
Children's toothbrushes

Children's toothbrushes
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Varieties
  3. How to choose?
  4. Popular manufacturers
  5. How to use it correctly?
  6. Brush care

Health, as they say, must be protected from youth, so many parents try to instill good habits in their children from a very young age. Keeping your teeth clean is as important as washing your hands before meals and bathing regularly, but getting an energetic fidget to get used to routine activities is not easy. Manufacturers are aware of this, so they think about the design and function of children's toothbrushes.

The range of products produced sometimes boggles the imagination, but choosing the right tool for hygiene becomes difficult. To facilitate the already difficult work of parents, in this article we will look at the characteristics of children's toothbrushes and their varieties.


It is recommended to start caring for teeth from the age of three months - at the moment when they begin to erupt. Despite the fact that milk teeth will be replaced by bony teeth in adolescence, they also need to be taken care of - your child's comfort depends on it. If the health of the oral cavity is not monitored, then enamel affected by caries or tartar can be transferred to the permanent incisors, canines and molars. In addition, a favorable environment for the life of pathogenic microflora appears in the polluted mucous membrane - this leads to infectious diseases such as stomatitis or pulpitis. In the future, such diseases can lead to curvature of the bony teeth and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

All these problems can be avoided if the child is taught in time to the healthy daily habit of brushing his teeth. Oral hygiene is especially important for babies, because their body is not yet strong enough to fight harmful microorganisms.

The main helper for health protection is a children's toothbrush - the process of cleaning the oral cavity, with the right approach, can be an exciting experience for both the baby and his parents.

The best prevention of oral diseases is regular cleaning of plaque. Here are some simple oral hygiene guidelines:

  • it is necessary to clean the oral cavity 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening;
  • replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months;
  • use dental floss to clean the interdental space;
  • visit the dentist every 6-7 months.

Teeth cleaning has its own specific characteristics at different ages, because the child's body is constantly rebuilding and growing - until the age of 16, the bite continues to change. Manufacturers have carefully researched the standard changes in the oral cavity and divided people into different age categories - each of which suggests its own specific oral hygiene products.

In addition, there is a classification of different types of toothbrushes according to the method of use. The huge range of interdental instruments provided by the market will satisfy any need.


All toothbrushes are conventionally divided into 4 types: mechanical, electric, sonic and ultrasonic. Let's consider each type of instrument in more detail.


Traditional hygiene items that are familiar to any person - brushing teeth with such a device is carried out using physical movements to the right-left or up-down. Therefore, for a power tool, a very important part is the optimal structure of the holder and head, which allows you to comfortably carry out the cleaning process of the oral cavity.

Enterprises are constantly improving their products, equipping them with new and convenient elements. All modern brushes have a thick silicone handle that fits ergonomically into the hand. Also, on many instruments, the head holder is connected by an elastic rubber gasket, which makes the brush moveable and reduces the risk of oral injuries.


This category of hygiene items runs on batteries or rechargeable batteries. To increase the service life, it is possible to replace the brush with fibers, leaving the electrical part for further use. The tool is configured for 2 modes: pulsating bristle movement to soften plaque and in a circle to remove dirt. Moreover, there are additional functions, such as changing the rotation speed and switching modes for different levels of enamel sensitivity.

An electric toothbrush has many advantages, but you can only start using them when you are 4-5 years old. And also the use of such a mechanism is not recommended for those children who have hypersensitivity of the gums.

Sound and ultrasonic

Models based on sound waves clean the mouth with more than just physical brushing. A high-tech hygiene item generates vibrational waves at high frequencies - during the operation of the mechanism, about 18 thousand small vibrations occur. This specificity of enamel cleaning not only qualitatively removes dirt, but also destroys pathogenic bacteria. The device is recommended for use by children over 3 years old.

Ultrasonic hygiene instruments generate microwaves using a transducer built into the handle of the mechanism. The brush vibrates at a specific frequency, which has been shown to reduce pain, cramps and inflammation, and improve blood circulation in the gums.

This progressive device has many advantages, but it cannot be used by children, it is intended only for adolescents from 14 years old and adults.

How to choose?

Thanks to mass production, you can effortlessly find a wide variety of children's toothbrushes on store shelves.... The first thing that parents pay attention to is the brand awareness and the price category of the product. Some mothers tend to choose the most expensive brushes, considering the high price a guarantee of quality. Other parents look for inexpensive options, thinking that the first hygiene item will still not be used correctly. However, both methods are somewhat wrong.

When looking for a suitable hygiene item, you need to rely on other characteristics, such as design, lint stiffness, handle shape and a few other important parameters.


The factories produce 2 types of toothbrushes: soft and medium hard. The soft bristle is suitable for use by the smallest children - it will not damage delicate gums and will provide cleaning of erupted milk incisors and canines. Toothbrushes of medium hardness are not suitable for cleaning the first teeth; such hygiene items are intended for older children with a stronger jaw.

You should not choose brushes for a child with only strengthened teeth, which are intended for adults... The villi on these hygiene items are created to clean the enamel on bone incisors, canines, and molars. This device is not suitable for baby's milk teeth - hard bristles will damage the soft enamel and make it too sensitive.


An important criterion for choosing a children's toothbrush is the length of the villi. The bristles on a hygiene item intended for babies should be about 9-10 mm. This length of the villi is optimal for a thorough and high-quality care of the child's oral cavity. For very young babies with newly erupted teeth, a shorter bristle is also produced - from 4 to 7 mm.

Age appropriate

Every person, from the moment of birth to a certain age, undergoes several stages of jaw formation: the eruption of the first incisors, then 6-8 years of use of milk teeth follow, and then they are replaced by bone canines and molars. It is necessary to take care of the oral cavity from a very young age, even when the baby is only 1 year old, and he does not know how to hold a brush in his hands at all.

Companies make oral cleaning tools for all ages. Do not be afraid to start cleaning from the moment the first milk tooth erupts - brushes with soft silicone fibers have been created for this case.

The range of products corresponding to different ages is quite large. In order not to get confused in the choice, let's take a closer look at each category.

  • Infants from 0 to about 2 years old. Newborns need constant attention and care from their parents, so the first toothbrushes should be comfortable not only for the baby, but also for young mothers and fathers. When choosing, give preference to silicone toothbrushes with the smallest head and soft villi. And also do not forget about the comfortable long handle, which will make the cleaning procedure comfortable and unobtrusive.

Pay attention to the materials from which the baby hygiene item is made - it should be safe, non-allergenic raw materials. Also, consider a finger brush, a handy little tool that can help a mother or father cleanse her baby's mouth. Such an item allows you to thoroughly remove harmful microorganisms, as well as relieve the unpleasant symptoms of itching from erupting incisors and canines.

  • Babies in 3 years... At this age, children become as restless and curious as possible, they will probably have a desire to brush their teeth on their own. Therefore, it is very important to determine which brush will fit comfortably in the child's palm, because there are a lot of handle shapes, and the needs of kids are still difficult to understand.

Most often it is convenient for fidgets to use a device with an anatomical design of the holder and a soft silicone coating.

  • Children from 5 to 7 years old. During this period, the maximum load on milk teeth occurs, because children become more independent and begin to eat solid food. In order for the dentition to withstand all tests, it is necessary to thoroughly and regularly clean the oral cavity from plaque and food debris. For fidgets at this age, brushes are suitable, which in structure resemble devices for adults, but with softer bristles and decorative holders.
  • For children from 7 to 10-11 years old. At this age, the entire body is gradually rebuilt, including in the oral cavity - milk teeth are replaced by bone ones. Therefore, it is very important to teach your teenager to clean the oral cavity every day 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. This healthy habit will keep your smile beautiful and healthy for many decades. At the age of 10, when the incisors, canines and most of the molars are bony, you can start using toothbrushes with stiffer bristles. In adolescence, children perceive information well, and their muscle memory is strong, so manufacturers create brushes with a special handle that will teach you how to properly hold a hygiene item. In addition, patterns are marked on the bristles of a hygiene tool in different colors, which help to squeeze the right amount of toothpaste onto it.
  • For teenagers over 12 years old. The jaw at this age in most boys and girls is fully formed, so the time comes to use ordinary interdental devices designed for both adolescents and adults.

Handle shape

The holder should fit easily in a child's palm, at the same time be reliable enough and not slip out of the hands. Therefore, it is advised to carefully choose the shape of the handle, because if it is uncomfortable, the baby will not be interested in cleaning the oral cavity. The silicone handle is considered the most comfortable and reliable - it is soft and will not harm the child if he decides to taste it. In addition, such a coating is non-slip, which means that parents will not have to crawl on the floor in search of the ill-fated toothbrush that slipped out of children's fingers.

Cleaning head dimensions

It is also a very important criterion for choosing the first cleaning device, because the comfort of use directly depends on the volume of the head and the length of the villi. The shape of the product should be round or oval, in no case choose models with corners - this can harm the delicate mucous membrane in the baby's mouth.

And also do not stop your choice on large brushes, believing that the child will chew on a large surface of the brush and in this way will better clean the teeth. Quite the opposite is true - a large head can cause inconvenience, because the large size of the cleaning part of the device will complicate penetration into the oral cavity. If a little fidget constantly opens his mouth wide to clean the incisors, the corners of his lips will begin to ache, and the pain will take away any desire to use the brush.

To clean the first teeth, special brushes are created, which are complemented by the teether - this design simultaneously ensures oral hygiene and relieves itching and pain from the eruption of incisors and canines. The rodent is either located on the brush head or replaces the handle. Such an adaptation will greatly facilitate the life of young parents, providing more silence during the period of the appearance of the first teeth.


For a young user to be interested in a toothbrush, it is very important to choose a bright design. An object that looks like a Barbie doll, car, shark or other toy will attract the baby's attention and awaken in him the desire to try to brush milk teeth. For both girls and boys, an interesting, bright, wide assortment of toothbrushes is created in production.

The overwhelming majority of parents racked their brains over how to get the child interested in oral hygiene, because it is impossible to persuade him with the words "it is necessary" and "it will be better for you". The bright appearance of the toothbrush, combined with the shape reminiscent of your favorite cartoon characters, will be the best assistant in teaching your baby oral hygiene.

Popular manufacturers

The modern market offers a huge range of mechanical, electric and sonic children's toothbrushes. In order to make it easier for you to choose the right option, we reviewed reviews from buyers and the most popular manufacturers who create quality goods. We present to you a rating of enterprises that manufacture the most successful children's hygiene items.

  • Curaprox... Swiss and German company that produces a wide range of hygiene products for children. The Curakid CK 4260 mechanical brush can be distinguished - it is designed to clean teeth from the teething period and up to 4-5 years. Available in safe plastic and in several colors. The advantages of this model are the comfortable silicone handle and the optimal bristle height for the child.

The downside is that the set does not include a protective cap, and the wide base of the holder prevents storage in the stand.

  • R. O. C. S. The company has been rapidly gaining popularity in recent years. It produces hygienic products with a laconic monochromatic design, but at the same time in rather bright colors. The manufacturer creates toothbrushes for both toddlers and adolescents, adjusting to the needs of each age.
  • Oral-B. A large-scale enterprise that generously uses cartoon characters in its products, which increases the demand for their goods among young parents. The company is also quite popular with teenagers and adults, because Oral-B produces an ergonomic design in which there is a replaceable nozzle.

How to use it correctly?

At every age, different methods are used to clean the oral cavity, and the procedure begins, contrary to misconceptions, from birth. Newborn to cleanse delicate gums, special sanitary napkins are used, which remove dirt as efficiently as possible and maintain cleanliness. With this tool, babies are gently rubbed on the inside of the cheeks, gums and tongue.

Babies from 6 months need more intensive cleansing, so mothers use special fingertip brushes. Special silicone bristles are perfect for cleaning milk teeth during teething. Parents use such a device until the child learns to use a hygienic tool himself. It is quite simple to use such an object - you need to make movements to the right and left along the enamel of the milk incisors, as well as clean the delicate gums, making careful massaging manipulations.

For babies aged 3-4 years it will be correct to use toothbrushes with a stopper, because fidgets have not yet learned how to properly clean their teeth and you need to protect their oral cavity from damage. The restraint will prevent the child from sticking the hygiene item too deep - this will protect him from suffocation. Of course, young boys and girls will not be able to thoroughly clean their mouths and parents will have to help finish the process, but you should not delay learning either. The sooner you instill a good habit in your child, the fewer problems with diseases there will be in the future.

At this age, children begin to imitate their parents and loved ones, so it would be wise to show by their own example how to brush their teeth correctly. If you started to teach your child to regularly brush his teeth from a very young age, already at the age of 6 he will be able to independently perform this procedure.

Parents only need to monitor the correctness of the useful manipulation - little fidgets must process the entire area of ​​the teeth, and the duration of the process should be at least 2 minutes.

Brush care

To prevent contamination of the surface of the children's toothbrush, it is necessary to store it correctly. Consider a few precautions for such hygiene items.

  • Cleaning devices for the little ones are made of a very soft material that quickly deteriorates. Therefore, they need to be changed every 2 months.
  • After the procedure for cleaning the dentition, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the instrument with running water.
  • The children's interdental device should be stored in a separate stand so that bacteria from other brushes do not get on it.
  • Do not put a wet hygiene item in the case. It's best to do this after it's dry.
  • If the child has had an infectious disease, be sure to replace his toothbrush.
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