
Features of fluoride toothpastes

Features of fluoride toothpastes
  1. Benefit and harm
  2. What is the difference between pastes with and without fluoride?
  3. Best products
  4. Nuances of choice
  5. Application rules

Toothpastes are different. On the market, you can find varieties that contain fluoride. These types of pastes are very popular. In this article, we will learn about the features of such products.

Benefit and harm

Fluoride pastes are available from many well-known brands. A great variety of similar hygiene products are presented to consumers' choice. They are very popular and in high demand. The demand for pastes containing sodium fluoride is due to the benefits that they can bring to the oral cavity.

Let's consider what is the beneficial effect of such products.

  • By itself, fluorine is capable of removing heavy metals from the human body. If this element is absent, then other microelements begin to be absorbed much more difficult.
  • If you regularly and correctly brush your teeth with pastes that contain fluoride, you can noticeably strengthen the enamel, minimize the aggressive influence of dangerous bacteria on it.
  • By means of a fluoride toothpaste, it is possible to significantly improve the metabolic processes occurring in the oral cavity.
  • Thanks to the paste in question, the salivary glands are stimulated.
  • These products have an important antiseptic effect on the oral cavity.
  • Tooth paste containing fluoride effectively prevents the transformation of soft plaque into calculus.

Under the influence of such an active substance as fluorine, all bacteria on the surface of the tongue and mucous membranes of the oral cavity secrete much less acid. Due to this action, human teeth practically do not suffer from carious destruction. People who are prone to similar problems should definitely use high-quality fluoride-containing pastes.

While beneficial and effective, fluorinated foods can be harmful.

Let's figure out how such a paste can be dangerous.

  • Most of these products are dangerous to people who can get enough fluoride from drinking water or related products. The consumption rate of the element in question per day for a person should not exceed 3 mg. To cover the need for this element, it is enough to use 2 liters of water. Users who drink liquid in serious volumes, as well as eat a lot of apples, can easily do without additional fluoride products.
  • If there is an increased content of fluoride in the human body, this may adversely affect his health. This usually leads to painful sensations in the stomach.
  • If there is an excess of fluoride in the body, then you can face the problem of brittle nails and hair.
  • Often, an overabundance of the trace element in question provokes a loss of voice.
  • Allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes are possible.
  • Thyroid problems may occur.

Severe fluoride poisoning may well be fatal. Such a dangerous condition can manifest itself if the microelement in question continuously enters the body for a long time.

To the negative properties of fluorinated products can be attributed to the fact that they are able to accumulate in dental tissues, thereby triggering a serious process of destruction. It's about fluorosis. In the event of such a disease, the enamel begins to gradually turn yellow. Characteristic whitish spots are formed on it. It is impossible to eliminate such a problem without interacting with the dentist. To eliminate the defect that has arisen, remineralizing therapy or photophoresis may be indicated.

What is the difference between pastes with and without fluoride?

Many users are interested in how a fluoride toothpaste differs from a toothpaste that does not contain fluoride? The main difference between these hygiene products lies in their action. So, indications for the use of fluorinated pastes are:

  • multiple caries lesions, in which 2 or 3 teeth were affected at the same time;
  • severe thinning of tooth enamel;
  • pulpitis;
  • frequent diseases of an infectious nature (we are talking about stomatitis, sore throat, gingivitis);
  • destruction of dental elements or their absence.

If the listed diseases of the oral cavity are not observed, then it is recommended to use pastes that do not contain fluoride. They must contain other trace elements. Here are some of the optimal products:

  • "President Unique" - an ideal solution for effective prevention of caries, inflammatory processes in the gums;
  • "Asepta sensitive" - this paste contains calcium, hydroxyapatite, which effectively eliminate pathogenic bacteria.

It should be taken into account that toothpastes without fluoride differ from fluoride-containing ones in their composition, therefore, in action. It is best to discuss the selection of the appropriate option with your dentist.

Best products

Fluoride toothpastes are available in a wide range. On sale you can find both inexpensive and expensive options from different companies. Among them you can find products for both adults and children. Let's look at the characteristics of the best products designed for users of different age groups.

For adults

A ranking of the best fluoride pastes available for adult users is presented below.

  • Parodontax. This high quality product is manufactured in the UK. It is specially designed for people who suffer from high bleeding gums. This paste is medicinal and at the same time prophylactic.The active ingredient in it is sodium fluoride, which is present here at a concentration of 1400 ppm.

Chamomile, sage, myrrh, ratania are also included among the constituent elements.

  • Blend-A-Med with active fluoride. American-made pasta. It has several therapeutic properties: it cleans tooth enamel, prevents the appearance of carious areas, brightens the enamel in several tones. The active ingredient in this product is sodium fluoride at a dosage of 1450 ppm. This product can be used by both adults and children.

If the child is less than 6 years old, then such a paste can be used only under the strict supervision of adults.

  • "Sensodyne". Pasta made in Great Britain. This product is prescribed for people suffering from high sensitivity of enamel. Sensodyne paste also influences the enamel shade, gives a fresh breath. Sodium fluoride is present here at a concentration of 1450 ppm.

This is just a small list of top-quality pastes that contain fluoride. They are very popular because of their high efficiency.

For kids

Fluoride pastes are produced not only for adults, but also for children. Let's take a look at some of the examples.

  • LACALUT Baby with aminofluoride. The manufacturer supplies the market with a high quality gel that exhibits several interesting flavors. The product may have raspberry, mint and citrus aromas. LACALUT can be used by children of different age groups, starting from 1 year old.
  • PresiDENT Kids. As part of this paste, fluoride and monofluorophosphate are active components. Quality products come in many different varieties. It can be a paste with a lime, raspberry, or cola flavor. This piece was designed for children aged 6 to 12.
  • R. O. C. S kids with xylitol and monofluoride. A quality product designed for use by children aged 4 to 7 years. Available in just 2 flavors: strawberry and raspberry.
  • Elmex Junior. This product also contains monofluoride. It is designed for young users between the ages of 6 and 12.

Nuances of choice

Since fluoride paste can be both very useful and very harmful, its selection should be taken as seriously as possible. Consider what is advisable to pay attention to when choosing the perfect product with fluorine in the composition.

  • The first step is to go to the dentist's office. Consult a professional for advice on choosing a fluoride paste. The dentist will tell you what is best for you (and whether it will work in general). Only after that is it advisable to go shopping.
  • Next, you need to decide what type of composition suits you best. Here it must be borne in mind that all toothpastes are divided into 3 main categories. It can be a hygiene product that is designed to cleanse the enamel only. There are also medicinal options in which there are special additives. Also, therapeutic and prophylactic specimens are made that prevent the development of various diseases related to the periodontium and dental tissue.
  • A good quality fluoride toothpaste should be suitable for the age group of the user. It is not recommended to buy "adult" products for children and vice versa. For a child, it is better to buy baby paste. For adult users, a huge number of fluorinated products are also presented - there will be plenty to choose from.
  • It is best to buy such products in a pharmacy or a specialty store. Unfortunately, some retail outlets sell non-original pastes copied from well-known brands. From such specimens, the corresponding effect can not be expected.
  • Before buying, be sure to carefully examine the product. The paste packaging must be intact. There should be no dents, holes or torn areas on the product. The paste must be tightly and hermetically sealed.If you notice that the lid does not hold well, and the tube has extra dents, it is better to refuse the purchase.

As you can see, It is not difficult to choose a good fluorine-containing paste yourself. The main thing is not to neglect the first step. Only after consulting a dentist can you choose a truly suitable and highly effective product.

Application rules

Fluoride toothpaste must be used correctly. To get the most out of fluoride for your teeth, there are some simple rules to follow.

  • After brushing your teeth, rinsing your mouth too hard and should not be too diligent.
  • It is necessary to actively process those areas of the enamel on which there is a caries lesion.
  • Before going to bed, a paste should be put on the damaged enamel, because saliva production decreases at night.

With regard to proper dental care, in the case of fluoride specimens, the brushing technique itself will be the most standard. A similar procedure will consist of simple actions.

  • Each tooth in a row will need to be cleaned by sweeping. This should be done both from the outside and from the inside.
  • First, it is more convenient to clear the top row, and then the bottom one. The chewing teeth are subjected to additional horizontal brushing.

For a safe and effective toothbrushing process, you need to choose the right brush. The level of its hardness directly depends on the degree of sensitivity of the user's teeth. If this figure is high enough, then you should not buy hard brushes, even if they demonstrate high efficiency.

Dentists have also developed another tactic for using fluoride pastes. Let's consider what its essence is.

  • Squeeze a minimum of fluoride paste onto your toothbrush. Its volume should correspond to the approximate size of a pea.
  • Before proceeding directly to the procedure for cleaning your teeth, the paste will need to be smeared over the enamel surface.
  • Do not spit out the paste while brushing your teeth. This should not be forgotten.
  • The next step is to thoroughly rinse the teeth. This should be done within one minute immediately after cleaning.
  • When all hygiene procedures have been completed, the user should not eat or drink for an hour.
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