
Colgate toothbrushes

Colgate toothbrushes
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Popular models
  3. How to choose?
  4. Terms of use
  5. Review overview

Many people underestimate the importance of choosing a quality toothbrush. This attitude is incorrect, since it is on this subject that the state of health of the human oral cavity depends. There are many different models of toothbrushes available today. Colgate brand products can boast of excellent quality.


The Colgate brand is known to many customers. Its products are often advertised. Many users choose it. Colgate toothbrushes and toothpastes are renowned for their excellent quality and affordability. Branded oral care products are sold in every other store, so you won't have to look for them for a long time.

Colgate toothbrushes have literally taken the market by storm. The products of a well-known brand are in great demand and are presented in a large assortment.

The demand for Colgate brushes is due to many factors.

Let's get acquainted with the most significant of them.

  • Colgate toothbrushes demonstrate a very good performance when used correctly. If you want to brush your teeth as thoroughly and effectively as possible, then the brand's products are perfect for this.

  • The range of the brand includes high quality toothbrushes, which have the necessary antiseptic effect on the oral cavity. Thanks to them, all pathogenic bacteria that can cause such a common ailment as caries are successfully removed from the mouth.

  • With genuine Colgate brushes, users can deeply clean enamel. Plaque is easily removed, and with it local darkening.

  • To prevent the formation of cavities, you can safely use the toothbrushes of the manufacturer in question. They will do an excellent job with this serious task.

  • Colgate toothbrushes provide highly effective cleaning between teeth... It is worth noting that it is in these zones that especially a lot of food debris accumulates, which subsequently contribute to the formation of calculus and caries.

  • Colgate brushes do more than just brush your teeth but also to remove plaque from the tongue, as well as from the inner surfaces of the cheeks.

  • Most of the models of brushes have a very ergonomic structure... They are equipped with the most comfortable and practical handles, so they are comfortable to use.

  • Colgate brushes have a compact head, therefore, they demonstrate high efficiency and are easy to use.

  • Many Colgate brushes come with a soft pad to clean your tongue. Its presence pleasantly surprises many buyers. Customers do not have to buy a separate brush attachment to clean their tongue.

  • While Colgate toothbrushes offer many benefits, they are still inexpensive. Even the cheapest models of brushes are able to demonstrate very high efficiency. This fact attracts many buyers.

  • Colgate toothbrushes are characterized by an attractive design. This is not the most important parameter for such hygienic devices, but you should not overlook it either, because beautiful things are more pleasant to use.

  • When used correctly, Colgate branded brushes are paired with quality toothpastes you can achieve very long-lasting sensations of freshness and cleanliness.

The list of goodies associated with the brand's toothbrushes is quite long. However, Colgate's products also have some drawbacks.

  • The range of the brand includes brushes that have hard to medium-hard bristles... These models clean the teeth well, but can easily injure sensitive gums.

  • Some models of Colgate brushes are quite fast start to "get loose", because of which it becomes inconvenient and useless to use them further.

  • Colgate brushes will not achieve a noticeable whitening effect.

Popular models

A well-known manufacturer attracts buyers not only with high-quality, but also with a variety of products. In the assortment of Colgate there are a lot of high-quality and convenient brushes for brushing your teeth and tongue. Different models have different options for design, functionality, structure and, of course, cost. The brand produces not only simple, but also electric brushes.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular Colgate toothbrushes.


The brand's standard mechanical brushes are especially popular. These hygiene items are in almost every home, which once again confirms the demand for Colgate products. Let's get acquainted with the characteristics of some of the most popular mechanical brushes.

  • Colgate 360 ​​series. The brushes that belong to this series are equipped with a special pad. It is designed to effectively remove plaque from the surface of the tongue. By means of such brushes it is possible to get rid of more than 96% of bacterial plaque in the oral cavity.

The Colgate 360 ​​line of mechanical brushes includes the popular Sensitive Pro-Relief model, as well as gold and charcoal brushes.

  • "Cleanliness Expert"... The peculiarity of this toothbrush is the presence of multi-level villi. The model also has a pad for effective cleaning of the tongue surface. The bristles, which have different lengths, make it possible to carefully work out even the distant molars and other hard-to-reach areas.
  • "Health classics"... High quality brushes with this name are equipped with a V-bristle. Also complemented by a tongue cleaning pad. The shape, degree of stiffness of the bristles, and the material of manufacture of this instance are standard.
  • "Silk thread". The bristles of these brushes are 17 times thinner than standard brushes.Due to the presence of thin bristles, it turns out much faster and more efficiently to clean narrow interdental spaces. "Silk threads" are represented by high quality brushes. For example, a specimen with charcoal and black bristles is very popular. With the help of coal hygienic accessories, it is possible to successfully overcome various dental diseases of an infectious nature.
  • With natural extracts. Very popular models of Colgate mechanical brushes. They have bristles that are impregnated with natural pine extract. This provides additional protection of the oral cavity from periodontal disease.
  • "Max Blesk". A win-win solution if you need to choose a quality brush for gentle and delicate teeth whitening. The bristles of this model are quite soft. They can easily remove all existing darkening from the surface of the teeth.
  • "Max Fresh". This popular toothbrush model is complemented by a pad to effectively clean the surface of the tongue and cheeks.
  • Whitening... This brush model is highly effective against plaque and food debris. The main feature of this product is that it is supplemented with special plates for polishing tooth enamel.
  • Massager brush. Has bristles made of special silicone material. The device actively stimulates blood circulation in the gum area. Thanks to this, periodontal diseases are prevented.
  • "Zigzag". If your goal is a super clean oral cavity, then achieving it with this model will not be difficult. The pile of this instance is placed in a zigzag pattern. Due to this, all surfaces of the teeth are very well cleaned. Plus, this cool brush comes with a tongue and cheek pad.
  • "Ultra soft". A soft, efficient yet affordable model from Colgate. Has a compact head. It features a bright, premium design, which attracts buyers.
  • Sensitive Soft. Another popular line of branded dental accessories. Products allow you to effectively cleanse the oral cavity. They have a simple but neat design. Colgate's current Sensitive Soft products are inexpensive but of very good quality.
  • "Ancient secrets" - "Taking care of the gums." The quality model "Gum Care" from the "Ancient Secrets" series has high density bristles. It helps to remove most bacteria easily and takes care of gum health. Models are presented in different colors.
  • Neo... The product also has high density bristles. With the Colgate Neo hygiene product, dental care is not only effective, but also gentle and gentle. With this device it will be possible to get rid of dark stains on the enamel.
  • Optic White. The mechanical modification Optic White belongs to the 360 ​​series. The model is very soft. Has special rubber cups that allow you to hold the toothpaste. The specimens in question effectively remove dark stains from tooth enamel.


A well-known manufacturer produces not only mechanical, but also electrical modifications of high-quality toothbrushes. Let's consider the parameters of some models from Colgate.

  • Proclinical 150... Relatively inexpensive, but very convenient and effective model from a well-known brand. This type of model is sound. Designed for deep cleaning. And also this brush is used as a whitening brush.

  • Colgate 360 ​​Charcoal. The 360 ​​series contains not only mechanical but also high quality electrical devices. The charcoal model is very popular. It is powered by AAA batteries. Designed for bleaching and deep cleaning. The stores sell specimens with medium to soft bristles.
  • CN07897A. A very good electric model from Colgate. Attracts buyers with stylish design performance. Equipped with soft bristles. Powered by two batteries.
  • FCN10039. Quality cleaning and whitening brush from Colgate.Equipped with medium hard bristles. This unit is powered by two AAA batteries. The electric model in question has an attractive and modern design, but at the moment it is not sold in all stores.

There are many other electric brush models in the Colgate range. Among them, there are both very expensive and relatively affordable options. What's more, Colgate manufactures premium brushes that are designed specifically for cleaning braces.

How to choose?

Many people underestimate the importance of choosing the right dental accessories, which is why they grab the first available options from the shelves. However, this should not be done, since an incorrectly chosen model may not only not bring benefits, but also cause some harm to the health of the oral cavity. Consider what is appropriate to look for when looking for the perfect toothbrush from the famous brand Colgate.

  • First, you should decide what goals you want to achieve with the brand's toothbrush.... In the assortment of the Colgate brand, you can find whitening, as well as models with natural impregnations. The company also offers very effective brushes that are specially designed for people with high gum sensitivity. Depending on what problems you have, you should choose a specific type of brush.

  • Few do this, but before choosing a particular model, it is advisable to consult a doctor. A specialist can tell you what problems you are susceptible to, how they can be avoided by using the correct toothbrush. This is especially true when the user wants to find a suitable model for dental care and braces.

  • Find a Colgate product that has the right bristle stiffness... The assortment of the company includes both soft and medium or hard specimens. Different users are more comfortable using different copies. If there are problems with gums or high sensitivity, then it is not recommended to take excessively hard specimens.

  • Colgate manufactures products that have different shapes and structures... Choose a copy that will be most convenient for you to use. Fortunately, all of the brand's brushes are equipped with very ergonomic handles, so choosing the best option is not difficult.

  • Don't forget the Colgate toothbrush design... As mentioned earlier, it is much more pleasant to use cute things, so do not be lazy to pay attention to this criterion as well. The brand produces many beautiful items, many of which look modern and stylish. This applies to both mechanical and electrical modifications.

Choosing the right dental cleaning instrument from Colgate is very easy, as the brand's products are of very good quality and attractive design.

Terms of use

For your toothbrush to be of more benefit to your oral health, it must be used correctly. There is absolutely nothing difficult about this, but many people still make certain mistakes when brushing their teeth.

Let's take a closer look at how it is necessary to use Colgate products correctly so that they bring only benefit.

  • Experts say you need to brush your teeth at least 2 times a day... In this case, it is better to use a high-quality paste with fluoride. The cleaning process itself should take at least 2 minutes.

  • Together with a toothbrush, it is advisable to use a special dental floss... Colgate does that kind of stuff too.

  • Try to limit the number of snacks throughout the day.

  • As for the cleaning process itself, then it's worth start with the surfaces of the upper teeth. Then it is necessary to process the lower teeth.

  • You will definitely need to thoroughly clean the entire inner surface of both the upper and lower teeth.... Movements should be done "sweeping". In no case should you sweep the bristles widely along the line along the jaws.

  • Thoroughly clean the chewing surfaces of the teeth.

  • To ensure a pleasant freshness of breath, one must not forget about cleaning the tongue.... This should be done at least once a day. It is also recommended to clean the inner surfaces of the cheeks.

  • After completing the procedure for brushing your teeth, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with water or a special antiseptic composition. These fluids are sold in many stores and are produced by many brands, including Colgate.

Review overview

Colgate oral care products are very popular, so you can find a huge number of reviews about them. First, let's find out what attracted users to the branded hygiene products of the brand:

  • most of Colgate products seemed very comfortable;

  • attracts buyers and application natural ingredients in the production of brushes (such a review is left about many models, especially about the Colgate "bamboo" brush);

  • devices clean teeth and interdental space well - this plus was noted by many users;

  • attractive design products were noticed by attentive users;

  • in electric models, buyers were pleased availability of additional attachments, as well as the duration of work from one charge;

  • price branded brushes pleases almost all consumers.

The advantages noticed by buyers can be listed for a very long time. Many people have not seen a single flaw in Colgate brushes.

Some users nevertheless noticed some shortcomings behind Colgate brushes:

  • ventilation holes are sometimes clogged in electric brushes (then people clean them with toothpicks);
  • electric models seem heavy and quite noisy to many;
  • the lack of water protection of the housing of electric models did not like the buyers;
  • some models from the 360 ​​series seemed to people not very comfortable and not very effective.

Some of Colgate's electric brushes are responsible for the lion's share of negative experiences.

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