;
  • phosphates;
  • polydone;
  • bromelain.

These components should be looked for in the composition on the package. And in order for the paste to create a polishing effect, the following substances will need to be present in the composition: calcium carbonate, titanium dioxide, silicon compounds.

Abrasive pastes can, of course, give a very quick cleaning effect. It happens that even one procedure is enough for a noticeable result. But they, abrasive types, are dangerous due to the possibility of thinning of the enamel layer, the appearance of microcracks on the enamel. That is, it is necessary to unambiguously limit the use of abrasive pastes. In addition, there is not very good news for smokers - not all abrasive pastes can remove plaque that forms on the teeth of people with this bad habit.

The best abrasive toothpastes

But if you decide to use such a product, you need to choose the best. Of all the most notable ratings of abrasive pastes, an average can be compiled. Here's what's on this list.

  • LACALUT white. The product contains silicon oxide, as well as titanium dioxide, sodium fluoride. Thanks to such components, the product copes well with plaque, effectively loosens stone formations, and also brightens the enamel. The abrasiveness index of the product is 100 units.
  • SPLAT. Its abrasiveness index is slightly lower than the competitor - 90 units. Silicon dioxide became the main component of the paste. It is believed that this tool can reduce the sensitivity of the incisors in a short time. Plaque removes quite quickly, already in the first week of use, you can find a noticeable lightening of the crowns.
  • SILCA Arctic White. The abrasiveness coefficient is even lower - 80 units. This means that this paste can be used more often. The composition contains silicon and titanium dioxide. Effectively brightens teeth, removes plaque, promotes the destruction of calculus, controls the threshold of sensitivity. This product captivates with its relative cheapness.
  • PresiDENT White Plus. And in this case, the abrasiveness index jumps up sharply - as much as 200 units. The composition contains calcium glycerophosphate, diatomite. Since the RDA is huge, the paste can be used no more than once a week. But the degree of teeth cleaning is also appropriate.
  • Rembrandt Anti-tobacco and coffee. The abrasiveness of 110 is still a relatively mild cleaning with silicon and aluminum compounds. The abrasives in this product are combined with monofluorophosphate and citroxaine, and therefore the yellow plaque leaves the teeth very quickly. It is logical that the name itself contains the category of buyers for which the product is intended.
  • R. O. C. S. PRO Fresh Mint. The abrasiveness index is high - 139 units. If you use the paste often (albeit at the necessary intervals), you can count on quick getting rid of pigmentation and yellowness of the enamel.The paste is also considered a reliable protector against carious formations. The polishing of the teeth is very thorough, because the smile will really become snow-white, as the advertisement promises.
  • Blend-a-med 3D White. The abrasiveness index is within 95 units. A good option for express teeth whitening, as well as softening the stone. True, the composition promotes the leaching of calcium from the teeth. There should be an interval between procedures for applying the paste at least 4 days.
  • Parodontax. This product is dominated by mineral salt, sodium fluoride and bicarbonate. There are many remedies in the formula and herbal ingredients - mint, sage, echinacea. Abrasiveness is within 100 units. The paste, among other things, is good for those who have bleeding gums. Gentle enamel whitening. Can be used by teenagers over 14 years old.
  • Colgate Complex Whitening. Another famous manufacturer, the abrasiveness of this product is 110 units. The enamel layer is gently lightened, the bone structure of the tooth is enriched with valuable minerals. The paste can be used for a long time. Gradually restores the natural color of the teeth. The enamel is not damaged.
  • Natura House Extra Whitening. Abrasiveness does not even reach 80 units. The composition is based on the maximum of natural ingredients. Due to xylitol, teeth brighten, calcium and fluoride resist caries. The product is capable of restoring damaged enamel structure. But the remedy cannot be used by patients with fluorosis.
  • Oral-B 3D White. Abrasiveness is low, within 80 units. The care is soft, the protection of the mucous membrane is high. The clarification is high-quality, gradual, without risk to the enamel. But for people with an excess of fluoride in the body, such a product will not work.

Better advice than a doctor who has just performed a detailed examination of a patient's oral cavity is not given by anyone. And this also applies to the choice of paste, the indicator of its abrasiveness. Individual assignment is always more accurate.

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