
Why brush your teeth?

Why brush your teeth?
  1. When did people start brushing their teeth?
  2. Why is cleaning necessary?
  3. What happens if you give up the brush?

In the morning, there is an unpleasant taste in the mouth, this is a confirmation that colonies of a wide variety of bacteria have grown in the mucous membranes during the night, especially if a person does not have the habit of brushing his teeth at night. According to anatomy, every person has the bacteria Streptococcus mutans in their mouths. In a minimal amount, they do not harm health, but if they get into an acidic environment, which usually develops in the mouth after eating or drinking, they quickly begin to grow and damage the gums, mucous membranes of the mouth, tooth enamel, and tooth roots.

When did people start brushing their teeth?

The great-grandmothers of modern toothbrushes, which all people use today, appeared at the end of the 18th century; they began to be produced in mass production in the 19th century. But an ancient man came up with the idea of ​​taking care of oral hygiene. Then, as the rock paintings show, people chewed oak bark, tree resin. In the sultan's harems, special servants cleaned the mouth of the concubines after each meal, they not only cleaned the mouth of the sultan's beloved women, but also rinsed the entire cavity with special decoctions of herbs.

This means that modern people began to observe oral hygiene according to the traditions that came from their ancestors. They just used completely different means: oak bark, herbs, resin.

Why is cleaning necessary?

After eating starchy foods, the environment in the mouth becomes acidic, which leads to the multiplication of bacteria that form dental plaque. The only sure way to prevent the development of acid bacteria is to clean the oral cavity well, destroy plaque, flush out mucous membranes from food debris after each meal, even after a day's snack. Experts from the American Dental Association today recommend that you clean your teeth at least 2 times a day - in the morning after sleep and in the evening before going to bed.

However, it is important to understand that you cannot brush your teeth immediately after eating, as the saliva released helps the digestion of foods. At the same time, the salivary substance itself is a natural cleaning agent; it regulates the acidic environment if the food contains many components that contribute to its formation. Experts point out that it is necessary to remove plaque in the morning in order to free the periodontal space from bacteria that have grown overnight. And after eating, rinse your mouth with clean water without using purchased rinsing agents.

There is an opinion that it is worth brushing your teeth after breakfast to freshen your breath, but this is fundamentally a wrong judgment. Morning brushing is beneficial, as it destroys plaque that has formed overnight. Before going to bed, cleaning your mouth is beneficial because the acidic environment is regulated to prevent the proliferation of harmful bacteria.

In the morning

In the morning, many experts recommend rinsing your mouth with boiled water, balms, and brushing your teeth after breakfast. At the same time, acid plaque is "eaten" together with food, disrupting digestion. To limit the build-up of plaque, to get rid of the formation of an environment favorable for the growth of bacteria, it is recommended to rinse off food debris after breakfast. As a result, a person gets fresh breath, protection from the accumulation of microbes. Without cleaning the plaque before breakfast, a person sends a mass of pathogenic bacteria into the stomach along with food, which harms the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Getting rid of germs from the stomach becomes the key to its health.

In hard-to-reach places between the distal molars, food debris should be removed during the day with a special thread, and then rinsed out your mouth. The thread partially removes bacterial plaque. Daily double brushing with a brush with paste only partially copes with the bacterial film, does not allow it to grow, cause inflammation on the gums.

Even the most thorough cleaning of the tooth surface removes some of the bacteria, since the bristle of the brushes does not penetrate into the interdental space. Therefore, many people use special threads for complete cleansing.

At night

In the morning, an unpleasant taste in the mouth is explained by the fact that a person has not brushed his teeth at night, small pieces of food get stuck between the teeth, and inflammation forms on the gums. Brushing your teeth in the evening regulates the acid balance. In a dream, saliva is produced less - the natural enemy of bacteria, so they multiply quickly. If you do not brush your teeth at night, it leads to the development of tooth decay, gum disease. This, in turn, leads to dysfunction of internal organs. Therefore, experts consider evening cleaning very important.

At night, saliva is released less - a natural enamel cleaner, acidity regulator. Because of this, plaque builds up more easily at night. People who think that once a day is enough to brush their teeth with toothpaste should do it before bed.

What happens if you give up the brush?

Refusal to use a brush leads to the accumulation of bacterial plaque on the surface of the teeth. When teeth are not cleaned of plaque, they begin to deteriorate, caries and periodontal disease develop. There is a situation when a person does not have the opportunity to brush his teeth every day, for example, seriously ill, lying down. Then it is necessary that the relatives caring for the sick person help him clean the oral cavity every day. It seems, well, what can happen in a week if you don't brush your teeth. The habit of daily cleansing is lost, the harmful work is done by pathogenic microbes.

We must not forget about oral hygiene. If you stop brushing your teeth altogether, an unpleasant odor accumulates in your mouth, bacteria infect not only your teeth, gums, but also the internal organs of the digestive system.For those who drink a lot of coffee, black tea during the day, rinsing the teeth is simply a must. Otherwise, within a month, the teeth will acquire a yellowish color, this plaque only promotes the growth of bacteria. Scientists have facts proving that if you do not brush your teeth for a year, then half of your teeth are lost due to caries, root diseases. But it is also not recommended to brush your teeth often; it is enough to use the brush only twice a day. The pile of modern brushes is artificial, they can simply rub off the enamel.

When there is a need to clean the oral cavity during the day, it is recommended to use dental floss, rinsing agents. This protects the enamel, it remains sensitive to temperature, spicy, sweet food. You can never completely abandon the brush - this leads to sad consequences.

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