
All About Charcoal Toothpaste

All About Charcoal Toothpaste
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Top manufacturers
  3. Selection Tips

If earlier activated carbon was associated with a first-aid kit and medicines, now this component has become a real beauty tool. Today, charcoal is added to face masks and even toothpaste. This is due to the fact that this component is able to whiten enamel well from wine, coffee and other products harmful to dental health.

How to choose a black toothpaste, what are the pros and cons of such a product for oral hygiene and which manufacturers should be trusted, further in our article.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps the most popular version of black toothpaste remains with the addition of activated charcoal. In addition, there is also bamboo charcoal and Thai charcoal pasta. As for the activated one, it is made from:

  • coconut;
  • peat;
  • oil;
  • sawdust.

This ingredient is renowned for its ability to eliminate odors and absorb dirt. The fact is that the particles of this substance are abrasives by their natural properties. This allows you to quickly and effectively cope with the elimination of yellow plaque, since the substance literally absorbs pigment substances. At the same time, the structure of the product is soft enough for the tooth enamel, therefore, even with frequent use, it will not harm it, the main thing is to properly care for the oral cavity.

For those who have never used such a paste, it is worth saying that you should not worry about the color of your teeth. They only turn black during the cleaning process. After that, the paste is easily washed off, just like the classic one, without leaving food residues, bacteria or plaque.

Before you blindly fall for the tricks of marketers, you need to learn about the real properties of the product. As for the advantages of black toothpaste with the addition of charcoal, these include:

  • saving time and money on whitening, with such a paste it is possible at home.
  • there is no need to use additional products for oral hygiene, for example, restorative or strengthening pastes, creams, etc.;
  • a pleasant price, which is due to cheap natural ingredients in the composition of black toothpaste;
  • safe use means a natural composition that will not harm the body even if accidentally swallowed;
  • high efficiency of the product after a course of use.

It is usually customary to talk more about the strengths of the product. When it comes to oral hygiene, it's important to consider both sides of the coin. Among the disadvantages of toothpaste with charcoal, the following aspects should be highlighted:

  • the whitening effect cannot be achieved quickly, for this it is better to contact the dentist for help;
  • if you use such a toothpaste for too long, then the enamel may be damaged, dentists advise taking a break with the help of non-abrasive products.

In any case, before using such a toothpaste, it is important to first consult with your dentist. Only a specialist can say for sure whether you need such a whitening course or whether it is better to resort to other methods.

Top manufacturers

There are many manufacturers on the market today who specialize in the manufacture of black carbon tooth paste. To determine the best of the best, you should divide the products according to their composition:

  • with activated carbon;
  • Japanese with charcoal;
  • with Thai coal.

From the first line, it is worth highlighting the BioMed White Complex hygienic product, which is based on a triple whitening system. The main component of the paste is activated carbon. At the same time, it also contains particles of charcoal and bamboo. This approach helps to extend the time to plaque re-settling to 12 hours. Calcium hydroxyapatite helps to strengthen and restore enamel. Bromelain particles fight hardened deposits. Zinc citrate will give you fresh breath for the whole day.

Another worthy contender is Dentissimo Extra Whitening Black. The finely dispersed structure of activated carbon together with silicon hydroxide in the composition helps to whiten the enamel as gently as possible. This whitening paste can be used regularly. It contains glycerin, which serves as a reliable protector for sensitive teeth. Vitamin E strengthens the gums and prevents periodontal disease.

From the bamboo series, SPLAT Black Lotus should be distinguished. This paste has a fairly rich composition:

  • zinc citrate - prevents the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity;
  • lotus extract - provides fresh breath for up to 12 hours;
  • silicon dioxide and bamboo charcoal - gently whiten teeth and remove food debris, bacteria;
  • D-panthenol - strengthens the gums and prevents bleeding;
  • pomegranate and orchid extract - take care of the condition of the gums.

But in the Bright up paste, the whitening effect is achieved through a combination of components: mint extract plus bamboo charcoal. This combination is ideal for gentle and effective whitening. In addition, mint extract soothes the gums and freshens breath well. This paste is allowed for children over 2 years old.

Certain types can be distinguished from a series of Thai black toothpastes.

  • Wonder charcoal. Has a complex effect on the oral cavity. This means that it will be possible to clean, and whiten, and polish, and eliminate odors, and give freshness and strengthen the gums. All this is achieved thanks to a well-chosen composition of clove oil, menthol and particles of Thai coal. At the same time, it is not recommended to use Wonder charcoal more than 2 times in 7 days. This is due to the high level of particle activity.
  • 5 STAR. Unlike the previous version, this paste can be used as a daily oral care product. All components of the paste have a gentle effect on the teeth and gums.For example, the oil of the haya tree contained in the composition prevents inflammation, and the guava leaves reduce pain when brushing sensitive teeth and destroy bacteria.

Selection Tips

Before buying a black charcoal toothpaste, you should consult with your dentist. What should you pay attention to when choosing?

  • Braces or tooth sensitivity. Experts do not recommend using this whitening option in these cases.
  • Does the paste contain fluoride. The presence of this component can harm the body with regular use, so you need to immediately decide whether you are buying a paste for regular use or as a treatment or whitening.
  • Content of additional ingredients. Before buying, it is important to make sure that none of the ingredients in the composition will provoke allergies.

Do not neglect the choice of toothpaste. Proper oral hygiene is the key to an ever-beautiful smile.

Review of WOW EXPERT black tooth powder in the video below.

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