
How to choose a calcium toothpaste?

How to choose a calcium toothpaste?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Review of the best manufacturers
  3. Criterias of choice

Toothpastes with a high calcium content are used to prevent demineralization of dental tissue and eliminate its foci. Such funds belong to the category of therapeutic and prophylactic, they must be used strictly according to medical indications. Modern manufacturers offer special pastes for children and adults - we will talk about them in more detail.


Calcium in the human body is responsible for the strength of bone tissue. Deficiency of this microelement causes destruction of tooth enamel, fragility of teeth, and also leads to the appearance of caries. All this reduces the functionality of the oral cavity, causes increased sensitivity of the teeth and aching pains. Calcium enters the body primarily from food.

However, even with its regular consumption, there is no guarantee that the substance will be absorbed in full and will benefit a person.

In order to accelerate the process of mineralization of dental tissues, additional local exposure is required. This is what calcium-based toothpastes are used for. They are prescribed by a dentist for:

  • increased sensitivity of the teeth;
  • the presence of cracks on the enamel;
  • predisposition of teeth to caries;
  • the incipient enamel demineralization processes.

Review of the best manufacturers

Calcium toothpastes for adults

President unique

The components of the paste restore the balance of microelements in the tooth enamel, strengthen them and prevent the development of caries. With regular use, there is a decrease in the sensitivity of the dental tissue.

"Cedar balsam" with calcium

The paste is highly effective for hyperesthesia. It contains calcium glycerophosphate and herbal extracts.Calcium compounds help to strengthen teeth and prevent diseases. Extracts of medicinal plants have a bactericidal and antiseptic effect. When using "Cedar Balsam", the oral cavity is disinfected, due to which bad breath is eliminated, and the breath remains fresh for a long time.

R. O. C. S. "Active Calcium"

The working components of the paste neutralize the acidic environment in the oral cavity. This strengthens the enamel of the teeth, restores damaged tissues, and prevents an increase in carious foci. Suitable for people with sensitive enamel.

Splat "Biocalcium"

Strengthens teeth and reduces enamel sensitivity. The positive effect can be noted within a few days after the start of the application of the paste. With regular use, a pronounced whitening effect is noted.

“New Pearl. Calcium"

The paste is intended for delicate cleaning and is used at the stage of dental treatment. Promotes enamel mineralization, strengthens teeth and freshens breath for a long time. It is a good prevention of dental pathologies, prevents the accumulation of dental calculus.

Biomed calcimax

Delicate toothpaste of complex action. It freshens breath well, has an anti-carious, anti-inflammatory and strengthening effect. Effectively prevents the development of caries, improves blood circulation in the gums, reduces bleeding and sensitivity.

Lacalut Multi-Effect

Comprehensive oral care product. Restores enamel, prevents its demineralization. With regular use improves the parameters of teeth sensitivity.

Dabur "Promis" with fluorine and calcium

Indian toothpaste made from herbal ingredients. It has a positive effect on soft tissues and oral mucosa. Prevents bleeding and inflammation of the gums. With regular use, the paste gently removes yellow plaque, reduces the formation of tartar and stimulates mineralization processes.

Sensodyne "Recovery and Protection"

Whitening toothpaste helps prevent tooth decay and reduce the sensitivity of tooth enamel. Suitable for everyday use.

Calcium toothpastes for children

R. O. C. S. Kids

A product with minimal abrasiveness, intended for delicate cleaning. Xylitol with calcium glycerophosphate has a positive effect on tooth enamel, prevents the appearance of foci of caries. The paste reduces painful sensations in the soft tissues of the oral cavity, relieves the discomfort that occurs when changing milk teeth to molars.

Silca putzi

Hygienic paste, intended for babies from 2 years of age. The composition includes only plant components, including calcium-containing ones. An additional ingredient is vitamin D, it has a positive effect on the condition of the mucous membrane.

Splat baby

The working complex is based on dicalcium phosphate dihydrate. This compound prevents the formation of hard stone and removes existing plaque. During brushing, a protective film forms on the teeth. The tool is declared by the manufacturer as a paste for the youngest users.

A separate group of pastes in the rating is made up of products with biocalcium.

D. I. E. S. "Biocalcium"

The paste is used for professional bleaching. The main component acts on plaque and destroys it. The composition includes fish oil - it contributes to the maximum absorption of calcium.

"Crimean herbalist Biocalcium"

In addition to calcium, this paste contains vitamin D, which ensures complete absorption of calcium. The working complex includes bischofite mineral and plant extracts. They prevent the breakdown of calcium in the enamel, protect the gums, eliminate bleeding and improve the condition of periodontitis.

Criterias of choice

Depending on the concentration of the active ingredient, calcium pastes can be prophylactic and therapeutic. The composition in both cases is identical.The choice of this or that remedy is based solely on the presence of areas of damage to the enamel or their absence.

To obtain the expected effect from using a paste with calcium, you need to choose formulations with bioavailable compounds:

  • hydroxyapatite;
  • calcium citric acid salt;
  • calcium glycerophosphate;
  • calcium lactic acid salt;
  • calcium pantothenate.

In cheap pastes, the mineral can be presented in the form of calcium carbonate. However, in essence, this substance is an abrasive, it looks like chalk and cannot penetrate into the tooth tissue. Therefore, its effect is exclusively external, when brushing teeth with such a paste, microcracks and damage appear on the enamel surface. They worsen the condition of the teeth and increase the degree of tooth decay.

A quality paste will never have such a substance in its composition.

Everyone knows that fluoride in low concentrations is good for teeth, so many customers buy pastes with fluoride and calcium. However, when these components interact, insoluble salts are formed, and as a result, the enamel does not receive any useful microelements. Calcium pastes must be sold without fluoride. This means that they should not contain one of the following connections:

  • monofluorophosphate;
  • aluminum fluoride;
  • sodium fluoride;
  • aminofluoride;
  • tin fluoride.
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