
Composition of toothpastes

Composition of toothpastes
  1. Overview of synthetic substances
  2. Basic natural ingredients
  3. What are baby pastes made of?
  4. What should not be included in the composition?

The correct composition of the toothpaste should not only promote high-quality cleaning of dental tissue, but also maintain its health. To do this, before buying, you should definitely check which components are the basis of the product.

Overview of synthetic substances

The composition of a toothpaste, as a rule, includes a number of the same substances of synthetic origin. It is these elements that contribute to deep cleansing and prevention of plaque.

Sodium lauryl sulfate

The detergent sodium lauryl sulfate, which often appears in the chemical composition as SLS, is found in most toothpastes, shampoos, and bath foams. Its main function is foam formation, allowing to spread the cleaning composition over the entire surface of the teeth, including in the interdental spaces. Unfortunately, the substance, especially in large quantities, negatively affects the condition of the dental tissue, causing allergic reactions (burning and itching) and severe drying of the epidermis and mucous membranes.

There is also an increase in the sensitivity of the gums to food acids and other irritants. A large amount of sodium lauryl sulfate can lead to very noticeable destruction of the enamel. There was even an experiment in which participants had their vision checked after brushing their teeth with SLS paste. Surprisingly, the numbers dropped quite significantly.

Sodium coconut

Sodium coco sulphate is called an analogue of sodium lauryl sulphate. This caustic substance, made from a whole mix of natural coconut oil fatty acids (mainly lauric acid), is also added to form a foam. However, just like its counterpart, foaming coconut sulfate becomes toxic when interacting with other substances: sulfuric acid and sodium carbonate.

Titanium dioxide

Many toothpastes contain titanium dioxide. This food coloring gives the substance a white tint.... The final effect of the component on human health has not been studied. Experiments carried out on rats led to the formation of malignant tumors in rodents, but this happened after the introduction of a large amount of the substance. In principle, many scientists agree that titanium dioxide is a carcinogen.


Few pastes are made without fluoride. This element is able to strengthen the enamel, saturating it with minerals, increase the strength of dental tissue, and also prevent the occurrence of caries. However, its concentration should be minimal, since fluoride in large quantities becomes toxic, capable of causing an upset of the gastrointestinal tract, up to and including poisoning. Side effects also include the appearance of joint problems, the formation of kidney stones and the destruction of bone tissue. Many experts believe that the daily rate of fluoride will enter the human body simply by consuming apples, tea, mineral water and some other foods.

The fact that the amount of the substance exceeds the permissible limit can be guessed by the formation of white spots on the surface of the teeth, which eventually acquire a brown tint, as well as the appearance of bleeding gums. Do not forget that fluorine is incompatible with the above synthetic components. During the reaction, it simply precipitates, as a result of which all possible benefits are eliminated. The fact that toothpaste contains fluoride is not always confirmed by the direct indication of "fluoride" on the packaging. Often this element is hidden under the names: "monofluorophosphate", "sodium or tin fluoride", "aminofluoride".

The toothpaste can be with a high content of the synthetic component, with medium, low or without it.

Abrasive elements

Abrasive elements contained in toothpastes, allow you to clean the surface of plaque and prevent the formation of tartar. Despite the tangible benefits of this synthetic component, its high concentration destroys the enamel. Cheap products usually contain a coarse abrasive called calcium carbonate, also known as regular chalk. This component noticeably scratches the enamel and even abrades the neck of the tooth. Moreover, the lower the cost of the paste, the larger the caliber of calcium carbonate, and hence the greater the harm. In addition, sodium bicarbonate, also known as baking soda, is quite common in pastes. Aggressive abrasive can polish and even slightly whiten the surface of the teeth, but its effect on enamel cannot be called particularly safe.

In addition to the above elements, sodium and potassium pyrophosphates (which can prevent the formation of tartar), calcium hydroxyapatite (which reduces enamel sensitivity) and carbamide, which is responsible for whitening, may be present in the toothpaste. It is customary to add sodium salt as an artificial sugar substitute.

Silicon oxide also helps to improve the tone of the enamel by removing both hard and soft deposits from the surface.

Basic natural ingredients

Professional analysis of cleaning substances shows that the content of natural ingredients in the composition is always a big plus.


The herbal ingredients are designed to kill fungi and bacteria, reduce irritation and reduce inflammation. For example, it can be chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot and other herbs, as well as aloe and echinacea.

Essential oils

Essential oils have many beneficial properties, from accelerating the regeneration of damaged tissues to relieving inflammation. In addition, oils provide the necessary hydration and even accelerate metabolic processes.When making your own toothpaste, the essential oil is often replaced with hydrolate - a liquid obtained by steam distillation of raw materials. It has all the beneficial properties of oils, but it can be used in lower concentrations.

Essential oils also act as safe shock absorbers. It can be refreshing peppermint oil, fir oil, lemon oil, or other varieties. Tea tree extract helps to whiten the enamel, thyme oil works as an antiseptic, rosemary accelerates regeneration, and cloves provides a mild pain relieving effect.

Vitamins, minerals, trace elements

The content of vitamins and other useful microelements in the composition allows you to speed up metabolic processes, which, in turn, strengthens both the gums and enamel... Minerals also improve blood circulation and speed up metabolic processes in the mucous membrane. Most often, vitamins A and E are added to the paste.


Antiseptics allow you to cope with pathogenic bacteria and fungi, however, their effect on the body is not so unambiguous. When making a product on your own, it is customary to use bee honey for this purpose.


Enzymes help prevent tartar and get rid of plaque. Adding them to the composition of the product makes it possible to reduce inflammation. We are most often talking about papain, a plant product that can remove plaque and nicotine and provide deep cleaning.


Glycerin makes it possible to reduce the drying out of the mucous membranes and provide the necessary hydration. The organic version is obtained by hydrolysis of vegetables. This component allows you to thicken the paste, as well as accelerate wound healing.

What are baby pastes made of?

What makes up baby paste is very important for the developing dental tissue. Despite the cleansing properties of fluorine, this element, like its varieties, should be absent in the composition. It is important to remember that many young children do not know how to spit pasta at all, and the accumulation of fluorides in the body causes its intoxication. On the contrary, fruit flavors are often added to the composition, whose sweet smell allows the baby to get used to hygiene procedures. Such components are absolutely safe for health, so even if the baby swallows the substance, there will be no particular harm.

Natural xylitol, obtained from vegetables, fruits or birch bark, and sorbitol, obtained from plant leaves, are ideal for imparting a sweet taste.

Children's toothpaste should contain a small amount of abrasive components so as not to destroy the forming enamel. It is important that the RDA index of the paste for a child from one to four years old cannot be more than 20 cu. That is, for older guys, mixtures with an RDA of 50 cu are suitable. e. As mentioned above, the addition of fluoride is possible only if the child has already learned to spit. For babies from one to four years old, a concentration of no more than 200 ppm is considered, from four to eight years old - from 200 to 500 ppm, and from 8 to 14, a concentration of 500 to 1400 ppm will be suitable. The advantage will be the content of safe milk enzymes, which, on the one hand, will be able to remove plaque, and on the other hand, prevent the development of infection. Another required element is calcium, the benefits of which are to strengthen dental tissue and protect against tooth decay and pulpitis.

What should not be included in the composition?

In the composition of a good paste, not only the above components (sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium coco sulfate, titanium dioxide) should be absent or minimized, but also a number of other harmful substances. For example, hazardous ingredients include propylene glycol, a solvent used in industry. If its fragments enter the body, they will settle in the kidneys and liver and negatively affect their condition.The substance should also be checked for the content of triclosan, an antibiotic that undoubtedly kills pathogenic microorganisms, but also negatively affects the lungs and kidneys.

Doctors recommend using this component only as directed by a doctor and only in a concentration approved by a specialist.

Paraben is a preservative that can lengthen the product's shelf life and shelf life... It is customary to add it to other household chemicals, from shower gel to shampoo, but some experts believe that this element contributes to the development of malignant tumors. Undesirable in the composition of the paste and polyphosphate, the main purpose of which is to soften the water. The component is part of almost all washing powders, but once it gets into the oral cavity, it can provoke inflammation. Also, doctors recommend avoiding formulations with chlorhexidine, which can destroy any microflora and cause oral dysbiosis.

Silicon dioxide, which has abrasive characteristics, is as hard as tooth enamel, which indicates that it is unsafe to use. Aluminum lactate with anti-inflammatory properties can reduce bleeding gums and reduce surface sensitivity.

However, the accumulation of the element in the body in the future can affect the activity of many organs, as well as reduce the accumulation of calcium in the body, which, in turn, will reduce the strength of bone tissue.

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