
What kind of crafts can you make with toothpicks?

What kind of crafts can you make with toothpicks?
  1. Making a constructor
  2. DIY miniature chair
  3. How to make an umbrella?
  4. Other crafts

Surely many people have visited handicraft fairs at least once, where a wide variety of handicrafts from various materials are exhibited for the judgment of visitors. However, crafts made from the most common toothpicks enjoy special attention of the guests. Previously, craftsmen made huge locks from matches. They were used to build ships, create toys. Today, toothpicks have replaced matches.

It is worth noting that it is much more difficult to work with them. Firstly, they have a rounded shape, which creates great difficulties in connection. Secondly, toothpicks have sharp ends on both sides, so that a novice master will prick more than once against a future masterpiece. And only in the hands of professionals, this material turns from unapproachable to malleable. In just an hour, the master is able to make several Christmas tree decorations or a couple of decorative furniture elements for a doll house.

Making a constructor

Toothpicks are one of the high-quality, and most importantly, readily available materials for home art. People with a creative mindset are able to create with their help a wide variety of crafts that fit into the interior of the premises and even become their main decoration.

Do not forget that creating such crafts, especially with your family, is an excellent alternative to relaxing with a TV. It is equally important to involve young children in creative work. First of all, they develop fine motor skills, and, of course, artistic thinking develops.So, by joint efforts, you can create the most unique thing, which will certainly become an excellent gift for a family friend or close relative.

Modern craftsmen offer the attention of visitors to arts and crafts fairs a variety of hand-made toothpick products. It can be decorative flowers, animals, birds, New Year decorations for the Christmas tree, jewelry boxes. Well, children who liked this art are offered to receive special educational materials, where the rules for working with this rather dangerous material are written from "a" to "z".

And, of course, the training material contains several master classes on making the simplest crafts. One of these is the newfangled designer. Many parents acquire it for babies as an educational toy. In fact, it will be much more interesting for a child to make such a product on his own, and then play with it. Moreover, for work you will only need plasticine and, of course, packaging of toothpicks.

To begin with, plasticine is taken. Small pieces are pinched off from it and rolled into balls. They will play the role of toothpick attachments in the created constructor. As an example, the child needs to be shown the process of creating a triangle. It is required to take 3 plasticine balls and 3 toothpicks, connect them so that the conceived geometric figure is formed. When the child understands the essence, you can start creating volumetric models of the constructor. By alternating vertical and horizontal connections, you can create a cube or pyramid.

DIY miniature chair

As mentioned earlier, using toothpicks, you can make decorative furniture for a dollhouse. Little girls - owners of whole doll mansions - will join this work with special enthusiasm. To learn the basics of making decorative furniture, it is recommended to start by creating a chair. Moreover, for work you will only need to use blank toothpicks with cut ends and glue.

  • To make the back of a chair, a cut stick is taken and cut in half. Then 2 whole trimming toothpicks are taken, placed parallel to each other, and a cut blank is inserted between them.
  • To create support on the back of the seat, use a workpiece that matches the width of the highchair. After trying on, you need to glue it.
  • The front seat base is prepared in the same way as the rear.
  • The prepared base is fixed with side bars.
  • You can start preparing the seat. To do this, you need to take a certain number of cut-off workpieces and connect them using crossbars.
  • The prepared seat is fixed to the chair base.

How to make an umbrella?

With a little imagination, it will be possible to create a doll umbrella from an ordinary toothpick, which can be used not only for children's games, but also as a decoration for cocktails and festive dishes. To work, you will need corrugated paper, scissors, glue and, of course, the toothpicks themselves.

  • Several identical circles must be cut out of paper. The first is lubricated with glue. On top of it, like the sun's rays, 8 toothpicks are laid out at an equal distance from each other. Next, the second circle is greased with glue and applied from above.
  • You need to make an umbrella handle. To do this, take 2 toothpicks and interconnect with paper or tape.
  • It remains to glue the umbrella or sheathe it with fabric material.

Other crafts

In fact, creating crafts from toothpicks is quite difficult. And before making the first high-quality masterpiece, you will have to go a long way of learning. It is especially important to support young children in mastering this technique. They often get upset that they can't get a fake the first time and give up trying again.In fact, children and novice craftsmen need to select the simplest work, which will not be difficult to repeat.

So, for example, you can make a beautiful flower basket from a plastic bottle. Well, having gained experience, already start creating large models, for example, a crossbow and even a multi-level house. It is worth starting with flower bouquets. For work, you will need to stock up on some materials, namely, foam balls, spray paint, several packages of toothpicks and sparkles.

  • First you need to take 3 foam balls of different sizes.
  • Several toothpicks are inserted into each foam ball.
  • Next, the foam base is decorated with glue and sparkles.
  • You can make 5 or 6 of such unusual bouquets, and then put them in a basket made from the base of a plastic bottle sheathed with toothpicks.

All parents at least once in their lives have faced the problem of washing the child from glue after creating a craft. And often the consistency of the glue mass turns out to be so terrible that it is simply impossible to get rid of it the first time. Therefore, parents are looking for a lot of options for home development of their baby without the use of adhesive components. Toothpicks in this case are the ideal material.

Thanks to their sharp tips, they easily stick into a variety of substrates, be it plasticine, polystyrene or foam rubber. Thanks to the plasticine connection, you can create models of houses, cars, aircraft. Foam and foam bases are often used to create flower baskets. What is most interesting, such crafts without glue can be prepared even as laboratory and control work in high school. For example, for a physics lesson, create a model of atoms and molecules.

For young children, it is preferable to work with a softer base material, this can be foam or plasticine. Having shown a little imagination from these simple means, you can make a unique toy, for example, a hedgehog. For work, you need a foam ball, plasticine and a set of toothpicks. The main thing is that the work process is as easy and safe as possible for the baby.

  • The ball must be cut in half.
  • Using plasticine, sculpt the hedgehog's face and fix it on the base.
  • Toothpicks are taken and stuck into the back of the toy, imitating real needles.
  • Paint should be used as a finishing touch to give the toy a natural look.


A handmade jewelry box will be an exquisite and unique gift for a good friend or family member. And most importantly, you can make it from ordinary toothpicks. However, in addition to the main material, you need to stock up on cardboard, awl, glue, threads, ribbons, beads.

  • First you need to make the base of the future box. It can be round, heart-shaped or square. Further, stepping back from the edge of the base, using an awl, you need to make small holes. The distance between the holes must be the same.
  • You need to take toothpicks, cut off their sharp tips and fix the blunt tails in the holes made with an awl. Then drip a little glue into the joints of the base and toothpicks. It is necessary to wait until the glue is completely dry, and then proceed to braiding with thread.
  • In the process of weaving, beads or rhinestones should be threaded into the thread so that the box acquires decorative beauty.


Christmas tree decorations made of toothpicks will look unusual and very impressive. Of course, they very much resemble a sea urchin, although their surface is covered with silver or gilded paint. To work, you will need a few foam balls and a couple of packages of toothpicks.

  • A thread must be attached to the plastic ball, which will cling to the Christmas tree branch.
  • Next, toothpicks are taken and stuck to the same depth in the foam base. The distance between the toothpicks should be approximately the same.
  • After creating a needle ball, it must be coated with silver or gold paint.


Well, for those who have already managed to gain experience in creating crafts from toothpicks, you can start designing complex models. In this case, we are not talking about Christmas tree decorations, hedgehogs and boats, but about a real model of a multi-level house, or rather, a manor.

According to experienced craftsmen, making a house from toothpicks is much easier than creating ship structures. And yet, not everyone has the patience to get the job done. It takes at least a month to create complex models. After all, you have to work on every single detail of the building for more than one day.

For the first model of the house, it is worth choosing a simpler design so that only toothpicks and glue are required for work.

  • To begin with, the base of the house is being prepared, more precisely, the floor covering. Toothpicks are taken, folded together, fixed with glue.
  • After the floor has dried, the walls must be erected. In no case should we forget that the house should have windows and doors. There should be slots for them.
  • Having raised the walls to the roof, it is necessary to arrange the window and doorway. To create a window, several toothpicks are taken, connected to each other in the form of rustic window frames. The door is folded by connecting toothpicks laid across the walls.
  • Roof preparation is a more complicated process. To begin with, on 2 sides of the house, it is necessary to increase the height of the walls, giving them a triangular shape. Then lay out the toothpicks longitudinally and fix them with glue. The roof will be held on them. After the glue dries, it remains only to fix the toothpicks at the closest possible distance from each other, placing them along the roof from top to bottom.
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