Home dresses - be irresistible at home

Dresses worn at home appeared in the women's wardrobe more than 100 years ago. In the 18-19 centuries, such outfits were sewn from light and dim fabric. They were long and with a small train, and also had long sleeves.

Nowadays, many women also prefer not to wear a dressing gown or other indoor clothing at home, but dresses. Let's find out what is special about dresses for home and what they are.

In home dress, girls look attractive and neat. In such an outfit it is very convenient to receive guests and work around the house.

Such dresses are pleasing to the eye and differ in the following characteristics:
- They successfully combine practicality of use and beauty.
- Dresses for home are sewn mainly from natural materials that are pleasant to the body. Household dresses should not chafe or irritate the skin. In addition, the fabric must be breathable and absorbent.
- Models should be non-staining and easy to clean.
- A home dress does not have a very intricate and interfering cut.
- The color of the product is chosen cheerful and bright. Home dress should not have a dull or very dark shade.
- Home decor is used to a minimum.

Styles and models
Home dresses are most often presented in the following styles:
- Tunic dresses. In such spacious models, movements will not be constrained, and in cool weather such a dress can be worn with house trousers or leggings.
- Sundresses. They are both fitted and free. Most often they are knee-length.
- Shirt dresses. This is a very practical and attractive dressing option for the home.
- Loose fit models. They have different cutout shapes - round, V-shaped, boat and other.
- Dress with a low waistline. Usually, the skirt of such an outfit is of medium length, and due to the lower waist, the girl can visually hide her full hips.
- Kimono dresses. Such outfits attract with bright prints and ease of use.

The material from which the home dress is sewn is most often presented:
- Silk.
- Flax.
- Cotton.
- Knitwear.
- Viscose.
- Velor.

Silk outfits are the most expensive, but also the most enjoyable in hot weather. In addition, homemade silk outfits look smart. Most often they are bright and with rather variegated colors.

The most popular and widespread are knitted, cotton and linen home dresses. It is very easy to care for such products, and the colors and styles of such outfits are represented by an extensive assortment. In addition, they are cheaper than silk ones. Viscose home dresses are also referred to as budget and wear-resistant models.

Velor home dresses are bought for the cool season, as an alternative to a warm robe and suit. This fabric is pleasant to the body and looks very attractive. Models made of this material often have a hood.

Ankle-length dresses are not often chosen as a home outfit. Mostly such models are popular in the cool season. They are also in demand among girls who want to hide full or ugly legs.

Knee-length home dresses are the most common of this type of outfit. They are suitable for a girl with any figure and can be presented in a variety of styles. Many home midi dresses have a sleeve, and most often its length is three-quarters.

Above the knee lengths are not as common as mid-length home dresses, as you often have to bend over while doing chores. Meeting guests in a short home dress is also not very convenient. If a girl chooses a short outfit, then most often it is represented by a tunic dress.

Selection Tips
First of all, it is important that the model of the home outfit does not restrict movement. Therefore, very tight and too tight outfits are not suitable for the home. You should not buy products with constantly falling straps, unfastened buttons or too tight elastic bands.

Other important tips when choosing home dresses are:
- Buy models from high quality and natural materials.
- Choose the right length for your height. The ideal choice would be an average length, while long-legged beauties should not buy an overly short home dress, and long models are contraindicated for short girls.
- Also pay attention to the depth of the neckline, especially if you live with children.
- Among the shades, it is better to choose pastel colors, since too bright or dark shades can irritate both the woman herself and the household.
- If you are looking for a model with a print, take into account the peculiarities of your figure, since a small drawing will slim down, and a large pattern, on the contrary, will add volume.