
All About Toothbrushes for Braces

All About Toothbrushes for Braces
  1. Peculiarities
  3. How to choose?
  4. Top Models
  5. Operating tips

Oral hygiene needs to be given a lot of attention. It is required to use high quality toothpastes and brushes. Separately, it is worth choosing brushes for braces. In this article, we will explain everything about these hygiene accessories.


Currently, the range of quality toothbrushes is rich in different models. A separate category should include specimens designed specifically for braces. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the braces themselves are very complex designs, in which there are a large number of small parts. In the gaps that remain between them (around the main wire, locks and fastening areas), food debris can accumulate in large quantities. Very quickly, they begin to form a plaque, which must be got rid of.

For this purpose, regular toothbrushes sold in most stores will not work. Such hygiene items simply cannot cope with the deposited dirt, especially when it comes to hard-to-reach places.

If plaque accumulates constantly, then the inevitable process of its mineralization will provoke the formation of tartar, develop caries and other possible diseases.

In order not to face such troubles, special orthodontic toothbrushes are produced today. These are special devices for keeping the oral cavity clean. They should be used while wearing braces. The main difference between these items and standard brushes is that they are equipped with bristles of different lengths. There are shorter elements in the middle and long ones at the edges.

The bristles, which are equipped with modern orthodontic brushes for cleaning teeth, are made from specialized soft bristles.

This material is not capable of causing the slightest harm to the elements that are included in the bracket system.

The structure of the instruments in question makes it possible to brush your teeth productively and without problems. It is the elongated brushes that are responsible for this. The constituent components of the orthodontic construction are designed to clean the short villi. The system is extremely simple, but very effective.

Modern manufacturers offer consumers a wide variety of variations of devices designed specifically for braces. On sale there are both very inexpensive brushes and multifunctional electrical devices, many of which are quite expensive.


Orthodontic toothbrushes come in a variety of models. They differ from each other in form, device, and application nuances. A user with any requirements and wishes can choose the right option. Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of orthodontic brushes of different modifications.


These types are the most prominent representatives of orthodontic brushes with bristles of different lengths. Due to this feature of the device, the relief of such devices is made in the shape of the letter V. A model of this type should be selected only after prior consultation with a doctor. The specialist will be able to give the necessary recommendations regarding the care of braces, will help you choose the perfect brush.

V-shaped varieties of orthodontic brushes are selected based on certain criteria.

  • The material from which the villi are made. It is best to choose synthetic and soft enough options.

  • Manufacturer and cost. It makes no sense to buy too cheap a product from an unknown brand, because its quality may soon disappoint you.

  • Brush head dimensions. It is best that the head size is not very large and is 25-30 mm for adults and 20 mm for children.


The stores also sell special single-beam brushes for cleaning braces. These devices have a characteristic L-shaped handle. At its end there is only one bundle, collected from the villi. In operation, single-beam specimens are considered one of the most convenient and practical. That is why they are chosen by many people who wear braces. Thanks to the device in question, it is possible to clean even very hard-to-reach areas without problems. For example, it can be wisdom teeth, which are often difficult to get to.

When using a single-beam brush, it is very important to remember that it must be replaced monthly. When choosing a specific model of this device, it is best to give preference to options with soft bristles, a small rounded head. The optimal dimensions of the latter should be 11 mm for adults and 7 mm for children. It is advisable to buy single-beam brushes, the bristles of which are up to 9 mm.


The brush is also a handy tool. By means of such a brush, it is possible to penetrate even under the wire, which is included in the design of the braces. Users can clean the lateral surfaces of the teeth well. For modern bracket systems, there are specialized models of brushes with dusting, which acts as a protection against scratches.

There are different modifications of the brushes. These hygiene tools vary in size and shape of the bristles. The angle of attachment to the handle is also different. That is why it is so important to consult an orthodontist before making a purchase so that he can help you choose the best option for such a brush.

When using brush brushes, remember to replace them weekly. You cannot use the same device for longer.


Electric toothbrush models have become very popular today. These are more modern and multifunctional specimens. They are distinguished by the possibility of pulsation and vibration. Thanks to this, you can achieve more intensive movements (translational or rotational) of the brush.

Electric brushes clean teeth with braces more intensively, and this is a definite plus. However, they also have certain disadvantages that must be taken into account before buying such a device:

  • using an electric brush, there is a high risk of injury to the gums;

  • thinning of the enamel occurs under the condition of daily use of the electric model;

  • possible damage to the bracket system itself during regular use of the brush;

  • such a device needs to be constantly recharged or replaced with batteries;

  • many models of electric brushes are relatively expensive.

There are less dangerous and more effective options. These are ultrasonic electric brushes. True, such devices are much more expensive.

How to choose?

When choosing a toothbrush for braces, you need to be especially careful and responsible. The buyer must take into account many features of the selection of such a hygienic instrument. Consider what criteria should be based on when looking for the perfect brush.

  • The first thing a buyer needs to do is consult a doctor. The specialist will give his recommendations, and also tell you which brush model is most suitable. It is strongly discouraged to select orthodontic care devices without taking into account the opinion of a doctor.

  • It is important to decide for yourself which brush will be more convenient to use. Different types of orthodontic models have different shapes, structures and sizes. Choose exactly the option that you will use with comfort. Otherwise, the operation of an inconvenient brush may be ineffective.

  • Select brushes with a head size that meets your requirements. It was indicated above what parameters different types of devices should have. Different options will be suitable for adult users and children, which is very important to consider.

  • It is advisable to choose orthodontic brushes that are equipped with soft bristles. Too hard beams can cause a lot of unpleasant sensations, and in some cases cause some damage.

  • Decide on the price for which you would agree to buy an orthodontic toothbrush. The stores sell both cheap and very expensive options. A buyer with any financial capabilities can choose the best tool.

  • It is recommended to buy only branded orthodontic braces brushes. Today, many well-known companies produce high-quality models that are both safe and very convenient to use. Among branded products, you can find not only expensive, but also budget items.

Top Models

Today the range of quality orthodontic brushes for cleaning braces is very rich. There are many different models for the choice of consumers. Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of the best specimens.

  • Pierrot Xtreme Orthodontic. High quality toothbrush made in Spain. Designed specifically for effective cleaning of orthodontic appliances. It has a compact size, is distinguished by a very ergonomic device, due to which it is convenient to use. The cleaning head of this brush provides access to all elements of both the bracket system and the oral cavity as a whole.

  • Oral-B Pro Ortho Care. A very popular line of orthodontic brushes. The products are electrical. So, the Oral-B Pro model has a small round head. This device is very convenient to brush your teeth and the spaces between them. There are operating modes that allow you to prevent possible damage with regular use.
  • Curaprox CS5460 Ortho. Another very popular model.It is characterized by its Ultra Soft hardness (or "very soft"). This model is designed with several rows of soft bristles. The device has a V-shaped structure. Cleans teeth and gums from plaque as gently and effectively as possible.
  • Colgate Ortho. Using this orthodontic brush, you can achieve perfect cleaning of both teeth and the entire bracket system. This particular model is one of the favorites of orthodontists. This is because Colgate Ortho has soft outer bristles and stiffer inner bristles. This contributes to better cleaning of the braces and oral cavity.
  • Vitis Orthodontic. The high-quality cleaning device is equipped with a special protrusion in the upper area of ​​the head. It is here that long bristles are present. In other places, the pile has different lengths, thicknesses and degrees of rigidity. This makes the cleaning process not only very simple, but also very effective.

Operating tips

The orthodontic brace brush must be used correctly. There is nothing difficult in this, but there are certain features that must be taken into account by users. Let's take a look at some useful tips for using such hygiene items.

Teeth cleaning

First, you need to figure out how to properly brush your teeth using an orthodontic brush. For the process to be of better quality, you need to prepare a large mirror. In it, it will be possible to clearly see all the uncleaned areas in the oral cavity. The algorithm of actions for cleaning teeth includes several steps.

  • First, the villi of the brush will need to be placed in the cervical area of ​​the teeth (meaning areas near the gums). The fixture must be tilted. Then they perform sweeping movements.

  • Each element and braces on it must be carefully worked out from the outside and inside.

  • All food debris along with plaque will need to be removed from the interdental gaps. Brushes are best suited for this.

  • After completing the hygienic procedure, the mouth must be rinsed with a special antiseptic solution.

The duration of the procedure for high-quality cleansing of the oral cavity with braces usually takes about 3 minutes.

When the standard steps are completed, it is advisable to use a special rinse aid.

Brush care

Users need to take care not only of the health of their teeth and the condition of the braces, but also of the orthodontic brush itself. This hygiene item also needs proper care. As a result, the service life of the brush can be longer. Let's take a look at how to care for your braces brush.

  • Orthodontic brush heads must be disinfected continuously. For this, it is better to use special antiseptics, for example, "Chlorhexidine".

  • After each procedure for brushing teeth with braces, the brush heads will need to be rinsed under running water to get rid of all bacteria that have accumulated on the surface. If you ignore this simple rule, bacteria will accumulate on the attachments. It is impossible to clean teeth and braces with such a device.

  • The brace brushes should only be stored in an upright position. To do this, it is best to use a glass or a special stand.

  • Orthodontic brush heads need to be replaced every 3-4 months.

  • If more modern electrical devices are used for high-quality treatment of the oral cavity, then after completing each of the procedures, the user will need to check their charge level. If necessary, the device needs to be charged, or the batteries in it should be replaced - it all depends on the modification of the brush.

It is imperative to follow all the listed recommendations. An orthodontic braces brush must be disinfected, absolutely safe.If the device has not been properly cared for, it is strongly discouraged to brush your teeth or braces. There will definitely not be positive results from such procedures.

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