
Oral-B children's electric toothbrushes

Oral-B children's electric toothbrushes
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Model overview
  3. For girls
  4. For boys
  5. How to choose?
  6. How to use?

Any responsible parent from the birth of a child begins to accustom to personal hygiene. Initially, this is everyday bathing, regular washing of pens, washing. And as soon as the first teeth erupt, the kids get acquainted with a new procedure - tooth brushing. Surely many mothers and fathers of children aged 3-5 years have faced the problem of inability to force a child to pick up a toothbrush. It is not clear why, but most children go into hysterics when they hear about the need for oral hygiene. That is why Procter & Gamble, with its Oral-B brand, decided to ease the plight of children and the worries of parents by creating an electric brush for them.


Oral-B baby toothbrushes are designed to help you get the most out of your baby's teeth and gums. Just like adult models, children's devices can be mechanical, sound and ultrasonic.

In general, there is a significant difference between children's and adult dental appliances. First, the degree of stiffness of the villi. Secondly, the size of the work surface. Third, the shape of the handle. And the last thing, of course, is the design performance.

The parents choose the model of the toothbrush required for the child on their own. However, Oral-B recommends consulting a dentist first. Only he will be able to tell which model will suit the child best.

Many parents still prefer hand-held dental cleaners. Although it has been proven more than once that they do not cope with their tasks. Electrical devices are more effective in this matter.

  • With proper use of the electric brush, the risk of periodontal disease is reduced.
  • The soft bristle instantly removes plaque, eliminates residual food collected between the teeth.
  • Almost all models have a pressure sensor, which minimizes the risk of damage to the enamel.
  • Electric brushes have a timer for moving the head with a pile.
  • A child spends only 2 minutes on dental care. But thanks to the Oral-B brand, he is making good use of this time.

Quite often, young parents wonder at what age it is necessary to start brushing their child's teeth. Pediatric dentists say that the first hygiene procedure should take place when the baby has its first baby teeth. But at such an early age, in no case should you use electrical devices. The enamel of the first teeth is very fragile. If it is damaged, there is a high likelihood of developing caries. The enamel becomes strong when the child reaches 3 years of age. This is when you should start using electrical care products.

Model overview

Oral-B baby electric brushes guarantee maximum plaque removal and effective interdental cleaning. Their main distinguishing features are ease of use and safety.

Everyone knows that hygiene is an important part of the life of a person of any age. It is especially important to observe hygiene procedures for children.

And to make brushing their teeth a joy, Oral-B has developed a variety of electric toothbrushes in a variety of designs.

Oral-B Pro 400 Junior Sensi Ultrathin

A very comfortable model designed for children from 6 years old. Its distinguishing feature is its ease of use. The device has a built-in 2-minute timer. The brush vibrates every 30 seconds to remind you to change the brushing area. Another advantage of the presented model is the presence of an indicator. Replaceable tips are equipped with a wear indicator. It represents blue villi, which discolor during use. As soon as the villi are half discolored, it is necessary to replace the brush head. The undeniable advantage of the presented model is the double effect. For 2 minutes of activity, it removes several times more plaque than a hand brush, without damaging the enamel of the teeth. The unique bristle shape allows you to efficiently clean each tooth without feeling discomfort and painful sensations.

Oral-B SMART 4 ​​(4000)

This model is comparable to a modern smartphone. Its system has a built-in bluetooth transmitter, due to which the product is synchronized with the application on the phone. It may sound crazy, but in fact it is technical progress. Before starting the procedure, the child enters the program of a mini-dentist, who tells how to properly care for his teeth, and can even check if the child has hygiene skills. After the procedure, the software animation will clarify which kid made mistakes. And if everything went well, she will give the child a gift. In general, it is ideal for children over the age of 13. An important feature of this model is the presence of several cleaning modes, among which there are “daily care”, “care for sensitive teeth” and “care for the gums”.

It is noteworthy that all children's toothbrushes are made in a unique design using their favorite cartoon characters. Bright colors attract children, motivating them to new exploits. But for many babies, morning and evening hygiene procedures seem like torment.

For girls

Surely all the girls liked the cartoon "Frozen". Most babies (like ardent fans) ask their parents to buy all kinds of toys and paraphernalia corresponding to this cartoon fairy tale. And if badges and stickers can be called useless waste, then a toothbrush with portraits of your favorite characters on the body will be the best purchase.

Stages Power Frozen Kids

The presented model is highly efficient. In the process of care procedures, the child gets maximum pleasure. The bristle moves in a reciprocating-rotating motion, due to which it reaches even to hard-to-reach places. It is worth noting that this type of electric toothbrush is recommended for parents to teach children the rules of hygiene. It can be used by children over 3 years of age. The design of the product corresponds to the size of the child's oral cavity. A rechargeable battery is hidden in the handle, the full charge of which is sufficient for weekly use.

Oral-B Vitality Kids "Frozen"

This model is also decorated in the style of the cartoon "Frozen". Moreover, the manufacturer has included in the kit several stickers with which the child can mark personal hygiene products. From the technical point of view, this product is effective. This model provides gentle care for the oral cavity of small crumbs. In addition, the device is equipped with a 2-minute timer, which helps your child develop a habit of regular oral care over time. A distinctive feature of this model is the presence of several cleaning modes. The first mode is for daily grooming, while the second is a gentle cleaning designed for babies with sensitive enamel and gums.

For boys

For boys, the Oral-B brand has developed many models of toothbrushes with designs corresponding to famous cartoons. However, several models are in great demand. And this is connected not only with the creative design of products.

Vitality Kids "Cars"

The presented model of an electric toothbrush is designed for children from the age of 3 years. Its design performance corresponds to the famous cartoon "Cars". On the technical side, the product is equipped with a timer for 2 minutes of operation. Every 30 seconds, the toothbrush tells the baby to change the area to brush their teeth. The uniqueness of this model lies in the presence of the "gentle cleaning" mode, suitable for children with delicate teeth.

Smart 4 Junior Sensi

Dentists and specialists from the Oral-B brand took part in the development of this model. Together, they managed to create a masterpiece designed for children aged 6 years and older. An important feature is equipping the product system with 3d cleaning technology. Do not forget that the device has a 2-minute timer with a 30-second notification of a change in the position of the cleaning head. In case of strong pressure that can damage the enamel and gums, an indicator is triggered, as a result of which the speed of rotation of the nozzle is automatically reduced. Many are scared that the device is powered by a lithium-ion battery. But this is not unusual. Almost all modern grooming devices are equipped with similar batteries. A full charge of the battery lasts for 2 weeks of use. It is equally important to note that this electric toothbrush has a waterproof case. So you don't have to worry that the product will become unusable due to contact with water.

How to choose?

Choosing a toothbrush for a child is not easy. But in any case, parents will have to delve into these subtleties in order to acquire only the right oral care devices for their baby.

Oral-B electric brushes for children are available for ages 3-9. Each individual product was developed for a specific age of the child, which is why it is impossible to call oral hygiene devices universal. Products with a harder bristle are more suitable for children aged 8–9 years, and brushes with soft bristles are designed for babies.

Specialists of the Oral-B brand approached the design very meticulously. They did not come up with their own drawings, but took the heroes of the most beloved cartoons of modern children as a basis. More recently, the Oral-B brand lineup included the Oral-B Mickey KIDS toothbrush. She was equipped with a timer, which is available in every modern model, and also sang 16 tunes from the Mickey Mouse cartoon.

Today, it is impossible to please a child with an unknown cartoon character, so the design should be chosen according to the child's preferences.

Children over the age of 7 cannot be surprised by the music timer. They already consider themselves adults and are fully interested in telephones. Realizing this subtlety, the Oral-B brand has developed a dedicated smartphone app. Before brushing their teeth, they start the program and, under the game timer, change the position of the cleaning head. The application, in turn, determines how well the child brushed his teeth. If the program does not reveal any errors, the child receives praise and virtual reward. Young parents should understand that a toothbrush and a telephone are not suitable for a child under 7 years old.

Someone argues that the Oral-B brand is acting cunningly, setting specific age restrictions on the manufactured toothbrushes for children, thinking only about their own profit. In fact, this manufacturer is one of the few who cares about their little customers. Yes, Oral-B recommends electric toothbrushes for children under the age of 9. This is due to the fact that the enamel of milk teeth, gradually changing to molars, contains a small amount of calcium and phosphorus. Complete mineralization takes a long time. That is why the manufacturer makes children's toothbrushes only with soft bristles, which is not capable of injuring the protective layer of teeth and delicate gums.

And the age categories on the products are characterized by the fact that an older child can use a device with a stiffer bristle, while babies need an exceptionally soft bristle.

Continuing the topic of bristle stiffness, several dentists decided to conduct research to understand the difference between the effectiveness of different models of children's electric brushes. As an extension of the study, children's devices have been supplemented with several adult models. After lengthy experiments, it was found that adult brushes operating in the “gentle cleaning” mode correspond to the standard operating mode of a care product for children aged 9 years and older.

According to the information provided, you can make a list of rules that allow you to choose the ideal electric toothbrush for your child:

  • children under the age of 12 should choose cleaning products with soft bristles;
  • for children aged 6–12 years, it is recommended to purchase cleaning products designed for sensitive teeth;
  • when choosing a children's toothbrush for cleaning teeth, it is necessary to be guided by the child's design preferences;
  • it is important to pay attention to the age limit of the model you like.

How to use?

It is imperative to teach your child how to use the electric brush correctly. The kids, who first took such a product in their hands, simply push it into their mouths and begin to stubbornly fidget with bristles in their teeth, as was done earlier. That is why parents should first acquaint their child with a high-tech device, talk about its capabilities, show how the rotation of the head is turned on, and, most importantly, explain how to carry out a hygienic procedure with a rotating nozzle.

It is important to remember: before the first use, the cleaning head must be rinsed in clean water without any detergents. The same procedure should be followed after every brushing of your teeth.

Further, it is necessary to apply baby toothpaste to the moving part of the product. After - press the power button. The child should present the prepared instrument to the front teeth of the upper jaw and stay in this position for a few seconds.This is how the inner and outer sides of the teeth are processed. A similar manipulation is carried out with the lower jaw. After the cleaning procedure, the operating platform of the device must be rinsed under running water.

With regular use, the child may notice that the colored bristles become pale. This is a kind of nozzle replacement indicator. As soon as the color has come down to half the length, you should change the cleaning head.

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