
All About Toothbrush Cases

All About Toothbrush Cases
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Species overview
  3. How to choose?

Even as a child, all the children were told that their teeth should be brushed at least twice a day, and they were told how to properly handle a toothbrush in order to clean the oral cavity most effectively. But few people were told by their parents about the dental case, although this is one of the most important accessories. Let's try to figure out why such a cover is needed and how to choose the optimal model.


It is believed that toothbrush cases are required only when traveling. However, it is not. The fact is that toothbrushes are stored in the bathroom, and there it is always warm and damp, which creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. In addition, household chemicals and washing powders are often stored in this room. Even the smallest particles are hazardous contaminants. If they come into contact with the oral mucosa, they can cause serious health problems. Contact of the bristles with insects cannot be ruled out - on their paws they carry infectious agents that can be transmitted to humans.

To protect the toothbrush from the ingress of hazardous substances, special cases are used. The most sensitive users purchase sterilizers that inhibit the growth of pathogens.

Toothbrush tubes have their own characteristics:

  • they protect the human body from the ingress of dangerous microorganisms, toxic substances and dirt;
  • cases are made of high quality materials;
  • the accessories are lightweight and compact, so they do not take up much space in the bag - this makes them optimal when traveling.

The device is indispensable for neat people who strive to keep their brushes clean before performing hygiene procedures.Models of various sizes, colors and shapes are on sale. Thanks to this, you can find an ergonomic case for storing toothbrushes for both adults and young users.

Thus, there are five reasons to buy a box for your toothbrush. You need it if:

  • you often spend the night not at home (with friends or relatives);
  • travel a lot;
  • love to spend the weekend in a country house;
  • worry about the safety of your health;
  • you just do not want someone to touch your hygiene items.

Species overview

Most often, toothbrush cases are conventional containers made of plastic or other materials. They are used to store only one toothbrush. The service life of the case and its price directly depend on the material of manufacture and production technology. Modern toothbrush covers come in many different shapes.

  • Case attachment - such a cap is put on only the bristles, the upper part of the brush. They are compact and lightweight, but the handle remains unprotected.
  • Boxes are sealed cases. Some models additionally contain compartments for placing toothpaste, manicure supplies, and other little things. This option will be optimal for long trips or business trips.
  • Sterilizer is the most reliable case, it completely destroys all bacteria on the bristles. The effect is achieved through the use of safe ceramics. Some manufacturers have additionally equipped such hoods with UV lamps and accessories for steam treatment of the brushes.
  • Most often, the tube consists of two halves that are connected like a soap dish. Less common are models consisting of a main unit and a cap. Models can have different shapes, sizes and colors.

How to choose?

It would seem that buying a brush cover does not present any particular problems. Nevertheless, there are many little things to think about.

  • The container should not be bulky - compact models take up very little space in the bag. This is especially true when it comes to travel tubes, they can be used with maximum convenience in a train or car.
  • Press down on the case before buying - if it bends, it means that the product is not strong and durable enough.
  • An important point that most buyers overlook: the tube must provide openings for water drainage and ventilation. Only in this case can we talk about the safe storage of the hygiene item.
  • If you decide to choose a container from closable elements - check the tightness of their fixation. If the pencil case begins to open by itself, then it is unlikely that it will be able to ensure tightness and protection from the penetration of pathogenic microflora.

A wide variety of materials can be used to make toothbrushes.

  • Wood - usually oak or walnut is used. These are expensive models that are more suitable for aesthetes.
  • Plastic - the most common option. It is best to choose an accessory from the middle price category, cheap cases from Asian countries are usually made from low quality plastic.
  • Metal - usually cases are rarely made entirely of metal, most often they contain metal elements. In practice, this choice is not practical. With constant contact with water and air, the metal begins to oxidize and this leads to the appearance of rust.
  • Ceramics - the most expensive covers with the option of disinfection and disinfection.

The most popular are dental cases from some manufacturers.

  • Oral-b. Universal cases made of high-strength plastic. The range includes a range for storing baby brushes. Often sold together with toothbrushes as a complete set.
  • Blister - plastic caps for storing a hygienic accessory, reliably protect against dust and dirt. Such products are easy to open. All models have ventilation slots.
  • Violight - a tube with built-in ultraviolet radiation. Used for storage and disinfection of hygiene items, runs on conventional batteries. The manufacturer claims that such a cover destroys pathogenic microflora by 98%.
  • "Triumph" - durable and lightweight boxes made of high quality polypropylene. They are distinguished by their durability, compact dimensions and aesthetic design.
  • Berossi Trevel - dense, compact, at the same time inexpensive pencil case made of high quality plastic. It has a universal shape, so it can be used for hygiene products of any manufacturer.

The toothbrush storage case is an essential accessory to create the conditions for safe storage and use of your toothbrush.

It is important to keep it clean and dry, and from time to time treat it with antiseptic solutions. If these simple conditions are observed, your daily hygiene procedures will become even more effective!

For how the toothbrush case looks like, see the next video.

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