
Description of Vivax toothpastes

Description of Vivax toothpastes
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Assortment overview
  3. Terms of use

Oral health and hygiene is one of the most important tasks in the pursuit of a healthy body. The first thing your dentist will ask you is what kind of toothpaste you are using. The range of these funds is huge, it is very easy to get lost in it. The Vivax brand has created a product that can easily answer the requests of not only professionals, but also consumers. For 35 years the corporation "Academy of Scientific Beauty" and the Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology of the North-West Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences have been working on the uniqueness of body care products, including those responsible for oral health.


The result of this long-term work is the creation and development of peptide complexes that contribute to longevity and a healthy life. The uniqueness of this technology is that chains of amino acids are synthesized with the help of nanotechnology from the pancreas, thymus glands, cartilage, blood vessels and are programmed for the correct work of a certain organ. The line dedicated to the health of your teeth and gums is called Vivax Dent. It can be divided into three main groups:

  • medicinal - serve as emergency help;

  • preventive - suitable for daily use;

  • remineralizing - helps to restore tissue after damage.

Assortment overview

The healing paste "Help with exacerbation" has gained great popularity. It is able to relieve inflammation and edema of the mucous membranes, promote regeneration and restoration of periodontal function. Can deal with bleeding and sore gums. Indications for use can be stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis. Dentists call this paste an all-healing product. It can be used as a lotion on inflamed and damaged tissues.Thanks to its composition, the pain that has appeared will go away in a few minutes.

This efficiency is achieved by the presence of complexes AK 1 and AK 7, which are responsible for the speedy restoration of damaged soft tissues and strengthening of local immunity. Betulavite (birch bark extract) has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. The presence of a substance such as dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (a delicate abrasive) helps not to disturb the structure of the enamel, cleaning it from plaque, while maintaining normal sensitivity.

However, if you are an adherent of the consumption of natural products, this paste may be considered not harmless because of the parabens and surfactants that are part of it. The cost of one tube varies from 650 to 750 rubles.

For daily cleaning, the "Prevention of inflammatory processes" tool is perfect. with an active peptide complex and bisabolol. It perfectly removes the pigmentation of the enamel, brightens it in several tones, and effectively fights against bacterial plaque. One of the advantages is the prevention of the development of caries. As in the case of emergency care, Vivax for everyday care contains complexes of peptides AK 1 and AK 7, which give the cleaning agent a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Separate items from the composition can be distinguished:

  • titanium dioxide - whitening element;

  • amorphous silicates - prevent the formation of tartar;

  • bisabolol - soothes, prevents inflammation.

It is pleasant that this product, aimed at maintaining oral hygiene, has a pleasant taste and freshens breath. The price for 95 grams of pasta starts at 660 rubles.

Vivax Dent "Remineralization" the most versatile product in the brand's line of toothpastes. This is due to the extensive list of solvable problems and the target audience for which it is suitable. Remineralization is the process of saturating damaged soft tissues with substances (nanohydroxyapatite and fluorides) that accelerate cell regeneration, which, in turn, gently heals and restores the health of teeth and gums. Using a remineralizing toothpaste means increasing the protective properties of the enamel and reducing the sensitivity of the teeth.

The tool is well suited for use after professional whitening at the dentist, it helps to maintain the achieved effect longer and prevent various damage to the enamel and gums. The difference in the composition of this paste from those listed earlier is the finding of such components as pyrophosphates, mummy, a concentrate from kelp algae. All of these elements help to saturate the teeth with fluoride and prevent the effects of carious bacteria. Due to its composition, the paste is recommended for use by adolescents and pregnant women, whose enamel is weakened and vulnerable to the factors of its destruction.

The cost of Vivax Dent "Remineralization" will not differ much from the previous funds, and it can be purchased for 750 rubles.

Terms of use

No matter how unique and effective the means, their correct use is no less important than the composition, methods and forms of exposure to therapeutic toothpastes. The brushing rule, namely 2-3 minutes twice a day, is the most important in oral care. It should be noted again that only the Vivax Dent prophylactic paste mentioned above is suitable for daily cleaning.

It is known that due to the peculiarities of their composition, emergency pastes and remineralizing agents can be used no more than 2 weeks, since long-term use forms the resistance of parasites to the effects of active elements, which means that the treatment will not have the desired effect.

With regard specifically to Vivax Dent "Remineralization", the content of fluorides and nanohydroxyapatites in its composition requires at least 3 minutes of cleaning. for sufficient penetration of fluoride into the tooth enamel. Dentists often advise a complex impact on the problem.Vivax sells gels and balms for each line of toothpastes. This will help to consolidate the result of treatment and keep the health of the oral cavity and gums at a high level for longer. It is important to note that products may contain synthetic additives that can cause an allergic reaction.

As with any medication, it is best to consult your doctor before purchasing Vivax Dent. The specialist will select a suitable treatment complex and give additional recommendations for care.

So, Vivax Dent care products solve a large number of problems. As standard - reduction of plaque, prevention of caries, bad breath, and quite difficult to solve - the regeneration of damaged soft tissues, the development of caries. After reading many reviews, we can conclude that the uniqueness of the funds is confirmed by the results of use by consumers. Of the significant disadvantages, many single out the high cost of the goods. But it is worth noting that the consumption of medicinal toothpastes is small, and the result is obviously high. It is not in vain that dentists recommend complexes of this brand for home treatment and prevention of gum and dental diseases.

High innovative quality, a wide range of effects help customers solve many problems at home and be sure that the health of their oral cavity and gums is under reliable protection.

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